The Ultimate Orgasm

The Ultimate Orgasm

Let’s all orgasm as often as possible, shall we? 

We are all looking for the ultimate, phantasmic cum-ination of our desires. We’re all pushing and grasping to be happy. And we love when our bodies experience release. 

We awake every day and venture to bed every day fantasizing about reaching a place of not only comfort and peace but ultimate pleasure.

I knew that the pleasure I was enjoying at the time was limited, so I kept digging.

The more and more I delved into spiritual practices, I would have moments that blew my mind, but it felt like the carrot was always 10 feet in front of me. I knew there were other realms and experiences to be achieved, but I also knew that my desire to achieve these things opposed the path I was embracing.

At the time, I was often consciously leaving my body and engaging in myriad spiritual activities – whereby my spirit was engaging with reality in ways that were not textbook. Other Beings were contacting me, I saw aliens from other dimensions, and I had a ridiculous amount of light coming through my hands, which was helpful to some – and alarming to others. I was a diamond in the rough.

My level of electricity was quite alarming, and I was a bit wild. While it wasn’t a time of awareness and decency (I was clearly a work in progress), I was earnest in seeking the highest good and the most vibrant light.

I met Amma, The Hugging Saint, in a tiny room in Cambridge, MA, where I immediately fell to the floor in worship. Later, I opened her retreats with playful, spiritual lectures. I studied the teachings of Chogyam Trungpa and Osho. At the time, I was a children’s TV show host and traveling comedian, and for years felt a conflict within me around being in the world while knowing what it was like to be around Amma – there was nothing more illuminating. 

I was itchin’ to evolve but I had a ways to go-  from Oversexed Comedic Yogi to Bearer Of Light. 

Tantric Sex

I was fascinated by the idea of channeling my energy rather than depleting it. While it took me years to achieve, I was later able to channel my sexual energy upwards from the root chakra through to the crown and beyond – all with orgasms at each chakra and without ejaculating. I loved the energy tantric sex gave me. Without the release, my body vibrated and attracted great success – and over time, my third eye burst open.

It’s better than pizza. 

While the intuition and psychic abilities that emerge are quite wonderful, they pale in comparison to the sense of divinity one can achieve through the process of moving the kundalini upwards in the body.

Given the tingling from each mini energy burst (orgasm) in the chakras as the kundalini rises to the crown, it’s something I’ve continued and appreciated throughout my whole life.

Even so, for a long while, I was still identifying with the body, not the All That Is.

I know that sounds a bit lofty, but it’s quite real – and yes, achievable.

We are continually seeking pleasure – and that’s a good thing. 

By seeking pleasure, we seek The Divine – possibly a transconditional reality – whereby, whatever is happening in our lives, regardless of the circumstances, we become present to joy of spirit and body – or we embody bliss. We know this is possible because our essence, our Being, our electromagnetic sets of memory impressions, have experienced it before, either in other realms or other lives. Or in parallel! 

I’m not talking about what happens in college when we experiment with our pinkies and various holes – I’m referring to other-worldly experiences.

We might believe that our memory of divine bliss involves the human body, but it doesn’t.

It’s incredible how each of us can fool ourselves.

The False Tantra

Let’s get into the mechanics of tantras.

The Kama Sutra, written by Vatsyayana Mallanaga, is primarily concerned with kama, one of the four aims of traditional human life in Hindu philosophy. It deals with desire, love, relationships, and sexual intercourse. While it is not based in the non-dualistic principles found in the ancient Advaita Vedanta or the Buddhist Noble truths, for a time, it became a manual for dualistic, holistic, if not, hedonistic living.

Tantras are a genre of religious scriptures found in Hinduism and Buddhism covering a wide range of topics, including philosophy, rituals, prayers, yogas, and styles of worship. 

The confusion between the word “tantra” and “tantric sex” stems from a combination of cultural misinterpretations, oversimplifications, influencer hype and misdirection, and the sensationalization around a tiny insignificant sexual discourse found in the outskirts of the more sacred traditions. In short, people in the west twisted the concept of Tantras because we prefer sex over enlightenment.

The Real Tantra

“Tantric yoga” focuses specifically on yogic techniques for spiritual growth that have nothing to do with sex. These techniques move the Qi (Chi) or Kundalini upward to heal our spirits and illuminate our souls.

Some call the kundalini a “sexual energy” – which is misleading. It’s energy – that’s it. Too many “Tantric sex” phonies are our there trying to convince you that their sex addiction is sacred – and it’s not. 

People who become involved in “tantric sex” cum to believe that sex is the most important part of that technology – but that’s the farthest thing from the truth. 

The most important aspect is the Qi – the life force. Our furry, moist, and erect parts have little or nothing to do with the sacred nature or results of the Qi’s movement throughout our systems.

Tantric Yoga deals with the breath and spirit beyond what we might call “pleasure.” This is the REAL TANTRA.

Today’s Tantra Teachers

There are many “tantra” teachers out there professing the embodiment of divine bliss through sex, sharing only the glittering and ejaculatory aspects of these ancient teachings, thereby creating karma for themselves – and all the while misleading you.

Pleasure can be seen in the Sanskrit word Ananda (Joy), which has an embedded illusory emotion, and in the transcendent form of pleasure – bliss, found in the Sanskrit word Paramananda. This points to a divine fulfillment on the path to illumination and enlightenment. 

In this sense, tantra or sacred practices that do not require the body’s fulfillment can be seen as phenomenal ways to embody pure, unrelenting paramananda. 

The sexual juices that flow from our bodies and the elation that results from our achievement of desires are tied to our bodies, not our spirits. After all, our desires are temporary and can only invite roller coasters of suffering.

Let’s Do Tantric Sex!

Tantric Sex occurs through mutual manual masturbation or consensual penetration. 

During the tantric act of intercourse (all sexual activity with a partner is intercourse – the interplay between two sets of energies), we use breath to move the kundalini up from the root chakra to the other chakras. 

Amid the intercourse, we imagine a specific colored light at each energy point, and through breath, we achieve not an externally manifested ejaculation, but a pleasurable energy release through each chakra. 

This, for a moment, can feel orgasmic – and it is. 

It’s a form of pleasure that feels ultimate and divine for a brief burst of time – but only because we tie our divine pleasure to the body, which is unnecessary. Pure Tantra does not require enmeshment with another soul – or their furry parts.

In fact, it’s far more illuminating if you can learn to move your kundalini up and down your spine through yoga and breath. In this way, you experience a less codependent healing and release in your chakras – without being bound to another. 

Many of today’s tantra teachers are ejaculating like race horses, and encouraging the same – as if that’s the whole point. It’s not.

Yes, tantra – sacred practices – are quite wonderful, but most tantric sex teachings fail to have integrity. They also require a lot of time – and who has that kinda time?  

Tantric sex has become yet another device that deters you from knowing who you are – like a dildo, rubber vagina, sex doll, or other mechanical and illusory devices used for personal pleasure. 

These things only add to the cycle of Samsara – and are often more confusing, debilitating, restrictive, and alienating than we might assume. 

How lonely do you have to be to buy batteries to fuel your bliss? 

Dive deeper and get to the root of your loneliness. Get up early, instead, and put your batteries in a flashlight, so you can find your way to a carpeted area of your home.

Now, get on the floor and start breathing deeply, meditating, and doing yoga. If your pants are always on fire, get into Kundalini Yoga. It’s phenomenal for unlocking everything related to loneliness, blocked emotions, the roots of trauma, overly kinky behavior, and the things that hold us back.

What Is Transconditional?

Even the momentary experiences of satisfying simple pleasures or mundane desires can invite enough joy to fool us into thinking that we’ve transcended something. Though, we have not.

We may have captured, for a moment, a spark of divine energy, but we have not embodied it. We may, for a time, have forgotten all that ails us, but we have not transcended it. 

By the way, I’m not saying do not masturbate, ejaculate, or orgasm in the traditional sense. I’m suggesting a better, more spiritualized, more energizing, and healthier way to engage your life force and all of your body’s related energies and requisite juices.

So, where is my orgasm? 

Hint: it has nothing to do with oral sex, penetration, or manual stimulation of the tip or clit.

What, then, is the ultimate tantra or technology that will illuminate me into a concaving, coalescing, explosive, wild state of release?

Consider the essence of your Being far beyond the physical and mental layers that you often mistake for your true Self. Explore deeper practices that help you detach from the superficial layers of reality. Seek unconditional joy – paramananda.

The quest for the ultimate tantra or technology is, in essence, a journey inward, a navigation through the layers of Self that leads to an explosive release not bound by conventional understandings of pleasure or satisfaction. It is about finding that core of stillness and unbounded ecstasy within, which does not depend on external stimuli – but is a natural state of Being. 

Dismantle your many layers of conditioning, expectation, and attachment that cloud your perception and hinder your ability to experience pure bliss. 

This is not a $50 workshop on Instagram – it’s a process that requires patience, dedication, and a willingness to embrace the unknown, ultimately leading to a state of being where happiness and fulfillment are not conditional but are intrinsic to your very essence.

When we move our kundalini upward through Sadhana (spiritual practices), we experience a serene, profound illumination whereby we can go through a whole day entrenched in divine bliss – loving all aspects that we encounter. This is your birthright.

The Spirituality Two-Step

We are all dancing around the spiritual practices that have been shared with us since the beginning of time. We quote gurus and masters, and we go back to buying Teslas and Rivians, which comprise the perfect embodiment of exactly what no one needs.

We might meditate or chant for a moment, but in the next moment, we’re drawn back into the whirlwind of consumer culture, captivated by the latest symbols of status that signify success in the material world. This juxtaposition highlights a fundamental tension within many of us: the desire to live spiritually fulfilling lives while navigating the demands and temptations of contemporary society.

The calling, then, is to engage with the world in a way that enriches rather than detracts from spiritual growth, using the insights and practices of ancient spiritual teachings and masters to navigate the complexities of modern life.

By consciously integrating spiritual principles into our daily lives, we inch closer to knowing who we are and what reality comprises.

But Wait – What About My Orgasm?

We are all obsessed with our orgasms, but truly, to move the kundalini upward in the body, without release, gives us the energy we need to embody a divine consciousness and become vessels of love and light throughout the day, week, month, year, or longer. 

Every spark we withhold and put to work for our betterment and the betterment of humanity dissolves our karma and gives us more resolute and everlasting joy.

In today’s world, where achieving the Big O can seem like a competitive sport, complete with its own commentary and instant replays, the ancient art of kundalini yoga and yogic breathing offer a less… climactic approach to ecstasy. 

While many are on the hunt for that explosive moment of joy, there exists a more sublime and, dare we say, electrifying way to channel that energy.

I promise you – once your energy is harnessed, the results are quite lovely and remarkable. You move through the day with extraordinary sparks of light and love. You resolve tension more quickly. You sense into other people’s feelings and positions with great empathy and awareness. You nurture more and think less. And you more easily access, allow, and release emotions to produce a more clear state of mind and heart. 

To the naysayers, I’ll add this: This process can be challenging and it’s not always perfect. Sometimes you feel the need to clean the pipes, so you do. I’m just suggesting there are far better ways to toss your energy pellets.

Capture All The Spark You Can!

Instead of letting the fireworks explode and fizzle out, then napping until the morning alarm goes off, gently coax your kundalini serpent up your spine, and teach it to climb like a skilled acrobat, all the while keeping the grand finale at bay. 

This isn’t about turning your back on fleeting pleasures; it’s about becoming a spiritual powerhouse – one who electro-magnifies and projects their essence through the day.

By rerouting your inner sparkles to light up your chakras, you’re not just hoarding joy – you’re becoming a mobile disco ball of divine consciousness. 

The next time you’re chasing the dragon of ephemeral, fantastical ecstasy, remember: 

Through the process of kundalini yoga and moving your consciousness and energy upward to the crown Chakra, you become a supernova – a pulsating, light-emanating, enduring, and stable cluster of stars.

The real party is not in your pants – it’s at the base of your spine, where it lights up your soul, dissolves your karma, and turns you into a beacon of love and light, emanating the pure essence that created The Cosmos.

The Wonders Of Traditional Chinese Medicine Formulas

The Wonders of Traditional Chinese Medicine Formulas (TCM)!

Have you ever wished that there was a better way to achieve full health for body and mind that made more sense and worked much better than what your doctors have prescribed? You wouldn’t be alone, and many have turned to Traditional Chinese Medicine formulas instead with amazing results!

Modern medicine certainly has its benefits, but it also has so many downfalls. Overall, many Western medicinal practices lean on treating symptoms rather than solving problems at the source. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) focuses on the most basic unit that makes up our entire Universe and Being: energy.

What can be more effective at bringing you back to optimal health and happiness that realigning the balance of your very being?

The Wonderous Origins of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine is believed to originate from the early Zhou Dynasty of China, around 3,000 years ago! It’s possible that many foundational elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine go back even further, as researchers have found earlier writings about the properties of herbs and how to apply them. As TCM evolved, set formulas and practices were written down in medical books dated from 26 B.C.E to 220 C.E.

TCM is the name for the overall concept, but the Chinese have come up with countless formulas and practices that have been tested over thousands of years. These practices and concepts include acupuncture, the Five Elements Theory, herbal medicine, Yin and Yang, Qi Gong, and so much more.

Bringing Traditional Chinese Medicine into the Modern Era

Before even the 20th century, most of the Chinese population only had access to Traditional Chinese Medicine, specifically Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM), as a way to address their illnesses and conditions. Even today, TCM and CHM are leading practices for medical needs. The Chinese keep the teachings and spirit of CHM alive, passing it down through generations both orally and in writing. The power and belief in TCM and CHM greatly rival even the powerful effectiveness of Western modern medicine that has permeated the region.schedule-intuitive-reading-with-paul-now

Now, numerous practices originating in TCM and CHM have traveled across borders and oceans and are now common practices across the globe. Practices like Tai Chi (Qi Gong), acupuncture, acupressure, herbal medicine, and more are all well-known across the West and used regularly.

How did we get here? TCM and CHM remained largely untouched by the scientific method until the 20th century when researchers really began to dive into the science behind practices like herbal medicine and prove that many of the formulas created by the Chinese for thousands of years are not only valid but amazingly effective.

Don’t believe me? Did you know that the medicine now used to treat malaria actually derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine’s classic works dated back to the 200s C.E?  Nobel Prize-winning scientist Youyou Tu found a recommendation in Ge Hong’s A Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies to use Ginghao. With some innovation and testing, Tu’s research led to the creation of dihydroartemisinin, a form of “sweet wormwood” or Ginghao, which effectively treated malaria in the 1970s.

How to Apply Traditional Chinese Medicine Formulas to Your Conditions

At the most basic level, Traditional Chinese Medicine bases many of its practices on Yin and Yang. The Yin and Yang concept is familiar to many in the West: it essentially represents complementary opposites that need to be in perfect balance. TCM assigns many illnesses and conditions to an imbalance of Yin and Yang, and it addresses them by using formulas that apply levels of Yin and Yang to bring the energies back into balance. For example, if you have too much Yin, then you’ll need a dose of Yang in some form to rebalance you. Yin and Yang are directly related to Taoism, the very popular religion in the region which requires followers to keep their energies in balance.

Similarly, TCM also uses the Five Elements theory, which assigns elemental properties to different parts of the body. The five elements are fire, metal, wood, air, earth, and water, and these elements are interrelated. This theory relies on two circles of elements: the generating circle and the overcoming circle, each of which directs how the different organs in the body are connected to each other. Using the different elements can help identify and solve issues with specific organs and functions in the body.

Traditional Chinese Medicine formulas generally consist of three to four main ingredients, each one with its own role in how the formula will affect you. Each ingredient will fit into one of these categories: ministerial, deputy, assistant, and envoy.

The ministerial ingredient is chosen according to the main cause of the illness, such as “ascending Qi” or “kidney yin deficiency.” Then, the deputy herb is chosen to help with coexisting symptoms or add a compound effect to the first herb. The assistant herb is then chosen to counteract any known side effects that the first two herbs could cause, such as improving moistness where there could be dryness. Finally, the fourth herb helps carry that treatment to the correct part of the body that is being addressed, such as the lungs or kidneys.

As a result, Traditional Chinese Medicine takes tremendous care and forethought as well as personalization for each individual. However, there are some very popular formulations that seem to do very well across the board for specific conditions, which we’ll now explore below!

Wen Dan Tang for Anxiety and Insomnia

If you’ve been lying wide-awake at night and experiencing unrelenting anxiety, Traditional Chinese Medicine has found a cure long before Western medicine ever offered suggestions. The solution can be found in the Traditional Chinese Medicine formula called Wen Dan Tang, which scientists now know affects the production of the brain-gut peptides and receptors in the brain directly correlated with our emotional and behavioral changes as a result of lack of sleep!

Without getting too muddled in scientific terms, the brain-gut axis is rebalanced by Wen Dan Tang by keeping levels of Ghrelin, the brain-gut peptide, stable even after a lack of sleep. As a result, insomnia-related anxiety is reduced greatly.

So, what is Wen Dan Tang? This formula can be found in the 12-century Traditional Chinese Medicine classic Treatise on Diseases, Patterns, and Prescriptions Related to Unification of the Three Etiologies. However, it dates back even further to the 400s and 500s A.D., when it appeared in Yao Seng Yuan’s work Collection of Effective Prescriptions. 

The formula includes a mixture of extracts and shavings from oranges, tangerines, bamboo, pinellia tuber, poria, and honeyed licorice root.

Originally, Wen Dan Tang was created as a warming treatment for the gall bladder. It was meant to treat fluids that led to the depression of Qi, or energy. As treatment evolved, Wen Dan Tang was used to treat both illness of the digestive system and any psychiatric symptoms, which directly correlates with what we know today: that it helps with the brain-gut axis.

Ban Xia As the Active Ingredient Treating Depression, Anxiety, and Gut Conditions

Speaking of pinellia tubers, Ban Xia is exactly that. Within Wen Dan Tang, Ban Xia has been shown to work even on its own – after being cooked and processed – to transform cold phlegm and dry dampness in the body. Cold phlegm and dry dampness, according to TCM and CHM, lead to insufficient functioning of the digestive tract, lungs, and mood.schedule-intuitive-reading-with-paul-now

After research in the West, Ban Xia is now accepted as a treatment, especially in formulations meant to treat depression and anxiety in a way that rivals Western alternatives like Prozac!

Chai Hu for Fevers and Inflammatory Conditions

Chai Hu, or bupleurum root, is one of the most popular active ingredients used throughout Traditional Chinese Medicine formulas. TCM explains that Chai Hu can resolve the Shao yang level in the body and Yang Qi, especially in the stomach and spleen. Overall, it can spread liver Qi, which TCM explains can improve any menstrual problems, fever, vertigo, and emotional instability that one might suffer from.

In Western medicine studies on animals, Chai Hu has been proven to reduce fevers and inflammation. As a result, this TCM formula has become widely available across the U.S. and Europe. Lately, studies have shown that Chai Hu even has anti-cancer effects!

Sheng Mai Yin for Cardiovascular Diseases

Sheng Mai Yin consists of three major TCM ingredients meant to replenish Yin and Qi in the body. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is believed that Yin and Qi deficiency can lead to cardiovascular problems.

This formula consists mainly of Ginseng, Ophiopogon, and Schisandra. All three of these ingredients are strong active ingredients that help the body generate fluids. Ginseng tonifies the blood and restores your vital energy. Ophiopogon improves Yin and clears heat from the heart. Schisandra improve Lung Qi.

In studies, the Sheng Mai Yin formula has been shown to stimulate the activities of important chemicals in the body like GSH peroxidase, ATP enzymes, and superoxide dismutase and create an anti-apoptosis effect in rats. These effects showed benefits to this formula for DOX-induced myocardial fibrosis, furthering TCM’s claims that Sheng Mai Yin is a great help for cardiovascular conditions!

Yu Ping Feng San for Chronic Inflammation and Respiratory Diseases

Do you or someone you know have COPD or another chronic respiratory disease? Yu Ping Feng San has long been used as a treatment for these ills, and for good reason.

In animal trials, Yu Ping Feng San effectively treated lung injury and suppressed inflammatory chemicals that would be released by the body naturally. How? Traditional Chinese Medicine instructs to create the formula with the dried roots of Astragalus, Atractylodes, and Siler root. All three ingredients have been shown to have strong anti-inflammatory properties as well as great defenses against pathogenic invaders and other immune system threats.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yu Ping Feng San has traditionally been used to treat most lung-related illnesses like colds, respiratory infections, the flu, bronchitis, and more.

Er Xian Tang for Perimenopause and Menopause

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Er Xian Tang is formulated to attack the symptoms associated with liver blood vacuity, yin vacuity, and kidney yang vacuity. These symptoms include things like brittle nails, falling hair, decreased libido, night sweats, hot flashes, insomnia, palpitations, and so much more. This formula is perfectly crafted for the symptoms that many women experience when they’re close to or suffering from menopause.

TCM explains the combination of Epimedium herb, Curculigo root, Morinda root, Phellodendron bark, Tang-Kuei root, and Anemarrhena root creates the perfect concoction to supplement the kidneys, increase yang, support the liver, and clear heat. It also regulates the reproductive system.

But does it really work? In a recent study, the Er Xian Tang formula was able to treat at least one menopausal symptom in participants with a confidence of 95%.

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan for Back Pain and Sexual Wellness

The Traditional Chinese Medicine formula Liu Wei Di Huang is crafted perfectly for improving liver and kidney yin. Chinese Herbal Medicine claims that deficiency in the liver and kidney yin can lead to a whole host of symptoms and illnesses such as dizziness, tinnitus, vertigo, headaches, and more. Most importantly, Liu Wei Di Huang is formulated to fight back against the effects that aging has on the back and male performance.schedule-intuitive-reading-with-paul-now

This formula uses a blend of Rehmannia cured root tuber, Chinese yam rhizome, Asiatic dogwood fruit, tree peony root bark, Asian water plantain rhizome, and poria sclerotium. This combination is perfect for raising the levels of liver and kidney yin.

In TCM, low yin in the kidneys can lead to weakness and soreness from the lower back down as well as too much heat and exhaustion. Further, this means that after sex, one is more likely to be too sore and too tired to perform again. By supporting an increase of kidney yin with this formula, you can help your body to replenish energy quickly and get back to your life.

But this formula isn’t just for men, either. Yin deficiency leads to many symptoms for women as well, such as crippling hot flashes during menopause. You can even support more stable glucose levels with this Traditional Chinese Medicine formula.

Can I Try TCM Myself?

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been around for thousands of years, which means that it is a master craft not to be taken lightly. To ask if you should be crafting Traditional Chinese Medicine formulas by yourself is the same as saying you’re trying to manufacture Prozac at home. Not only is it extremely important to get the right ingredients, but to prepare them and measure them out properly. In addition, diagnosing yourself is quite risky without a long history of research and practice in the art of Chinese Herbal Medicine!

To benefit from Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Herbal Medicine, it is highly recommended to first seek out a TCM practitioner. An expert will be able to help you get more clarity on what exactly is causing your ills, such as deficiency in kidney yin. Unlike Western medicine, which uses a one-size-fits-all approach to assigning certain medicines to specific illnesses, Traditional Chinese Medicine looks closely at each individual and creates formulations that will solve those issues at the source. In other words, a TCM practitioner will look at your body holistically, and then they can help point you in the right direction to choose the right TCM formulas and dose properly.

Without that key information, you could end up making your problems even worse. So be careful and seek out an expert!

Can Chinese Herbal Medicine Be Combined With Other TCM Practices?

Not only can you combine Chinese Herbal Medicine with other Traditional Chinese Medicine practices, but it’s highly recommended. Many methods like Qi Gong and acupuncture are highly effective for reducing stress and pain, improving mental focus, and increasing stability and regularity in the body. Using these methods combined with a TCM formula like Wen Dan Tang for anxiety and insomnia can greatly improve one’s quality of life.

Adding Traditional Chinese Medicine practices to your daily life, anyway, is an amazing idea even if you don’t suffer from any of the above conditions. You might not have cardiovascular or sleeping problems, but you might if you don’t take care of your energy flow! The whole point of TCM is to keep your Qi in balance and flowing properly, so continuing to use the practices and formulas of TCM is a great preventative measure so you can stay healthy and sound.


Not all methods will work for everyone. TCM is a journey, and the best way to health and happiness for someone else might just not be your journey, and that’s okay.

You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire. 

Pray for others and the Universe prays for us. 



There is no “Other.” There is only you experiencing yourself.


Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner (Shri Krishna Kalesh) is an intuitive mystic, clairvoyant reader, and a loving life & business coach. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships.

He created The Shankara Oracle, a profound divination tool that includes 18 gemstones, a lavishly designed divination board, and over 300 penetrative oracle cards – all to help you heal to your core and illuminate your Being.

Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE


How To Be An Effective Intuitive Coach

Photo from Shutterstock: How To Be An Effective Intuitive Coach

How To Be An Effective Intuitive Coach

Coach. Leader. Guide. Mentor. These are just a few of the titles given to those people in our lives that encourage and lead us to be better. If these people in our lives do right by us, they can help us let go of the bad things about us, help us shed the old and ugly or broken parts of ourselves, and help us grow and develop into higher versions of ourselves.

An intuitive coach can have a much stronger effect on the lives of their clients because we can tap into the Universe, and connect with the higher presence in order to guide others to a deeper understanding of themselves.

What Does It Mean To Be “Intuitive”? 

Being intuitive means that we have the ability to have a sense about things from beyond, just simply by knowing it.  It is similar to common intuition, but stronger and more focused, as the sense is through a higher connection to the Universe – and the knowledge comes from beyond normal senses.

Tapping into the normal senses, a keen observation, and the skill of really listening to another individual – being able to put yourself in their shoes and understand where they are coming from – are essential parts of this ability too.  But the connection to a higher understanding is what gives intuitives knowledge beyond the normal senses and our ability to tap into yourself and your journey well beyond what you might have before.

What About Intuitive Coaching?

To be an intuitive coach requires having a specific skill set. Without having the abilities of an intuitive, you cannot be an effective intuitive coach (obviously).  While many claim to have these abilities, or lead people in need astray through the smoke and mirrors of faked or disingenuous psychic and intuitive abilities – they are looking for profit or power or both at the expense of others.

True intuitive coaching helps clients with self-growth, guiding them on the path of tapping into their souls and uncovering their truest selves.  Your role as an intuitive coach, and my role as well, is to lead clients to a deeper soul-knowledge and awareness of themselves:

      • What battles do they face? 
      • What lies have they been told or have they told themselves?  
      • What is it that they truly want out of their relationships? 
      • What does their life path look like?
      • What do they want from their career?
      • What is the plan moving forward?

All of this just scratches the surface of what it means to be an effective intuitive coach.  Let’s go deeper.

Understanding Your Role As a Coach

When we are young, our parents – if they are good parents – are our first source of guidance and discipline. However, as time goes on, we may rebel against our parents or start pushing back. This is natural, of course, and most people have done so in one form or another at some point in their lives. It’s possible that we feel they tell us what to do for their own benefit, or their advice is too predictable because we’ve heard it all before.

If the rebellion happens at a younger age, this is where coaches can come into our lives. They are parent-like figures that are not our parents – we somehow inherently take their advice and leadership more seriously because they are not as closely involved. As we grow up, we do not lose that need to have mentors that can both become intimately connected with us and still remain removed enough to offer unbiased, objective guidance.

Just as we often find ourselves listening to coaches more so than our parents at a young age because we can choose them as our leaders instead of the Universe assigning them to us, we need mentors in our adult lives that can help us see things from a different perspective. Sometimes, we just need to speak with someone who won’t stand to benefit from one outcome over another, who we haven’t grown up around to the point that we have too similar views and influences, or who won’t repeat predictable advice. 

Your role as a coach is to understand why your clients would need you in the first place: as a mentor and confidant who can evaluate situations from the outside, apply new perspectives, and not cast judgments that fall too close to home.

Finding Inspiration In Other Coaches

These days, coaches can be seen almost everywhere you turn, and they take many forms. You might be looking to be an intuitive coach, but there’s a lot to be learned from the way different types of coaches lead their subjects. The most noticeable and perhaps public form of coaching that we see today is that of the sporting variety, but there are very famous coaches to be found under other titles – religious leaders and teachers, for example. 

Secular Coaches

Some of the most famous coaches in history include Vince Lombardi, Mike Krzyzewski, and Bill Belichick. Wisdom such as “Practice doesn’t make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect,” (Vince Lombardi) can be found on walls in halls of fame, and heard repeated at youth sporting practices across the country.

While helpful in guiding young people in the direction of building better lives, these iconic quotes and leaders are not applicable to all corners of life. These figureheads and their words of wisdom can guide us in the right direction, but they often lack the spiritual, higher note that we crave – that connection to something more.  This is why we need to turn to our religious and spiritual leaders and begin the journey of finding intuitive coaches to help guide us in finding a deeper understanding of ourselves and the Universe.


There are a wide array of religious and spiritual leaders that cultures and religions across time and oceans have turned to for help. Some whose teachings I lean on often in my coaching and life journeys include Amma, the “Hugging Saint,” Anandamayi Ma, and many other inspiring divine masters.

Spiritual “coaches” like these take a much less simple, yet often more profound approach. They see things from a much higher level and can break down life based on value, purpose, and meaning rather than just in-the-moment, superficial consequences. 

A great intuitive coach will find inspiration from both the secular and spiritual gurus of the past and present to guide them in forming their own style. They can use a mix of superficial logic and high-minded thought, always staying flexible in their approach based on the client’s personality and needs in each session.

How To Be a Good Intuitive Coach

There are all kinds of coaches: There are strict and impatient disciplinarians and lenient, patient, and flexible coaches. There are coaches we remember with loathing and the coaches whose wisdom we carry with us through the rest of our days. Ultimately, we strive to be mentors who effectively change the course of our clients’ lives and their outlooks, but it takes a special kind of formation, practice, and mindset.

Learn From What It Means To Be a Bad Coach

We all have had those people in our lives that claimed to be helpers but we knew were either liars or users. They were manipulating us or the people around us for their own gain.  Bad coaches don’t fall far from this tree.

Many times, a bad coach is not dissimilar to a so-called psychic.  A large number of people who claim to be psychic have done so without honing what abilities they have to connect with a higher consciousness.  This leads to many frauds giving themselves the title of psychic while using the tarot cards and smoke show to create a profit for themselves using a soul’s need for help.

If you lack the skill set to be an intuitive coach – that is, if you do not have a good or strong connection to the Universe, or simply do not have the natural intuitive abilities – you should not be an intuitive coach.  However, if you have the natural intuitive inclination, but have not ever used it, fear not.  With time and practice, you can harness that natural intuitive gift into something that can grow your connection to your true self and the Universe around you.

Without the ability to move their own egos aside, these people will have difficulty being able to actually help their clients, and this may only lead others into more hardship.

Evaluate Your Intentions and Limitations

Much like being a professional athlete, a star musician, or anything exceptional, it takes a particular kind of person to be a good and effective coach. Beyond having the inherent talent and wisdom, you’ll also need the motivation to commit and the desire to truly serve others.

Coaches need to genuinely want to be around the people they will be guiding or leading. Coaches need to want to help those around them, to challenge them to be better, to grow both as people in general and in whatever it is that the coach is leading them towards. That being said, if you do not like being around people, particularly difficult or distraught people in challenging situations, coaching may not be for you. 

Coaching comes with all sorts of challenges. Many different personalities will come to you, requiring guidance. And depending on the kind of coaching you will be engaging in, you may have to learn how to manage those personalities and situations both on an individual level and as a unit. You must get them to learn how to work with others as well as with themselves. If you do it right, you’ll be able to enjoy watching different personalities develop and evolve, and that is a beautiful and powerful thing that you can have the honor to guide.

It’s also important to remember that you are not the coach for everyone, and not every client is the client for you. Learn which personalities you work well with, and learn to read the intentions of people who approach you for guidance. Being able to discern well which clients you should accept and reject will be crucial to your own well-being and the success of your clients.

Only Coach What You Know

Ultimately, you’ll need to have a particular skill set that a client is looking for. Coaching requires one to be an expert, or at least nearly so, in whatever area or industry one is going to focus on as a coach. Oftentimes, the worst coaches are the people who have barely scratched the surface personally, yet have decided to advertise themselves to mentees as experts. Or even worse, they have taken up the title with no experience whatsoever just to have a position of power.

So, if you are particularly good at something – in this case, intuitive guidance and readings – and have the desire to help others grow, then I would highly recommend you as an intuitive coach. You might then also choose to niche down even further. If you have a tremendous amount of experience in business, for example, you might consider specifically being an intuitive business coach.

Build Your Intuitive Toolkit

Strengthening your intuitive abilities takes genuine commitment and willingness to dive deep into oneself, no matter what one might find. It requires learning true forgiveness, being wholly accepting of yourself, and sharing your beautiful light with others.

Some ways I’ve gotten in touch with myself are my favorite rituals, mantras, prayers and sutras. Specifically, I love getting myself through the day by repeating the Ho’Oponono mantra hundreds of times. This chant is one of full, genuine forgiveness of oneself and of others so that you are left with no attachments to guilt, regret, or hurt. Doing this allows me to center myself and better serve my coaching clients. It breaks down all physical barriers and attachments to this world so that I can connect with myself and the Universe more fully. I highly recommend creating a mental toolkit of all the spiritual and centering practices that will help you become a better coach, and make sure to make them part of your daily routine.

When it comes to your coaching sessions, make sure you’ve set up a sacred space. Tapping into your psychic and intuitive abilities requires a safe, clean, and spiritual space conducive to high vibrations and devoid of interruptions. Make sure you store all your divination tools with sacred respect as well, whether you set up a shelf or an altar for them. Build up your collection of tarot cards, oracle cards, crystals, oils, and more that can help you fully tap into your knowledge and abilities.

Finally, practice turning your intuitions into practical, grounded advice that’s truly helpful to your clients. As an intuitive coach, your role is more than just channeling messages to your clients. You help must interpret these messages in applicable ways so that your abilities are used for genuine guidance and formation. Never forget to show gratitude as well, both to the Universe and to your clients.

Consider My Personality Cards for Guidance

I would recommend building into your toolkit the Personality Cards I developed some time ago.  They might add some fun and depth to the tarot card reading experience for clients.  When used in the right way, the Personality Cards are always spot-on and help lead clients to a deeper understanding of themselves.

The Personality Cards don’t have to be used just for clients, either!  You can use them yourself in your daily preparations – during prayer, meditation, or self-reflection.  A good intuitive coach does not stop practicing or deepening their connection to the Universe.

If you lose that close connection, and that intuitive understanding gets muffled, you will not be able to help your clients – you may only hurt them and yourself.   

The Personality Cards are a great and fun way to stay on track on a day-to-day basis.  They are also an effective tool to help your clients open their eyes to deeper understanding and assist you in the guidance process in their sessions 

Contact Me For Further Intuitive Coaching Formation

Intuitive Coaching requires the skill set of having a deep connection to the Universe and being able to harness that natural ability.  Having a deep desire to help people is also necessary, and beyond that, a unique ability to understand others – to step into another person’s shoes and guide them on their journey to finding the right path.  Let the Universe guide them through you, and both you and your client can reach a more enlightened state of consciousness.  

If you are thinking about starting down the path to becoming an Intuitive Coach, or are not sure if that is a path you want to take – please feel free to reach out regarding a coaching plan or private session.


You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire.

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner (Shri Krishna Kalesh) is an intuitive mystic, clairvoyant reader, and a loving life & business coach. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships.

He created The Shankara Oracle, a profound divination tool that includes 18 gemstones, a lavishly designed divination board, and over 300 penetrative oracle cards – all to help you heal to your core and illuminate your Being.

Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

Mold & Mycotoxicity Illness

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Mold & Mycotoxicity Illness

Nowadays, it seems like everyone you talk to is dealing with an autoimmune disease, uncontrollable allergies, chronic pain or fatigue, inexplicable headaches, and more. It couldn’t have always been this way, could it? How come more and more people every day seem to be afflicted by so many illnesses and conditions that no doctors can seem to treat?

While mold is certainly not the only answer, it is beginning to be seen by researchers as a culprit worth pursuing. Research into mold and mycotoxicity is growing in popularity, though it is still too young and unexplored for any conclusions to be made. To this day, there are still no definite warnings or recommended treatments from organizations we trust to help guide us in achieving wellness.

If you have been experiencing a myriad of symptoms that doctors cannot seem to find any proof or root cause of, it’s a good idea to look into how mold works and what can happen when it affects our bodies. Thankfully, there are already unofficial treatments that are forming, such as a detox, which might help you start feeling better.

Mold and Our Environment

When people think of mold, they jump straight to the more extreme, mature forms: visible black mold in showers and under sinks or white growths or fuzz on leftover food. What most people aren’t aware of is that mold is actually everywhere we can’t see, too. Before mold grows into forms we can see, it is floating about in the air we breathe, attaching to clothes and pets, carried in on our groceries, and embedding itself both outside and within our homes. Unfortunately, this also means that it enters our bodies regularly.

In fact, you could be regularly ingesting mold through your food. Common foods that contain high amounts of mold include:

      • Smoked and processed meats
      • Dried fruits
      • Alcohol like beer and wine
      • Nuts, most notably cashews and peanuts

Of course, mold just doesn’t exist. In order to thrive, it typically prefers warm, dark, moist areas. While you may have mold spores living on your furniture, in your clothes, and even in your dog’s fur, that mold won’t start really growing and causing issues until it lands in the perfect spot. For homes, that means growing in the tile grout in your shower.

In our yards, that’s the dark corner of our yard that doesn’t drain properly. For us, it means entering our system and hanging out while our body struggles to get rid of it.

It’s only when these mold spores start growing in their favorite places that they begin producing mycotoxins, which are believed to be the main culprit of any illness we experience due to mold.

Our Body’s War Against Mold Toxicity

Since mold is a naturally occurring thing in our environment, humans generally have the ability to get rid of it naturally. Our body has set processes for continually detoxifying our system, but some studies are now exploring why certain people are more prone to developing serious conditions brought on by exposure to mycotoxins, including specific genetic variations called SNPs.

Normally, exposure to mold can cause respiratory illness and worsened symptoms for those with respiratory conditions like asthma. Mold toxicity can also cause symptoms that are much like asthma, the flu, hay fever, and allergies.

Beyond that, mold has been shown to be a cause of some cases of pneumonia and eczema, and studies are now showing links to mold exposure with health effects on the brain such as memory loss and problems with vision and emotional regulation.

According to the World Health Organization, there are four major types of mycotoxins that have proven to cause serious health issues in humans and livestock.

      • Aflatoxins grow in grains, hay, decaying vegetation, and soil, meaning they are prevalent among crops and farm animals. It is most common to come in contact with these mycotoxins through spices, cereals, oil seeds, and tree nuts. These mycotoxins are damaging to both the liver and to DNA, possibly causing liver cancer.
      • Ochratoxin A is commonly found in dry vine fruits, coffee beans, cereals, spices, wine, and liquorice worldwide. It is most notably known for damaging the kidneys, but also can affect the immune system and fetal development.
      • Patulin is most commonly found in products made with apples that have gone bad. Liver, kidney, spleen, and immune system damage has been observed with exposure to patulin, as well as gastrointestinal issues.
      • Mycotoxins associated with the fusarium fungi, which all come under the umbrella of trichothecenes, are mainly common in cereal crops. Trichothecenes can cause severe reactions including sudden skin irritation and diarrhoea as well as oesophageal cancer. Research has also shown it can suppress the immune system, affect hormones, and even cause kidney and liver toxicity and infertility in animals.

How Can I Tell If I Have Mycotoxicity?

There are a number of methods for determining if your symptoms might be caused by mycotoxicity. So far, options include urine testing, bloodwork, nasal swabs, and a visual contrast sensitivity test. While some tests like the visual contrast sensitivity test can be bought online, other tests like the urine and bloodwork labs would need to be ordered by a provider and often aren’t covered by insurance.

The Organic Acids Test does include several biomarkers that could help determine if you have a fungal overgrowth and mycotoxicity. It will check for yeast and candida overgrowth as well as several mycotoxins. The IgE Mold allergy test can also determine if you have antibodies in your system built to fight against mycotoxins, which would determine if your body is actively trying to fight off infections from mold.

Sometimes, the most accessible way to know if mycotoxicity is affecting you is to undergo a complete detox and see if your symptoms subside.

Detoxing Your Body of Mold and Mycotoxins

If you suspect or know that your body is full of mycotoxins, you can try many methods for a detox that will assist your body in cleansing out the mold.

The traditional method is to cleanse the sinuses and the gut of fungal overgrowth through medicated nasal sprays and oral medications. For this approach, you’ll need to be diagnosed and prescribed treatments by your provider.

Some more accessible remedies include:

      • Increasing your intake of essential fatty acids to 3-4 grams each day
      • Taking binders like activated charcoal and bentonite clay
      • Using probiotics specifically known to fight mold, including S. boulardi, L. beveris, and L. pentosus
      • Adding supplements of vitamins C, A, E, and Zinc
      • Adding the antioxidant Glutathione to your diet
      • Utilizing herbal remedies like berberine, grapefruit seed, oil of oregano, uva ursi, gymnema, pau d’arco, garlic, caprylic acid, and plant tannins

As a daily routine, I recommend using herbal remedies like oil of oregano daily for immune support while you use other herbs like milk thistle or dandelion root to help your liver detox. Eating 2-4 grams of garlic daily will then help your body start ridding itself of the mold that is being fought off and detoxed by the liver and immune system.

Artichoke leaf extract and gingko bilboa supplements will help fight off the symptoms of mold toxicity while you detox, and then you should finish off with chlorophyll, which will help protect your body from further mold damage.

What to Eat During a Mold Detox

While you’re detoxing your body of mold, the last thing you want is to keep ingesting foods that are reintroducing mold into your system. Mold also thrives on starch and sugars, so avoid eating anything that will offer that food source. In general, avoid foods like mushrooms, vinegars, grapes, soy sauce,  aged and moldy cheeses, nuts, potatoes, corn, yeast, and simple carbs.

Instead, try eating a lot of kitchen garden herbs, bitter greens, root vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, chia and flax seed, oat bran, and foods high in healthy fats like avocado, olive oil, ghee, and fish.

Meanwhile, clear your air with essential oils like orange and clove!


You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire.

Pray for others and the Universe prays for us.

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner (Shri Krishna Kalesh) is an intuitive mystic, clairvoyant reader, and a loving life & business coach. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships.

He created The Shankara Oracle, a profound divination tool that includes 18 gemstones, a lavishly designed divination board, and over 300 penetrative oracle cards – all to help you heal to your core and illuminate your Being.

Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE


Heart & Brain Benefits Of NAD+, Resveratrol, L-citrulline & More

The Heart & Brain Benefits Of NAD+, Resveratrol, L-citrulline, Pterostilbene, NMN & More

When we ask, the Universe provides. No problems we experience in our world have been unanswered or left without resolve, we just haven’t found the answers yet! When it comes to the benefits of NAD+ and other resources on aging, deterioration of our bodies, and conditions of the heart and mind, it’s no different. There are so many naturally occurring chemicals in our environment like NAD+, resveratrol, l-citrulline, pterostilbene, NMN, and more available to us, and it’s our responsibility to take advantage.

At first, the names of these chemicals can be really daunting – what is resveratrol, really? Where could I possibly find something named pterostilbene? The answer might surprise you – many of them are found right in common grocery items.

If you’re looking to harness the power that the Universe has provided us in order to better and lengthen your life, here’s the perfect guide for you.

Benefits of NAD+ on the Brain

Believe it or not, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is actually a chemical that exists naturally in our bodies. We create and use NAD+ in our systems as an essential molecule for developing and regulating cellular energy. With great levels of NAD+ in our system, our brain health is most likely at its optimal.

Unfortunately, as with everything else, aging or chronic disease can lead our bodies to lesser levels of NAD+. As we lose our ability to produce enough NAD+, we lose out on the many benefits of NAD+ on our brains.

Let’s dive into a little more detail about exactly what NAD+ does for us.

NAD+ is a Messenger in Our Bodies

In Western Medicine, we often find ourselves focusing on the symptoms rather than the cause. Many medicines and treatments attack only one portion of what is a much larger issue, leaving us feeling a bit better but never on the mend. I prefer to look at things from a much more Eastern approach – Traditional Chinese Medicine treats us wholistically, attacking the source of the issues which permeate the entire body.

You might scoff at it, but it’s true. If one molecule or level or chemical is off in one part of the body, the effects ripple into so many other areas. We might end up experiencing symptoms that we never would have thought could be caused by something completely seemingly-unrelated.

Need proof? NAD+ acts as a messenger in our body, meaning it is in control of so many functions across our body that we never would have thought could be related. The same molecule that keeps your heart rate normal also controls your appetite and the way you sleep, and that molecule is NAD+.

NAD+’s wide-reaching influence has to do with the fact that it’s in control of neurotransmitters, which communicate signals from the brain to the rest of the body. Messages for your heart, liver, large intestine, and so much more are all depending on NAD+ to make it to and from the brain.

If you feel that you have a wide range of issues, such as changes in appetite, blood pressure, pulse, motor control, sleep, memory, and more, it’s very possible your NAD+ levels are involved. NAD+ is even an essential molecule that helps our body convert glucose into energy for our brains, so low amounts could mean a declined ability for the cells in our brain to keep functioning.

Benefits of NAD+ on Cognitive Function and Memory

Now that we understand a bit more about the function of NAD+ with neurotransmitters, it’s much easier to grasp that its role is extremely important for the brain. Our entire central nervous system depends on this molecule to take care of its messages, so it’s no surprise that it’s essential to our cognitive function.

As we grow older, we suffer a loss of blood flow to the brain and production levels of NAD+. As a result, many of us see our memories start to fade, both long-term and short-term. Researchers are now hoping that something called NDA+ IV therapy and supplements could improve the memory and cognitive function of older adults.

NAD+ is a Warrior Fighting Against Neurological Disease

Many neurological diseases affect memory and cognitive function, and we just learned that NAD+ can directly fight against it. Researchers are now very hopeful that restoring the right levels of NAD+ can help fight against diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease by boosting energy for brain cells. Even diseases transmitted to us that affect our nervous system, such as Lymes Disease, could be positively affected by increased levels of NAD+. Even if heightened NAD+ levels might not be able to completely cure neurological diseases, they have a great chance of at least relieving some of the more devastating symptoms and lengthening the time of a higher quality of life for these individuals.

NAD+ Protects Our Nerve Fibers from Demyelination

Demyelination is the breaking down of the coating of our nerve fibers, also known as myelin sheaths. These coatings keep our brain’s nerves intact so that messages between the brain and the rest of the nervous system – like the spinal cord – can continue to transmit properly and keep our whole body functioning as it should.

Demyelination can happen due to injury or degeneration. Either way, it can interrupt many key functions of our body such as vision, motor control, digestive function, muscle strength, and even cause pain.

Keeping healthy levels of NAD+ in our system means protecting our brain’s nerve fibers and maintaining a healthy function of our whole body.

Does NAD+ Therapy Have Side Effects?

NAD+ IV therapy includes using an IV to infuse your blood with NAD+ supplements. As a result, risks could come from improper usage of an IV. If the drip is too quick, some providers report that their patients experience brain fog, muscle fatigue, cramping, and nausea, but claim this can be resolved by slowing the drip. Otherwise, research has not found any side effects of taking NAD+ supplements.

Are There Other Ways to Boost NAD+?

Research has shown that levels of NAD+ in your system are not controlled on their own. There are many things you can do to alter the levels of NAD+ in your system that don’t require a direct infusion or supplement. In fact, NAD+ has many “precursor” vitamins and molecules that lead the body to produce more.

Nicotinamide riboside is one precursor to NAD+ that is found in milk. You can also increase exercise, limit your exposure to UV, and increase your intake of foods high in vitamin B.

Benefits of NAD+ Precursor Pterostilbene

For example, do you eat a lot of blueberries? Pterostilbene is a polyphenol found in the berries that is a precursor to NAD+. In other words, eating increased amounts of pterostilbene can directly increase the production of NAD+ in your body.

Further, pterostilbene activates your sirtuins, which regulate your response to signals from the environment and to your nutrition. As a result, you can gain better control of your appetite and regulate your circadian rhythm for better sleep, among other things.

Benefits of NAD+ Precursor NMN

NMN, or nicotinamide mononucleotide, is a direct precursor to our body’s production of NAD+ along with nicotinamide riboside (NR). NMN can be found naturally in foods like avocado, cabbage, cucumbers, edamame, and broccoli as well as through sources of vitamin B3.

Increasing the levels of NMN in our bodies directly affects how much NAD+ is produced naturally in our cells, although age has been shown to inhibit our body’s ability to convert NMN into NAD+ over time.

To fight back against these decreasing levels and production, taking NMN supplements is a great choice. Increasing levels of NMN can help with anti-aging as well as boost the effectiveness of our NAD+’s ability to protect and regulate our nervous system.

Benefits of Resveratrol

You might have found NAD+ a bit boring since it’s a molecule made in our bodies and requires medical assistance for improving its levels, but I think you’ll like this one a bit better.

Resveratrol is a part of what scientists call polyphenols, which probably sound more familiar. They are like antioxidants and can help fight against damage known to cause diseases like heart disease and cancer, and it’s something you can get in your kitchen!

Where have you heard of polyphenols and antioxidants? You can find them at the bottom of your bottle of red wine! That’s because resveratrol naturally occurs in the skin of red grapes, and it’s also in berries and peanuts.

Resveratrol is Anti-Aging

I’m sure you’ve heard it a thousand times – drinking a glass of red wine has some amazing benefits, including anti-aging properties. Well, that goes for adding more resveratrol to your diet across the board. Researchers have been mainly testing the effects of resveratrol on animals, but so far, results have been promising.

One of the biggest reasons for these promising results is that resveratrol has anti-inflammatory properties. By lowering inflammation in the body, you can reduce puffiness as well as improve the way you feel and the function of your body’s natural processes. As an antioxidant-like chemical, resveratrol can also rid your body of toxins that are affecting the way you look and feel.

Resveratrol is Anti-Disease

A part of living a longer, healthier, and more beautiful life is fighting against neurodegenerative diseases. If you have inflammation in your system, it could be negatively impacting your cognitive function, motor skills, memory, and control of bodily functions. Much like the benefits of NAD+, the benefits of resveratrol have to do with protecting your neurotransmitters, and it does this by reducing inflammation and oxidative distress.

Further, studies have shown that resveratrol may play a huge role in helping to lower bad cholesterol, prevent insulin resistance, and even limit the spread of cancerous cells. Hopefully, continued research can help us utilize resveratrol to cure diabetes, cancer, and heart disease!

Are There Risks to Taking Resveratrol Supplements?

The jury is out on whether resveratrol supplements have side effects and risks according to the NIH. Resveratrol is not a regulated supplement, although it seems to be sufficiently safe with no serious reported side effects in healthy people.

They report that both short-term low doses and long-term higher doses have shown no side effects for healthy people, but that heightened doses might cause nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and even liver dysfunction if you have fatty liver disease. As always, it’s important to consult with your healthcare providers before adding supplements to your daily routine.

Where Can I find Resveratrol Naturally… and Not in Wine?

The key to finding resveratrol naturally is to break it down into its derivatives. In that case, piceid might be your answer. Piceid is one of the most important derivatives of resveratrol, and it can be found in many grape juices. In other words, you can still benefit from the awesome effects of drinking red wine without the alcohol.

Benefits of L-Citrulline

Okay, so where do benefits for the heart come in? Well, we already mentioned that the benefits of NAD+ improve regulation of blood pressure and heart rate, and the benefits of resveratrol include lowering bad cholesterol and rates of heart disease. L-citrulline has to do with the blood-brain barrier and control over blood flow throughout the body.

It also fights against neuronal cell death. Overall, L-citrulline can protect our brain’s interactions with our cardiovascular system, improving any cerebrovascular dysfunction.

The best part? You can get L-citrulline naturally in watermelon! If you’re not a fan, the molecule also comes in supplement form.

L-Citrulline Fights Cardiovascular Diseases

L-citrulline is a molecule that is a neutral amino acid, and it plays a key role in the nitric oxide cycle. This cycle produces nitric oxide – a molecule that relaxes your arteries and improves blood flow.

Because of this amazing benefit, L-citrulline is considered a great supplement for those who suffer from high blood pressure and are at risk of heart disease. Because blood pressure issues and heart disease are directly correlated with erectile dysfunction, L-citrulline treatment is also a great natural alternative for improving these symptoms.

L-Citrulline Could Help Malnourishment and Intestinal Problems

The research is still in its early stages, but L-citrulline has also shown promising results when it comes to animal testing regarding muscle protein levels. If the same results transfer to humans, then L-citrulline could be an amazing option for helping to improve malnourishment, especially in the elderly whose levels of muscle protein decline naturally.

Further, intestinal problems like celiac disease, small bowel damage due to radiation exposure, and even short bowel syndrome are possible conditions that could benefit from L-citrulline supplements.

Are There Risks to Taking L-Citrulline Supplements?

Unfortunately, there are no standards set yet by the FDA or any health authorities regarding taking L-citrulline supplements. Research is not far enough along yet for any solid case to be made for its benefits and risk. So far, though, there have been no reported side effects of taking the supplement.

With extra precaution, people are advised not to take L-citrulline supplements if there are pregnant, breastfeeding, on blood pressure medication, taking nitrates for heart disease, or any erectile dysfunction drugs. There are concerns that taking L-citrulline supplements might interfere with the effectiveness of these drugs, although there is no proof yet.

The Benefits of Arginine

When it comes to supplements that are making a name for themselves, arginine is certainly one of them. Lately, researchers and medical professionals are emphasizing the importance of arginine in our body’s natural functions. Arginine has huge implications for our heart health, especially.

Deficiency in arginine is rare because it’s a pretty abundant nutrient. It can be found in poultry, fish, red meat, dairy, nuts, seeds, grains, and more. As you can imagine, a vegan who doesn’t eat other sources of protein like nuts and grains could be in trouble (and not just because they don’t have arginine), but you most likely have sufficient levels otherwise.

What Does Arginine Do?

Arginine is extremely important for our kidneys, maintaining hormone levels and our immune system, wound healing, and controlling the arteries. In fact, this molecule is an amino acid that is converted into nitric oxide, the neurotransmitter we talked about earlier that helps with our circulation. If you’re worried about cardiovascular diseases and conditions, arginine is a great natural supplement for you.

Are There Risks to Supplementing with Arginine?

At low and moderate doses, there has been no evidence of risks or side effects when taking arginine supplements. If you’re taking higher doses, such as over 15 grams per day, you might start experiencing cramps, nausea, and diarrhea, so just stay conservative.

Allow the Universe to Provide

You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire.

If you are seeking answers and help in the face of health complications, I’m so sorry that you are struggling. Not many other situations are quite as troubling as not feeling like you have control of your health.

Pray for others, and the Universe prays for us. The Universe provides all that we need, we just need to take advantage of it. The benefits of NAD+, resveratrol, arginine, and so many other naturally occurring elements will guide us through.

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner (Shri Krishna Kalesh) is an intuitive mystic, clairvoyant reader, and a loving life & business coach. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships.

He created The Shankara Oracle, a profound divination tool that includes 18 gemstones, a lavishly designed divination board, and over 300 penetrative oracle cards – all to help you heal to your core and illuminate your Being.

Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

How Mushrooms and Trees Communicate and Thrive

How Mushrooms and Trees Communicate and Thrive

Deep in the forests, in places uncharted or untouched by man, there is an incredible and unfathomable network of living organisms that accomplish things we never dreamed they could before. The ability for other living organisms to communicate with each other, even organisms that many of us view as the lowest on the “food chain” of life, is actually astounding. One of these amazing instances is how mushrooms and trees communicate and thrive in their natural habitat.

That’s right – mushrooms are truly magical, and that’s not just because so many species of mushrooms are dubbed “magic mushrooms” for their hallucinogenic properties. They’re truly magical because they’re so complex beyond our understanding.

How Do Mushrooms Work, Exactly?

When you think of mushrooms, you probably get the image of the cute little mushroom cap popping up out of the damp soil. While this image is correct, it’s actually leaving out a much bigger picture. The mushroom caps you see popping up are the equivalent of the fruit that grows on a tree – they are the reproductive parts of a much larger system that we cannot see underground.

To fully understand how mushrooms and trees communicate, you’ll need to understand the different parts of the mushroom network. The three major parts of the mushroom network to understand are the mushrooms themselves, their spores, and the mycelium.

What is Mycelium?

Mycelium looks and acts a lot like roots do for a tree. While we cannot see the mycelium unless we dig it up and study it, the structures are quite massive. Mycelium spreads out much further and wider than the mushroom caps we can see, yet they are still only made of thread-like roots that grow no more than a few thousandths of a millimeter in width per thread.

Mycelium spreads and penetrates food sources nearby, such as organic materials from which it can extract sugar. To extract sugar, mycelium needs to secrete enzymes that break down the organic materials it attaches to.

While mycelium sounds like its structure is fragile, it’s actually a very complex and intentional system of threads that last well beyond the lifespan of any mushrooms it sprouts! In fact, mycelium continues sprouting new mushrooms throughout its lifetime to continue the cycle of life.

Because mycelium is so complex, researchers have been discovering new ways to take advantage of such a resilient and interesting structure, such as paving way for new opportunities in sustainability and healthcare.

What Do Mushrooms Do?

The “fruits” of the mycelium network are the mushrooms we see sprouting up from soil or wood. There are too many species of mushrooms to count, so it’s hard to define exactly how they look. The most popular structure of a mushroom looks like a trunk with a cap on top, and even these types of mushrooms come in endless colors and variations. There are also mushrooms and fungi that grow more like tubes or mounds.

The most important job of the mushroom is to produce and distribute spores, which are the reproductive “seeds” that spread and set up new mycelium networks if they land in the right places. These spores root and grow mycelium much like a seed from the fruit of a tree would under the right environmental conditions.

Once the job of the mushroom is done – whether its spores are spread by the wind, passing animals, or other transportive means – it dies away. When it comes to the lifespan of a mushroom, though, there is a wide range depending on the species. While some smaller, simpler species of mushrooms can be fully grown in just one day, other large mushrooms can take a few months.

What’s So Important About Fungi and Mushrooms?

For many people, mushrooms are gross, ugly, and are signs of moldy and damp areas. For others, they are merely good for mealtime. In the wild, though, mushrooms play an extremely important function in the environment’s survival. We should truly look at them as a sign of rebirth!

Fungi and mushrooms are an entirely separate category of life all on their own. While plants use photosynthesis to generate energy from the sun and animals eat food to digest nutrients, fungi externally digest nutrients before they absorb the food into their network.  Fungi break down dead and decaying organisms in the environment to fuel themselves, making them nature’s great recycler.

Without mushrooms and mycelium in our environment, the world would be a wasteland of dead plants. Fungi is the reason why dead plants can decay and make way for new life.

Okay, so maybe you already know that. But did you know that there’s an even cooler function for mushrooms and their mycelium in the wild? It has to do with allowing trees to communicate!

How Mushrooms and Trees Communicate

Despite popular knowledge, plants DO talk! In fact, trees can communicate with their neighboring trees much like herds of animals can communicate and work together for survival. How do they do it?

As you can imagine, the lifespan and survival prowess of mycelium underground lends itself to quick expansion. Spores continue to plant and create new mycelium networks in the soil and organic materials endlessly, and mycelium can literally live forever. Mycelium, therefore, expands underground and connects tree roots to other tree roots, creating a massive communication network that trees have learned to utilize for survival.

The network that mycelium creates for its own survival is also a tool for symbiosis with trees. The trees use the mycelium to transport nutrients and messages to each other. The mycelium graciously allows the trees to use them as a network for communication and offers nitrogen and phosphorous to the trees. In exchange, the mycelium is allowed to extract sugar for fuel from the tree roots. Scientists have found that mycelium actually digests 30% of the sugar that trees create from their photosynthesis efforts.

This symbiotic network is now referred to as the mycorrhizal network.

Wait… Trees Do What?

I bet you never imagined that scientists could claim that “mother” trees talk to younger trees to warn them of environmental threats. Old, wise oaks can tell saplings not to chase the light or shed leaves for fear of dooming their successful growth. One tree can even warn another tree of an impending drought or spreading disease.

Mainly, trees use their mycorrhizal networks to send resources back and forth to their fellow trees. Often, they share carbon that they’ve harvested from the atmosphere to ensure that the trees within their network are all thriving.

Beyond their carbon food, they can also send messages to alert others of danger. These trees use a method called “allelopathy,” which is the transmission of certain chemicals from one tree to another to warn them of a specific type of threat.

In response, the neighboring trees can act appropriately to defend themselves from the threat. Usually, this means they will excrete certain chemicals to stop the growth of a predatorial plant, prevent spreading disease, or ward off threatening infestations of insects.

This awareness and subsequent defense against environmental threats don’t even stop at biological and natural threats. Scientists have been able to prove that forests of trees can become aware of major destruction like deforestation and send warnings through their mycorrhizal networks to their fellow trees!

Believe It Or Not, Trees Can Be Tribal

Your mind is probably already blown away learning about mycorrhizal networks, and it certainly is a complex concept on its own. To make it even more complicated, trees can actually decide which trees they want to communicate with through these fungal networks.

Not just any mycelium network can create a symbiotic relationship with any tree species. Certain fungi prefer specific tree species so that both the tree and the fungi can benefit to the fullest extent from the exchanged nutrients. While it is believed that all trees are capable of forming these mycorrhizal networks, not all trees take advantage of them due to the lack of the correct fungi in their environment.

The majority of mycelium-tree symbiotic relationships consist of the “arbuscular mycorrhizal network,” which creates extensions of complicated structures that attach to the trees. The other remaining 35% or so of networks use combinations of fungi.

In addition, trees can prefer to only network with trees of their own species! For example, a birch tree might only be willing to connect with other birch trees. How can they tell? Specific tree species send off unique chemical compounds that identify them, and other trees can either recognize or not recognize that compound as their own unique compound.

Scientists have named this sort of “tribal” behavior within species as “kin recognition.” While they can’t prove that this kin recognition is happening for a specific reason, scientists believe that trees do this to ensure that trees of their own species survive and outlast other species so that they can become dominant in the area through easier reproduction.

At the same time, there are species of trees that are willing to connect with each other and share space within the same mycorrhizal network. Scientists have found birch and fir trees connecting and interacting through mycelium as a way to improve their resilience and longevity. Diversity is important, even nature knows it!

What Exactly Do the Communication Signals Look Like Amongst Trees?

Similarly to how scientists delve deep into researching the vocalizations and body language communications of animals, scientists are just now realizing that they can begin to decifer the language of trees. How mushrooms and trees communicate is one thing, but now how do trees use the mushrooms to communicate with each other?

In short, researchers describe the communication signals amongst trees as hormonal or chemical messages and slow-pulsing electrical signals through the mycorrhizal network. One Swiss scientists, Edward Farmer, is beginning to decipher the electric pulses that trees send to each other. He now believes that the majority of communication is a language of stress and warnings – they mainly communicate dangers to each other rather than content social speech.

Another scientist based in Arizona, Monica Gagliano, has been working on detecting if trees also communicate by emitting noises. She believes that trees can create sounds at a frequency of 220 in their roots, which is inaudible to humans but would sound like a crackling noise.

Finally, scientists have discovered that trees communicate with each other through the air and actually have senses of smell and taste. A great example is the way acacia trees can emit warning pheromones to surrounding trees that giraffes are beginning to eat their leaves. In response, the surrounding trees begin producing tannins at such large quantities that the leaves become sickening or even deadly to large herbivores.

Humorously enough, giraffes have become wise to this tree’s ability, so they’ve begun feeding downwind to prevent the trees from being able to send warning smells in the air.

Another intriguing example is the pine tree and the elm tree have to release warning pheromones when they detect catepillar saliva on their leaves. These pheromones are actually meant to attract the very species of wasp that enjoy feasting on catepillars! Many trees also recognize the taste of deer saliva and will begin producing chemicals to make the leaves taste bad to ward the predators off. We know that these chemicals only happen in response to the saliva because other kinds of injuries, such as snapping a branch, do not elicit the same response.

Peter Wohlleben’s Controversial Yet Astounding Work

Learning how mushrooms and trees communicate and thrive isn’t just a startling discovery for you. Scientists are still trying to grasp just how far this communication among plants goes. In fact, a forester in Germany has only in the past few years put together what is now his life’s work for a large audience in his book The Hidden Life of Trees.

Peter wanders through the forests near him, pours himself over research, and makes astounding discoveries about how these mycellium networks and communicative properties of trees actually stabilizes and supports the whole ecosystem. In one example, Peter discusses how he once came upon a once-gigantic tree that was felled with only the stump remaining. Upon a closer look, Peter discovered that the stump was still alive and processing chlorophyll, which would be impossible without his deeper understanding of the mycorrhizal networks.

How is this stump alive? Peter explains that the surrounding trees are still pumping nutrients and water to the stump despite its inability to provide for the rest of the trees in the network. “They are reluctant to abandon their dead, especially when it’s a big, old, revered matriarch.”

The amazing network of trees doesn’t end there. Peter further asks us to explain how such small young seedlings in dense forests can possibly obtain the sunlight and water they need to survive when crowded out by much older, larger trees.

In answer, he explains that the surrounding trees in their network provide for them so that they can grow and thrive. These seedlings receive the sugar they need through their roots rather than by photosynthesizing all of it themselves. In other words, Peter says, the mothers “suckle their young.”

Peter understands that applying such anthropomorthic phrases to trees is overdoing it by a little. At the same time, he hopes that the way he presents the community of trees in a way that’s highly intelligent and social, full of respect and support for each other, will help others see nature in a different light. He hopes that it will raise awareness for just how destructive and horrifying actions like deforestation really are, and that the world will wake up to having a deeper respect for our natural world.

What Can We Learn from How Mushrooms and Trees Communicate and Thrive?

The Universe is all interconnected. To dismiss the complexity and sentience of beings other than ourselves is not to rob ourselves from absolute beauty and wisdom, but to disrespect them and rob them of the treatment and empathy they deserve. I often hike through nature myself and can no longer ignore just how amazing our world is, how motherly and intelligent nature truly is. It can be difficult to not get frustrated when others can’t see what I see.

I urge you to stop and find stillness every day. Don’t let the hustle and bustle of daily life distract you from just how awesome and powerful our Universe is. Look within yourself, recognize that we are part of something so much bigger than ourselves. Learn from the sense of community and responsibility for those in need that even the trees and the mushrooms have.

Identify and nourish your symbiotic relationships with others. Send love, recieve love. Send forgiveness, receive forgiveness.


You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire.

Pray for others and the Universe prays for us.

I am here to help you awaken and bravely create an inspired life. Learn more about my services today and start changing your life in the most positive way.

If you find this process helpful, you might also check out The Shankara Oracle

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner (Shri Krishna Kalesh) is an intuitive mystic, clairvoyant reader, and a loving life & business coach. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships.

He created The Shankara Oracle, a profound divination tool that includes 18 gemstones, a lavishly designed divination board, and over 300 penetrative oracle cards – all to help you heal to your core and illuminate your Being.

Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

Healing Your Liver, Spleen, Thyroid, Adrenals

The liver and spleen are two of the most important organs in your body. They carry out a variety of tasks, including making iron, managing fat, eliminating toxins, activating enzymes, and making as well as excreting bile, among others.

Similar to how it impacts body temperature and heartbeat, the thyroid also controls the body’s metabolism, or how energy is consumed by tissues.

However, a large number of people are unaware that an underactive thyroid and adrenal functions may be to blame for their exhaustion, weight gain, and depression.

Your liver and spleen, among other organs, may work better thanks to herbal medicines. The thyroid and adrenal glands may benefit from the assistance provided by these herbs. The article bellow will discuss a few of these useful herbs.



Milk Thistle

One of the most widely used herbs for the treatment of liver cirrhosis is milk thistle. Though originally from the Mediterranean area, milk thistle is now found all over the world. When crushed, the leaves of the milk thistle plant release a milky liquid.

The active component of milk thistle is silymarin, which protects your liver and treats illnesses including cirrhosis, hepatitis, and fatty liver. Silymarin, a flavonoid mixture, aids in the regeneration of liver cells affected by alcohol and other toxins.

Turmeric Root

One of the most potent Ayurvedic herbs is turmeric root (Curcuma longa), which has been used for generations in India. Turmeric is well regarded for its enormous anti-inflammatory properties and for curing and preventing a wide range of inflammation-based disorders.

Turmeric is also hepatoprotective, preventing damage to liver cells (hepatocytes) by aiding in the detoxification of reactive species when they change from lipid to water soluble to water soluble. By donating itself to balance out the free radical species that cause cellular damage, hasten illness, and promote liver ageing, this contributes to the powerful antioxidant benefits of turmeric root.


In Western herbalism, dandelion root (Taraxacum officinalis) is a key herb for detoxification and healthy liver function. It is among the greatest herbs for repairing the liver.

A cholagogue, hepatoprotective tonic, and gentle phase 1 liver detoxifier, dandelion root is a bitter herb. Additionally, it acts as a mild diuretic and increases bile secretion and gall bladder constriction.

Artichoke Leaf

Artichoke leaf, which is frequently consumed in North America, Europe, and the Mediterranean, is increasingly recognised as a crucial liver support supplement. It contains cynarin, which has been shown to stimulate the liver’s bile production. This improves the effectiveness of the body’s detoxification processes, assisting various organs in getting rid of dangerous pollutants like alcohol and other substances.

Artichoke leaf also includes the vital flavonoid silymarin, just as milk thistle. Silymarin is most well-known for its capacity to shield the liver. By assisting those at risk of coronary heart disease to maintain appropriate cholesterol levels, artichoke leaves also improve general health and wellbeing.



Dandelion Root

One of the best supplements for enhancing the health and function of your spleen is dandelion root, which is used in dietary supplements. According to Mitchell, dandelion root has traditionally been utilised as an alternative medicine or therapeutic ingredient to cure enlargements of the spleen and liver. According to “Therapeutic Herb Manual” author and master herbalist Ed Smith, dandelion root also works as a diuretic and kidney cleaner to enhance hunger and working of digestive system.

Eu Yan Sang

The traditional folk treatment Si Shen Herbal Soup has been improved with Eu Yan Sang’s Healthy Digest, which regulates the stomach and spleen. Young and old can both enjoy it. To support your spleen and enhance digestion generally, it may be wise to add wholegrain meals, red dates, Chinese yam, and lotus seeds into your regular diet.

An Ji Le pills by Eu Yan Sang are traditionally used to treat the symptoms of headache, moderate nausea, mild vomiting, mild diarrhoea, and indigestion. The constituent herbs work to promote spleen function and eliminate bodily moisture. It is also appropriate for kids under the age of 10.


Astragalus root is regarded as a warming, slightly sweet tonic plant. It has an energy that is rising. Astragalus is specifically a Spleen Qi Tonic and a Lung Qi Tonic in Traditional Chinese Medicine. As a result, it is used in the treatment of lung and spleen Qi deficiency.

According to TCM, the Spleen is in charge of converting food and drink into Qi and Blood. Check for spleen dysfunction first if someone is deficient in Qi or energy. The energy that maintains our entire body, Zhen Qi, is created after the Spleen converts food and liquids into Qi. This Qi then ascends to the Lungs where it combines with Lung Qi.

Fatigue and sluggishness, loose stools or diarrhoea, poor appetite, phlegm and dampness, weak arms and legs, and prolapsed organs are all signs that the spleen is short in qi (such as haemorrhoids). Astragalus root is a Spleen Qi tonic that boosts energy, improves digestion, and can raise prolapsed organs. It also raises appetite.




One of the oldest herbal treatments in use today, licorice is a native of Western Asia and Southern Europe. By lowering cortisol levels in the body and shielding the thyroid gland from oxidative damage, it enhances thyroid function.

Licorice contains strong antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, according to research-based information. This can ease many thyroid problem symptoms and make your life easier.

Black Cumin

Another herb used in old Algerian medicine to cure thyroid issues is black cumin, or Nigella sativa. It has biological elements and phytochemicals that assist a number of bodily processes, such as; Alkaloids, Phenolics, Coumarins and Flavonoids.

Black cumin can enhance thyroid function generally as well as for patients with this particular problem, according to a 2016 study examined the impact black cumin has on Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, a disease that eventually destroys the thyroid.

Lemon Balm

This plant has a wide range of traditional applications, including as supporting sound sleep, reducing tension and anxiety, and treating indigestion. Additionally, studies have indicated that it may be advantageous for those who have hyperthyroidism.

According to one study, the extract protects Grave’s disease patients’ thyroid receptors from the components that cause the thyroid to become overactive. Lemon balm is widely employed as an antiviral medication, which lightens the burden on your liver. Thyroid problems and viral infections frequently co-occur.




Ashwagandha, another adaptogenic plant, balances our brain’s central nervous system by influencing our cortisol levels. It is a common herb used to maintain normal healthy thyroid function, emotional balance, healthy energy levels, and normal immune function. It is one of the more well-known adaptogens for ensuring healthy adrenal gland activity.

The name Ashwagandha literally translates to “horse smell,” as it is believed to give you the vigour and stamina of a horse. Since ashwagandha belongs to the nightshade family, it is advised to choose a substitute herb to strengthen your adrenals if you have a known or suspected nightshade allergy. Ashwagandha has warming qualities and is excellent for people who get chilly easily or are more easily exhausted.

Licorice Root

In Europe and Asia, licorice is produced. A highly appreciated Chinese medication is licorice. It is present in practically all of the Chinese herbal formulae with patents. The most popular herb for supporting the adrenals is licorice. It is a moderate tonic and anti-stress herb that is believed to boost vitality, energy, and endurance.

Licorice has been used to help alleviate the symptoms of hypoglycemia, a frequent side effect of impaired adrenal function, and it is known to naturally boost cortisol levels. Aldosterone production is boosted, which is good because advanced adrenal fatigue typically lacks this hormone. Licorice can calm upset stomachs, increase blood flow through the heart and arteries, and boost the immune system’s production of molecules similar to interferon.

Nettle Leaf

Although nettle leaf is not generally thought of as an adaptogenic plant, it can be very effective in treating adrenal fatigue. Vitamins A, C, and K, as well as magnesium, iron, calcium, and potassium are all abundant in nettles. In light of this, nettle is a herb that is highly nutritious for the entire body and, more particularly, an adrenal tonic.

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner is an Intuitive Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

You might also checkout the groundbreaking divination tool The Shankara Oracle – the most penetrative and life-changing oracles on Earth. It takes you far beyond what tarot and oracle cards can do – and offers a truly divine transformation.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE


What Does It Mean When We Say “No Excuses”?


You are an unlimited Being, born from myriad miracles. Nothing is stopping you from growing, healing, and moving beyond your current circumstances and conditions. There’s karma to contend with, but prayer and your focus on an enlightened master or God, you can burn through karma. There will be pain, but the pain is transforming you.

Throughout our lives, we see many people succeed and many who fail. We might worship those who reach the tops of mountains, and we might dismiss those who often suffer defeat. As we wander the planet pursuing our passions and interests, we might secretly worship one of the world’s “winners” in our mind’s eye, hoping that one day we’ll achieve a status equal to theirs. In our focus on these individuals, we forget that our karma is unique.

Our paths are unique. And as such, we must forge unique trajectories to shift, transform, or transcend. 

Amid our own victories and failures, we learn what works and what doesn’t. We either improve, pivot, or die. If we’re honest with ourselves, we might admit that we rarely learn from our mistakes. Unwilling to dissolve our stubbornness and addiction to outdated behaviors and beliefs, we fail to free ourselves from bad habits, ill-conceived pursuits, and a variety of misconceptions. It all comes down to our excuses.

The idea of “no excuses” sounds simple, but we complicate it due to our self-perceptions and exhaustion. After all, life on Earth has become quite intense and complex these days. But when it comes down to it, you either want to grow and heal and improve your conditions, or you do not.

You might feel, “well, this pain, this situation, this is the way it is,” but we can always improve our circumstances, even if it’s only one small step at a time.

If you want to truly change and advance your position in the world, it probably won’t be easy. It will most likely require self-sacrifice and hard work. It will also require you to move beyond your temporary self-identities, attitudes, false desires, mental perseverations, and ego, and into a state of humility, honesty, and wonder.

If you’re too enthused with your identity and ego, or if you’ve become accustomed to playing the victim, you’ll continue to defend the notion that excuses are real – but they are not.

An excuse is a statement that we use to justify our inability to find pathways to improved conditions. It’s often contrived out of thin air and presented within ourselves in such a way that it brings us shame, thereby lowering our vibrations.

When we have 4 or 5 excuses, we believe we have a legal, defensible case against ourselves and our potential. We then use our minds to take ourselves to spiritual court. Even with the best intentions and most innovative slights of hand, we’ll lose this battle every time. We are too smart for our own good.

So, there we sit, stuck in a cesspool of our excuses.

Here are a few reasons why your excuses are merely contrived fantasies that you’re using to defeat yourself and defend laziness:

  1. You have skin, bones, a brain, a heart, and passion. With these elements, you can accomplish nearly anything. What most often happens is that we get distracted and depressed, and we refuse to shift our behaviors toward a more enlightening feeling or position. When you add our addictions to social media to the mix, you have a stew that can only breed mediocrity and complaints.
  2. Your ideas and passions are not that complicated. It’s not like your goal is to fly to a distant nebula on a magical, nuclear, cocktail napkin. Your desires are most likely based in reality, which gives you a fighting chance at bringing them to life.
  3. You have already tried sitting around, complaining, and building a case against yourself.
  4. You already know which of the people in your life you no longer value. You’ve been keeping them around so you can feel validated. It’s within this codependent model that we grow mental and emotional infections that can prevent us from ever-evolving.
  5. You have made mistakes and you have created some unique, winning scenarios. Even with a predominance of failures, you still have enough data to thrust you forward with confidence.
  6. You’re sick of your attitude, so why not try something else?

Whether you believe in reincarnation or not, this life of yours is happening. It’s ON. It’s moving forward with or without you.

Why not admit you’re blocked, and choose to change your daily routine so you can advance your life to the next level?

Exercise and mediate at 6am. Pray 3X a day so that you continually raise your vibration. Pray for others because when we do this, The Universe prays for us. Use The Sedona Method to release emotions. Find ways to selflessly serve others. Do yoga 4X a week. Eat more healthfully. You got this.

Change your beliefs and you change your life. Go get ’em!

Check out The Shankara Oracle. It’s the most advanced divination system on Earth! Great for healing, growing, and prediction! 

Use EFT Tapping to Free Yourself of Trauma and Fear

Teenage girl practicing EFT or emotional freedom technique – tapping on the karate chop point

Use EFT Tapping to Free Yourself of Trauma and Fear

Mystics, scientists, and truth seekers have known for centuries that a deep and mysterious connection exists between our minds and our bodies. Some sages have described this connection as energy flowing through our bodies, connecting our minds to our physical shells and to the wider universe around us. So what happens when the stress and trauma of life interfere with that energy flow?

Disruptions in your body’s energy can have a serious impact on your life, and EFT tapping can be a great way to restore that flow. Read on to learn more about tapping and how you can use it to manage anxiety, stress, depression, and more.

What Is EFT Tapping?

Emotional freedom technique, also known as EFT tapping, is an alternative therapy technique that may be useful for anxiety, PTSD, and other fear-related disorders. This technique was developed in 1995 by Gary Craig, who believed the body has different meridians, or points where energy is more highly focused. He believed that by tapping on these meridians, a person could change their body’s energy.

EFT tapping works on the same theory as acupuncture and acupressure. Instead of pressing on or sticking a pin in this location, however, the practitioner or patient simply taps on that meridian point. During this process, the patient focuses on the thing in their life that they want to change.

Who Can It Help?

In general, EFT tapping is recommended for patients who are dealing with mental disorders. In particular, this treatment is a popular option for people living with chronic anxiety or depression. EFT practitioners say the technique is also useful for people with chronic pain, stress disorders, PTSD, and other fear-related disorders.

It’s important to note that, ideally, EFT tapping should be one part of your overall mental healthcare plan. In particular, if you have thoughts of hurting yourself or someone else, reach out to a professional immediately. EFT tapping will be most effective when used in combination with therapy and/or medication to keep your brain chemistry in balance.

How Does It Work?

EFT tapping focuses on the body’s energy meridians, points around your body where your energy converges. Tapping practitioners believe that you can develop blockages in these meridians that interfere with your body’s natural energy flow and cause the problems you’re experiencing. You can see a practitioner for a tapping session, or you can do tapping yourself at home.

Although the tapping is, naturally, a critical part of tapping therapy, much of the technique also revolves around mindfulness. As you’re performing the tapping, it’s important to focus on the issue in your life that you need resolved. This can help to focus the energy change and clear any blockages you may be experiencing.

Identify an Issue to Focus On

When you get ready to begin a tapping session, it’s important to pick one particular issue to focus on. It’s best to get fairly specific with this issue so that you can tackle larger problems in manageable sections. Trying to tackle too much at once could interfere with your focus and make the therapy less effective.

Spend some time meditating before your tapping session, bringing your focus into the body and letting go of all distractions. Begin to direct your attention to the problems you’re facing, and narrow that focus down to one particular issue that’s interfering with your daily life and happiness. Begin to anchor your attention into this issue, drawing it in as the focus of your session.

Rate the Intensity

Once you have your focus set, it’s a good idea to rate the current intensity of the problem in your life. In other words, how serious is the problem, and how much distress and disruption is it causing you at the present moment. This will help you to track if the tapping therapy is working for you or if you need to try different techniques.

As you focus on your specific issue, think about how much this issue impacts you, your daily life, and your happiness. Rate it on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being only mild inconvenience and 10 being debilitating. You can also assign this ranking based on how much the problem has impacted you at other times in your life.

Choose a Mantra

Now that you understand the scope of your problem a little better, it’s time to choose your mantra for the tapping session. This will be a specific reminder phrase you’ll use to reset your focus throughout the session. These words can help to direct the energy change that happens during the session.

Your mantra should be one of acknowledgment and acceptance, recognizing that the problem is present in your life and offering compassion and acceptance to yourself. There should be no judgment – only recognition that this is a problem in your life and that you are still worthy and a divine being of light.

Follow the Tapping Sequence

With your mantra and focus centered in your mind, you’ll be ready to begin the tapping sequence. You’ll need to follow a specific order as you move across the tapping points. During your first few sessions, you may want to consult an EFT tapping chart to make sure you’re hitting the right meridian points.

Tap each point in the sequence about five times with your fingertips. You can tap the points that have twin positions at the same time, or you can just tap one side.

Begin with the tapping point directly in the center of the top of your head, and then move to the beginning of your brows closest to your nose. Move to the bones on the outside corner of your eyes, then to the bone about one inch below your pupils.

Next comes the point between your nose and your upper lip, followed by the point between your lower lip and your chin. Finish with the points just below the inside ends of your collarbones and then those on the sides of the body about four inches below your armpits.

Rate the Intensity Again

Once you’ve finished the tapping sequence, take a few deep breaths, and then rate the intensity of your issue again. In an ideal treatment, you’ll notice that the intensity has gone down from where it was when you began tapping. However, you may notice that it takes a few rounds to see noticeable improvement.

Continue this tapping sequence, repeating your mantra with each point you tap. You may find that after a while, the changes to the intensity of your problem plateau. Once this happens or the intensity reaches zero, you can stop the session and return to it as needed.

Learn More About EFT Tapping

EFT tapping can be a great way to manage stress, reduce anxiety, and ease symptoms of depression. Begin by identifying the issue you want to work on and setting a mantra of acknowledgment and acceptance. Follow the tapping sequence, repeating it until the intensity of your problem has lessened.

If you’d like to learn more about EFT tapping, check out the rest of my site at I am here to help you awaken and bravely create an inspired life. Learn more about my services today and start changing your life in the most positive way.


You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire.