"Life can be challenging. As a deeply empathic healer, I can sense into everyone's pain and how to unlock it. My dear friend, one day, we wake up and finally decide to bring our voices, values, and infinite courage to the surface. In doing so, we begin to build peaceful, inspired, and dynamic lives. I would love to be your coach." - Paul Wagner

Whether you're seeking personal or spiritual growth, professional development, or to overcome specific challenges, my intuitive coaching and loving (sometimes intense) guidance will help you navigate your circumstances toward the most empowering goals. We'll design our time together to help you release the past and command the present moment.

Let's embark on a journey of Self-discovery, spiritual growth, and transformation together - diving deeply into uplifting your life. I would LOVE to walk with you.

Our sessions together will be nurturing, informative, and inspiring! (and a little spicy!)

When you work with me, you'll...

Gain clarity and insights into your life & relationships

Release limiting patterns, beliefs, projections, and excuses

Reframe experiences and take positive action

Experience personal and relational growth

Improve your Self-esteem and Self-worth

Feel empowered, loved, heard, and more alive



Together, we'll go beneath the "surface" and dive deeply within - to heal, encourage, and enlighten your life. During our coaching session together, you'll experience:


Coaching is your commitment to connecting more deeply with your Self. In our sessions together, I will guide you toward a deeper connection and presence.


Through your participation and openness, you will release the past and open new pathways to your unfolding and happiness.


You'll learn profound processes to help you forgive everything and let it all go.


Over time, you will feel the depth of who you are and begin to live in that wonderful, expanded place. You will be clear, proactive, and without resistance. You'll flow with your life, relationships, and reality in ways aligned with your most empowered Self.


My goal is to help you feel more seen, heard, and loved. Discover how wonderful and miraculous you truly are.


Together, we'll discover the most empowering pathways and the most expanded possibilities for you. You'll journal and process your emotions to become more open to your highest potential. With more faith in yourself, you can heal and expand beyond measure!


I will guide you to take effective action in your life to reach your goals, improve relationships, and navigate challenges.

Answers to Your Questions

Dive deeply with Paul into the various aspects of your life. Explore pressing questions about your experiences, relationships, beliefs, business, and more. You'll receive Paul's insights into your hopes, dreams, and desires.
Lately, Paul has been offering group coaching programs only when someone puts together a small group (4-8 people). Whoever assembles the group receives a 50% discount plus other benefits. If this is of interest, ping Paul through the contact link in the footer of this page.
For 8-16 weeks, you'll engage with Paul via individual sessions and private chats on Skype.
You can fill out the questionnaire to explore if coaching is right for you. You might also begin keeping a journal and working through your emotions and desires.
Yes, please be your fully authentic self. Always BE YOURSELF! Celebrate yourself!
No. Although Paul will recommend various prayers, processes, and rituals, any spiritual information that is shared is meant for participants in all religions. You are also encouraged to follow the tenets of whichever religious beliefs feel best to you.
Paul is a wild, authentic person and he hopes to inspire the same in others. Paul and his coaching groups do not subscribe to the contrived rules of political correctness as this is confining and judgmental. Be yourself and let others do the same. There are no victims.

Join Our Lovely Tribe!

Receive Love-Notes With Beautiful And Empowering Information. Enjoy!

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