What Happens When You Get COVID-19: From Home To Hospital To Recovery

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Covid-19 In All Its Glory: A Shutterstock Licensed Image

The official name of the 2019 novel coronavirus is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), resulting in a disease known as COVID-19. It’s been a wild ride for this virus, and the butt of many jokes. The mystery surrounding its origins has given birth to a variety of home-spun conspiracy theories. This includes, “All Chinese people eat bat soup,” “you can drink bleach or liquid silver to immediately kill the virus,” and “this is all media hype, the virus is no worse than the common cold.” This is what happens when good people follow misguided politicians, ideologies, and media stars, instead of cold, hard facts, and science.

There are a variety of ways you can contract COVID-19, but the most likely route is from particles in the air. You can also get it when touching someone’s hand or an object that has the virus on its surface, and then touching your face. Washing your hands several times a day, and especially after personal interactions, should be part of your preventative care plan. That said, it’s best to stay home and hibernate, wash your mail, incoming packages, and be extremely careful when engaging other people. Keep a distance of at least 6 ft.

This virus is infinitely more dangerous than the common cold (the common cold does not have a mortality rate) and probably 10-20X more dangerous than the flu. There are also signs that the virus comes in different forms, each one requiring different treatments. This is why some people have no symptoms and others experience extreme complications at the onset and eventually die. Given the mayhem, it’ll be helpful to understand how this virus could affect your body and life. Read about coronavirus here.

The 5 Phases of COVID-19

Here’s a 5-phase, fictional, personal journey that imagines what happens when the coronavirus makes its way into the human body. I sourced these feelings and experiences from a variety of first-hand accounts in Italy and China. I wrote them as first-person monologues so that you can feel into the experience and personally relate with them. I did this because, as an empath, I wasn’t feeling connected to the popular, bulleted lists that attempt to outline what patients are experiencing. While not everyone has the same journey or the same vulnerabilities, I hope these short speeches give you a few insights into what it might feel like when someone contracts COVID-19. Thanks for going along with this theatrical style. I hope it’s helpful to you.

Stage 1 – The Common Cold

“I guess it’s day two or three of not feeling so well. I have your typical runny nose, feel a bit stuffed-up, and my throat feels unusually scratchy. It sounds like a cold to me! Oh, and I’m quite congested, so I tend to cough a bit here and there. Yeah, I’ve got the usual body aches and a bit of a headache, but at least it’s not a migraine. Feeling a little warm, but not super-feverish. Since I pushed hard yesterday, I’m not going into work today. I’m going to hydrate, grab some vitamin C, and take a 3-hour nap. That should do it!”

Stage 2 – I’m 100% Recovered!
“As I said, a little C and a little nap, and I’m 100% recovered. I don’t know what all the hype is about, but I’m certain I’ve recovered. I nearly bought 150 rolls of toilet paper and a diesel generator! How silly can I be! Must’ve been the fever. I’m going to take a little walk, grab some lunch, and head back to the office a little late. I feel like I was such a wimp, but being on the mend feels great!”

Stage 3 – Wait, I’ve Got The Flu
“I definitely have a fever. And these chills don’t feel so good. I’m coughing like I invented it, and my throat feels like it’s lined with gravel. My nose drips like a faucet, and my muscles ache from head to toe. Apparently, I’ve got a weak immune system. And all of a sudden, I’m increasingly short of breath. Not going to the doc’s today as I’m sure this is temporary. So much for exercise and kale! I must’ve caught this bug at that luncheon a few days ago. I got my flu shot, but somehow I’m in the 65% who don’t respond to it. This headache and diarrhea have wiped me out. I’ll bet if I rest a bit, I won’t feel so exhausted tomorrow. Hopefully, this flu has a short shelf-life.”

Stage 4 – Actually, It’s Pneumonia!
“I hate going to the doctors, but he just confirmed that I have a 104-degree fever and pneumonia. And this headache feels more like a migraine. Tests came back, but as a flu, but as the disease COVID-19. I’m freaking out. I’m coughing-up a bio lab’s level of green phlegm, and it feels like I’m storing 5 gallons of water in my chest. My chills could cool a six-pack. This is not a good day. I don’t want to eat, I’m breathing too fast, my heart hurts, and I’m sweating like a roasted pig. My sweetheart said my lips sometimes turn a little blue. That can’t be a good thing. When my grandpa had pneumonia, he said he was confused all the time, so I’m thankful to be in my mid-40s! Not much I can do but cough, sleep, and massage my chest. Gosh, I hope I’m okay. Am I okay? At this point. I have no idea.”

Stage 5 – This Is Far Worse Than Pneumonia.
“Since breathing became difficult, I lost my senses of taste and smell, and my brain now feels swollen, so the doc checked me into intensive care. Feels like I’m breathing through a clogged straw. I can barely type. Sometimes I fear for my life and start to feel a bit lost and confused. Makes me appreciate the most important parts of my day – breathing! While nobody is telling me that I’m going to die, my doc says I’m not out of the woods yet. Ugh, look at these machines around me.”

Stage 6 – A Fork In The Road
45 year old in moderately good health: “It’s day 3 in intensive care, and day 12 of me not feeling so hot. The good news is that I feel a tiny bit better today. That said, things still feel a little dicey. The doc assured me that I’m on the tail end of this awful virus and that I’ll most likely recover to 80% within a few days. He also said that I might continue to experience some lung challenges or damage, and that only time will tell. I swear to God, for a time, I felt like I was going to die. I’m grateful for science, global data, hospitals, my awesome doctors at home – and these folks right here at the hospital! GOD BLESS YOU ALL! GO, SCIENCE!”

71 yr old with prior respiratory and kidney problems: “I arrived this morning feeling nervous. With a pounding head, all this phlegm with what feels like water in my lungs, and needing to be on a machine to breathe, I’m deeply worried. Feeling anxious. Can’t sleep and I’m so foggy all the time. My doctor says my kidneys are extremely vulnerable. She also said my lungs are struggling. I’ve invited my family to be with me today so that we can make some decisions together. Seems there are some emerging therapies, but no vaccines will be available for quite some time. I’m praying, and I’m feeling gratitude for my beautiful family.”

For A Faster Recovery, Be Healthy Right Now

While the above exploration isn’t precise, I hope it gives you a better understanding of the severity and potential variances for those who contract COVID-19. In all cases, prior good health, exercise, and nutrition seem to play important parts, not only during the peaks of the challenges but also in the length of time it takes to recover.

In all pursuits, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, finding ways to be relaxed, peaceful, and loving go a long way. Viruses like SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) can inspire quickened emotional and spiritual evolution. As we evolve our souls, we improve the vibrations of our bodies. With positive thoughts and intentions, we improve our states of mind. If we can also enhance our diets and exercise routines, we can put ourselves in the best possible positions for smooth journeys ahead.

Good News In The Works

A few positive byproducts of the virus include far less pollution throughout the world, a drastic reduction in fracking, an industry which is now on the verge of collapse, many plastics companies are on their last breaths, and we have more time to focus on our relationships and spirituality. And even though it could take 8-18 months to become available to the general public, there is progress toward a vaccine.

While there no antiviral drugs have definitively proven successful in treating the virus, there are many companies and thousands of scientists around the world working on a vaccine. Many of these brilliant people are also being offered company and government incentives and bonuses if they find success.

Several medications and procedures have shown promise in curbing symptoms, reducing recovery time, and improving lung conditions, like the drug favipiravir. New York is testing an old Spanish Flu procedure where the plasma of recovered patients is injected into those who have the virus. While it’s not a cure, it promises to speed-up recovery. Taking other suggested drugs have shown mixed results, like hydroxychloroquine, which resulted in a death. Gilead Sciences’ antiviral drug remdesivir has shown promise as potentially having cured a small number of people, but not all of the people who took the drug improved.


As industry icons and Fortune 1000 brands promise to manufacture masks and build ventilators, states are stepping-up. Colorado will soon receive 100,000 new test kits that utilize finger pricks, rather than the traditional sinus swab. The company Everlywell has recently launched a new home test kit for hospital and medical workers, which will be available to the general public in the coming weeks. And although the US federal government continues to ignore data, doctors, and science, most governors are directing their citizens to stay home. The result: people are listening and it’s working.

One thing is certain: Social distancing flattens the curve, which has proven successful in states like Washington and New York. Meanwhile, New Jersey, California, Oregon, Colorado, and other states have followed suit, telling their citizens to stay home, and putting all non-essential state operations and businesses on hold. You can see the results of social distancing in this phenomenal, animated infographic which successfully illustrates how a disease like COVID-19 can spread so quickly: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/corona-simulator/

As news continues to filter through your feeds and as you learn more about COVID-19, be aware that our bodies are remarkably resilient, even in our later years. The most crucial thing for you to do now is to protect yourself and your loved ones:

  • Stay home, isolate, and quarantine
  • If you must be social, keep distances at 6 ft or more
  • Cancel all travel plans
  • Cancel all child and friend playdates 
  • Get comfortable with video conferencing on Zoom, Skype, Join.me, and others
  • Wash your hands throughout the day, 20 seconds at a clip
  • Eat healthily and get lots of rest
  • Take supplements and eat greens to improve your immune system 
  • Wash all incoming packages before opening, including mail and meal deliveries
  • Use this time to meditate, forgive others, find peace, create, and expand
  • Love the ones nearest to you 
  • Pray for the world

I wish all of you good health and lots of light in your lives. Please be diligent in your preparations, and stay informed! Remember, this, too, shall pass.

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