Why Showering Isn’t Necessary

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Everyone has their own ritual when it comes to getting ready in the morning… and everyone has their own ideas on what is essential. Some people might think that showering every day is a little over the top, while others see it as a necessary part of their morning routine. In such a fast-paced world, there are many different factors that come into play when making these decisions. Your job, your social life, your stress levels — all of these things can influence whether you feel like you need to shower every day or not. But why? There are many reasons why showering might not be necessary. The type of activities you participate in on a daily basis, the climate you live in, and even your personal preferences can all have an impact on whether or not showering is essential for you personally.

Science doesn’t love showers

If you shower regularly, like every day, chances are you are killing off healthy skin bacteria that is keeping you alive. While we might believe we can completely cleanse ourselves of every microbe and critter, it’s actually impossible – and we need these little creatures to help, heal, and sustain us! The more you shower, especially with chemical-ridden soaps and shampoo, the less healthy your skin, body, and mind will be.

What is the optimal number of showers in a week to preserve the health of your skin? 1-2 at most.

Here are some other reasons why showering might not be beneficial for you:

You live in a dry climate.

If you live in a region that is dry, chances are you don’t need to be showering as frequently as those who live in humid areas. Dry air can cause your skin to be drier and more itchy than usual — which means that you may need to be showering more frequently in order to soothe your skin and prevent excess itching. If you regularly shower when your skin is dry, it can actually worsen the situation. The water from the shower can break down your skin’s natural barrier — leading to an even drier and itchier situation. In order to prevent this, be mindful of how your skin feels when you shower (and whether or not it is drier than normal). If your skin is dry, you may need to shower more frequently.

You exercise regularly.

If you regularly engage in sports or strenuous activities, then you may need to shower more frequently than those who don’t. Exercising can elevate your body temperature, which may cause you to sweat. If you don’t shower after sweating, you risk being uncomfortable for the rest of the day. Sweat also has a strong odor that can be pungent if it is allowed to sit on your skin for too long — meaning that showering can actually save you from being embarrassed by your own smell. If you shower regularly after engaging in strenuous activities, it can also help to prevent breakouts or ingrown hairs. If your hair becomes matted with sweat, it can lead to an increased risk of ingrown hairs — which can cause unsightly red bumps. Taking a shower after a workout can help to prevent all of these issues.

Showering is your only chance to breathe easily.

If you have allergies or asthma, you may need to shower more frequently than others in order to breathe easily. If you engage in activities that cause you to be short of breath — like intense sports — you should take a shower as soon as possible afterward in order to clear your pores. Your pores secrete a substance called sebum that can be pungent — which is what causes your skin to smell. If you don’t shower after engaging in an activity that causes you to be short of breath, the sebum can harden in your pores. This can cause an offensive odor and make it difficult for you to breathe. If you shower after these activities, you can clear your pores and breathe more easily.

Your hygiene is essential for your job.

If your job involves regular communication or contact with other people, your hygiene may be essential. Some occupations require you to be in close proximity to others — like doctors, nurses, teachers, and flight attendants — and your hygiene is essential for preventing the spread of bacteria and germs. If you don’t shower regularly, bacteria can build up on your skin — which can then be transmitted to others. If you participate in activities that cause you to sweat regularly or have greasy hair, you may need to shower more frequently to stay hygienic. If you regularly engage in activities that cause you to sweat — like playing sports, exercising, or working outdoors — you should take a shower as soon as possible afterward in order to stay hygienic.

You have a stressful job or commute.

If you have a stressful job or a particularly stressful commute, showering regularly can actually help to reduce your stress levels. If you don’t shower regularly — or if you don’t regularly clean your hair and skin — it can cause bacteria to build up. This can cause your skin and hair to smell more pungently than usual and can actually increase your stress levels. If you shower regularly, it can help to reduce your stress levels. It can also help to prevent breakouts and ingrown hairs as bacteria is a common cause of skin issues.

You’re just not a fan.

If you are someone who doesn’t regularly engage in activities that cause you to sweat — like playing sports — or if you don’t have a stressful job, you may just not be a fan of showering every day. You can still stay clean without showering every single day — it just takes a little more effort. Showering every day can actually strip your skin of essential oils. These oils are important for keeping your skin healthy and hydrated, and they can actually be stripped away by daily showers. If you shower every day, you can actually exacerbate the problem of dry skin and irritation. This is why many people who shower every day still use moisturizers or body washes — to help keep their skin hydrated.

So, how often should you be showering?

If you want to know how often, you first need to assess your personal hygiene needs. If you live in a dry climate, if you exercise regularly, or if you have a stressful job or commute, you may need to shower more frequently. On the other hand, if you are simply not a fan of cleaning off every day, there is no need to force yourself to do it. If you aren’t sure how often you should be showering, the best thing to do is to keep track of your bathing habits — and see when your skin feels the most hydrated. Pay attention to how often you shower — and how your skin feels when you do. If you clean too frequently, you risk stripping your skin of essential oils — which can actually exacerbate dry skin. Now that you know why showering isn’t necessary, you can make an informed decision on how often you should be showering. Your skin and personal hygiene needs will dictate when you should be cleaning yourself — and when you don’t need to be in the shower at all.

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner is an Intuitive Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

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