The Best Supplements & Herbs to Nurture Your Liver & Kidneys

best supplements to nurture liver and kidney

Nurture and help your Liver and Kidneys. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

You’ve finally decided to nurture your liver and kidneys. You might be looking for the best liver detox or how to successfully flush your kidneys and liver. You might be wondering, “What does the liver do?” or “What are the best herbs for kidney health?” This article will answer those questions and more.

Let’s Start With Your Liver

At around 3 lbs, your lovely liver is a large, meaty organ, almost the size of a football. This dark brown and reddish beast is protected by your rib cage and sits on the upper right side of your stomach. It lives just beneath your diaphragm and above your tummy. When you feel pain in your liver, it most likely comes from your upper right abdomen, mid-to-upper back, or within your right shoulder blade.

Your liver has a few adjacent relatives. Cousin Gallbladder sits directly under the liver, where you’ll also find parts of Aunt Pancreas and Uncle Intestines. This little system works hard to digest your food, absorb nutrients, and filter the blood that comes from your digestive tract.

While the liver regulates and detoxifies the chemicals going through your body, and metabolizes the drugs in your system, it secretes bile, which breaks down fats and carries waste to your intestines. All of this happens during digestion. When you eat, your liver goes to work.

Click to read How Sage And Similar Herbs Help Us Extinguish Toxins And Heal

Your liver produces proteins that are important in blood clotting, and it breaks down old and damaged blood cells. It metabolites carbohydrates and ensures your blood sugar levels remain constant. Your liver also stores vitamins and minerals and releases them when you need them most.

The liver is one of those organs that people tend to take for granted. We sometimes assume that it can handle anything. While this is almost true, we forget that the liver is a catch-all for everything we put into and experience within our bodies, including emotions. Even though it’s usually reliable, and our primary line of defense, the liver has limits.

Liver disease is severe and can stem from a variety of causes, including:

  • Hepatitis
  • Genetics
  • Cancer and other growths
  • Alcoholism
  • Injecting drugs
  • Tattoos
  • Exposure to other people’s fluids
  • Exposure to chemicals and toxins
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity

How To Improve Liver Function

Sometimes healing our livers is as simple as dramatically reducing our consumption of alcohol and drugs, avoiding risky sexual behavior, removing aerosols and toxic soaps from our homes, meditating, crying, forgiving others, protecting our skin, and eating natural, organic, whole foods.

If you’re serious about improving your liver function, you might consider taking some of these herbs, each of which has unique healing properties:

  • Milk Thistle
  • NAC N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
  • Artichoke Leaf
  • Marshmallow Root
  • Parsley
  • Chana Piedra
  • Yarrow
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Dandelion Root
  • Yellow Dock Root
  • Choline
  • Molybdenum
  • Tocotrienols (a type of vitamin E)
  • Zinc
  • Selenium

Ayurvedic medicine has also been successful in healing the liver, doing so for thousands of years. While it’s best to consult a physician or Ayurvedic practitioner before consuming these herbs, here is the list of Ayurvedic herbs often prescribed to cleanse the liver: Bhumyamalaki, Barberry, Kutki, Amla, Turmeric, Guduchi, and Amalaki.

Tell Me About My Kidneys and How to Heal Them Naturally

Your two kidneys are bean-shaped warriors who continuously protect you. How do they do it? They filter your blood, removing waste, drugs, acid, and excess water to produce urine. They help your body maintain a healthy balance of water, salt, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium in your blood. They also produce an active form of vitamin D, which feeds your bones.

With a million functional units called nephrons, your kidneys keep your nerves, muscles, and other tissues functioning correctly. They regulate plasma, extracellular fluid, ion concentrations, pH, toxins, and hormones. Your kidneys allow your body to control your blood pressure and make healthy red blood cells, and they filter your blood before its journey into the heart. Your kidneys play a significant role in your health.

Chronic kidney diseases can cause or stem from diabetes, cardiovascular disease, weak bones, high blood pressure, anemia, nerve damage, Glomerulonephritis, cysts, urinary tract infections, congenital disorders, drugs, and toxins. While not every kidney story has a happy ending, most kidney diseases can be treated successfully.

Herbs for Kidney Health

To keep your kidneys happy and healthy, you might consider adding some of these herbs, berries, roots, and supplements into your daily regiment. Be careful when ingesting these things as they can be toxic in any quantity. Consult a doctor the moment you believe your kidneys to be in jeopardy.

  • Milk Thistle
  • Parsley
  • Juniper Berries
  • Golden Rod
  • Dandelion Root
  • Gravel Root
  • Corn Silk
  • Marshmallow Root
  • Vitamin B-6
  • Omega-3s
  • Potassium Citrate
  • Gynostemma
  • Grapes, peanuts, berries w/ resveratrol
  • Cranberries
  • Lemon, orange, beet, and melon juices
  • Seaweed
  • Teas: Fenugreek, Ginger, Mint, Nettle, Hydrangea, Tumeric, Sambong

When cleaning or healing your kidneys, Ayurvedic medicine suggests the following herbs: Brahmi or Gotu Kola (Bacopa monnieri), Shilajit, Punarnava, Manjishtha, and Varuna. When cleansing your kidneys, consider consuming lots of watermelons, leafy greens, roots, and teas with the herbs as mentioned above.

Liver and Kidney Flushes and Diets

What is the best drink to flush your kidneys and liver? What cleanses will bring my vital organs back to full strength? There are several natural liver and kidney cleanses and diets that will help improve the functionality of these critical organs. Here are a few suggestions:


  • For 2-3 days, begin each day with a glass of water infused with a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Enjoy a morning smoothie that includes one or more of the following: beetroot, apples, cucumber, spinach, banana, lemon juice, and grated ginger. You might follow-up your smoothie with a cup of green tea.
  • For lunch, enjoy proteins like organic chicken and tofu, and veggies like red onion, green beans, and carrots. Add a little Greek yogurt, grapes, and some brown rice. Keep the meals trim and simple.
  • For dinner, create a meal that includes a few of the following: a cup of coconut water, blueberries, kale, a small portion of tofu, sweet potatoes, celery, tomatoes, kidney beans, parsley, and garlic.
  • Throughout each day of your cleanse, enjoy concocting your own teas with Dandelion root, Marshmallow root, Turmeric, and Ginger. Or select a few favorites from the liver and kidney herb lists above.
  • As you come out of the cleanse, consider changing your daily routine to include some of the ideas in this list, mixed with things like Milk Thistle, Omega-3s, and other supplements mentioned above.

No matter how healthy you are, consider adjusting your diet to include kidney- and liver-friendly foods. You might focus on berries, citrus fruits, vegetables, brown rice, lean meats, including chicken and seafood. You might also consider avoiding processed foods, refined carbohydrates, sugar, artificial sweeteners, foods high in sodium, beef, pork, alcohol, and caffeine.

Be aware that the FDA has not announced its approval for the ideas in this article. Some people reported that they became sicker when ingesting some of the items on the above lists. It’s always essential to consult a nutritionist or doctor when drastically changing your diet or beginning to consume new herbs and supplements. As you research on behalf of your health, seek clinically studied and tested ingredients, and only take clinically recommended doses.

Wishing you lots of healing as you begin to nurture your liver and kidneys!

Cold Fusion: Free Energy Tech & Government Cover-ups

Cold Fusion

Cold Fusion is perty! A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

A heated Cold Fusion debate has brewed since the 1980s when the University of Southampton’s Martin Fleischmann and University of Utah’s Stanley Pons examined the electrolysis of heavy water on the surface of an electrode. They wondered if the experiment with the palladium (Pd) electrode would produce physical changes that would challenge the established laws of chemistry.

The most compelling aspect of their experiments was evidence of the production of excess heat. If this were true, it would have resulted in The Holy Grail of energy, nothing short of an eternal panacea. It would change the world as we know it. The industry’s and public’s reaction would have been akin to the first gold rush. As it turns out, it was more like a crucifixion.

Fleischmann was then one of the planet’s most renowned electrochemists. When Pons reported their findings in a press release in 1989, it raised the world’s hopes of having free, abundant energy. The scientific community went insane.

“If low-temperature fusion does exist and can be perfected, power generation could be decentralized. Each home could heat itself and produce its own electricity, probably using a form of water as fuel. Even automobiles might be cold-fusion powered.
— Charles Platt

The team claimed that the process that created the excess heat defied traditional explanation in terms of nuclear energy principles. Pons and Fleischmann also reported that their methods produced small amounts of nuclear byproducts in the forms of neutrons and tritium. Their findings were published as the birth of Cold Fusion.

While they drank toasts to each other, they were confronted with two teensie, tiny problems. No other scientist in the world could replicate their experiments with the same results. It was also proven that Fleischmann and Pons never detected neutrons and tritium. Oops!

By the end of 1989, hopes evaporated, faith disappeared, and trust vanished. Cold Fusion was dead. So we thought.

Cold Fusion: Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

It would be nice to wake up in the morning, flip on your free auto-energy generator, and enjoy free, all-day air conditioning and the free powering of 30 devices. While it sounds fantastic and possible, this probably won’t happen in our lifetimes.

While it might be true that Cold Fusion is too challenging to create, I’m not sure that’s the only obstacle. It might also be true that Mommy Government and Daddy Big Oil won’t allow every Tom, Mustafah, and Jorge to produce their own free energy.

Much like religion, governments love to control populations. This allows a handful of families through the world to benefit significantly from every financial transaction that takes place on Planet Earth. This is especially true for energy and transportation.

  • Buy an orange; they get paid.
  • Plug in a lamp; they get paid again.
  • Buy a car and fill the tank; they get paid – often.

This might be why governments and corporations won’t allow the general public to create, manage and benefit from their private production of household and transportation energy. Failing a revolution, if Big Government and Big Corporations won’t be getting paid for a true benefit, the benefit will have a tough time seeing the light of day.

Welcome to the Completely Suppressed Global Economy.

“I would like nuclear fusion to become a practical power source.

It would provide an inexhaustible supply of energy,

without pollution or global warming.”

— Stephen Hawking

A Little Secret


When I was living in the wilderness in NM, I ventured to the post office one day and found an older guy tinkering with his truck. He claimed it would now get over 400 mpg. I was so indelibly curious that I asked him to show me how it worked.

We drove to his house in the mountains, down a few long, dusty roads. When we arrived at his mobile home at the end of a cul-de-sac, he immediately broke out the architectural renderings from his time as a scientist at Sandia Labs in Albuquerque.

The man also pointed to a small, ominous black box in the corner of his living room. He said, “That’s where all of our free energy comes from. Oh, and it also provides air conditioning.” The house was cool. The rooms were bright. I was beyond blown away.

When I went back to visit him a few months later, he was gone. Not just the man, but his entire house had vanished. As if none of it ever existed. I still get goosebumps thinking about the whole experience.

BTW, there are over 1000 patents for carburetors registered at the US Patent Office. They’ve all been purchased by the automotive and car industries…

When Toyota announced its cute little Prius would soon be getting over 120 mpg, they experienced corporate espionage and other challenges. Somehow the 120 became 60.

As rightful citizens of planet earth, we are only permitted to utilize 20% of what is already proven and possible. It’s all about profit and control.

What Is Cold Fusion?

Cold Fusion is also known as LENR or low energy nuclear reaction. In laymen’s terms, Cold Fusion is a system of energy production that produces more usable energy than what is initially put into the system.

In scientific terms, Cold Fusion is the containment and management of a series of nuclear reactions that occur at room temperature, which produce heat, and therefore, energy. The other attribute of Cold Fusion is that while heat is generated, no neutrons or gammas are emitted.

The reason the concept of Cold Fusion is compelling is that the internal chambers of current devices experience heat in the millions of degrees Celsius. This might prohibit ordinary folks like you and me from creating and managing our own energy production systems.

“Rocket scientists agree that we have about reached the limit of our ability to travel in space using chemical rockets. To achieve anything near the speed of light, we will need a new energy source and a new propellant. Nuclear fission is not an option.”

— Wilson Greatbatch

Is Cold Fusion Possible?

Cold Fusion is indeed possible, although many scientists say that it’s highly unlikely. The primary reason, they say, is that detecting fission events requires high flux nuclear reactors to study them. This makes it expensive.

I believe that this technology is already being used in military technologies. Because most truth rises to the surface, I believe we’ll eventually learn about the secret and alien technologies already being used to produce energy.

It’s entirely possible that Cold Fusion is far less dangerous and improbable than currently being reported.

MIT’s Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough

Recently MIT scientists discovered the path for a nuclear fusion reactor to expel excess heat. This was a massive hurdle in global energy production science. While many scientists are still skeptical, the majority of the world’s most brilliant scientists are working hard to bring this to life.

While this doesn’t resolve the free energy scam, it will establish a system of safe, limitless, and clean energy production, unlike current systems.

“When we look up at night and view the stars,

everything we see is shinning because of distant nuclear fusion.”

— Carl Sagan

How To Build A Cold Fusion Reactor At Home

A man named Andrea Rossi built the Energy Catalyzer (E-cat) the world’s first proven cold fusion reactor. Rossi tells us that a group of independent scientists has already validated his invention. His tests show that his device can create energy that’s 10,000 times the energy density and 1000 times the power density of gasoline, currently the most productive fuel available.

There are probably countless private machines that provide the same effects. If I were to invent something remarkable, I would be cautious with how I brought the device into public view. Great thinkers tend to disappear mysteriously.

Consider Edison’s corporate backing against Tesla’s brilliant anarchism. Tesla was outmaneuvered and broken by the power players of his day. Tesla was not on the hunt for profit; he was establishing a system that would produce free energy for every person on the planet.


Why Free-Energy Suppression Conspiracy Theory Exists

Most people have experienced suppression and oppression from governments and large companies. Whether it’s being deprived of futuristic technologies already in use, enduring countless companies under-delivering, or paying the high costs associated with health care, gasoline, and home energy, we’ve all been marginalized in some way. We all have feelings of mistrust for these organizations.

Because of this, every human being doubts that governments and corporations are working on our behalf and telling us the truth. We know that something is amiss.

Sadly, there are thousands of brilliant inventors who have sold their tech to governments and for-profit companies, each of them sworn to secrecy, with the threat of legal action and death. Remember the guy who was able to turn water into an energy-generating system for his car? He was killed. There are countless similar stories throughout the world.

Corporate interests and government agencies suppress invention until they can cannibalize it, whether to benefit the industrial war complex or to create wealth for corporations, board members, and executives.

If the US Government were to outlaw lobbying and the related gifts and cash-incentives that go along with it, the entire world would benefit.

I am grateful for all the science-minded, research warriors who question the status quo and push to bring us the truth, even if their facts are conjecture. Because of their efforts, we will eventually learn the extent to which we have been deprived of our fundamental rights to technology that could benefit every woman, man, and child on the planet.

The Personality Cards: Official Launch!!!

personality cards

Hi Everybody,

I have an exciting announcement! I’ve been working for quite some time now to put together a truly intuitive, personal experience that extends beyond the current tarot reading culture. After much meditation, thought, and experience in intuitive readings and coaching, I’ve finally created my own personality cards for tarot readings!

My Personality Cards just arrived and I’m grateful for all the work that went into them. The card artist Lucy Kyriakidou did an amazing job! I love how the cards, booklet, and box came out.

Here’s a quick taste!

personality cards

personality cards

The personality cards are fun to use and can

provide deep insight into who we are.

I use them in every intuitive session I do,

and they are always on-the-mark!

To use them, you can pick out your cards for the day during your dedicated time for self-reflection, prayer, and meditation. Each card has a personality identity which you can read more about in the booklet included. Use these descriptions and helpful guided meditations to dig deep, learn more about yourself, and even navigate the situations you are experiencing currently.

Buy them HERE.

If you need help learning more and using them for the first time, I’d love to hear from you. You can sign up for a 1 hour session with me here, where I’ll guide you in using the personality cards during an intuitive reading.

Stepping-off The Shoulders of Giants: Why the Discovery of Calculus is a Touchy Subject?



discovery of Calculus

The Wonders of Calculus – A Shutterstock Image

In calculus, there are theorems and conjectures, generally born from thinkers who love to discuss ideas and rules related to the nature of the universe. Conjectures are guesses. Theorems are proven conjectures. In political theory, it’s akin to when a bill becomes a law. Both theorems and conjectures tend to have long histories of documented improvements and analyses. The equations, proofs and rules that arise along the way are often described as simple or neat. While calculus might be founded in intellectual elegance, the history of calculus is messy and contested. This begs the questions: “who created calculus?,” and “when?”

“If a ‘religion’ is defined to be a system of ideas that contains unprovable statements, then Gödel taught us that mathematics is not only a religion, it is the only religion that can prove itself to be one.”
— John Barrow

The Simple Answer: Everyone, and Apparently Often

Mathematics, the foundation of calculus, has been around for thousands of years. It began in Babylonia and Egypt, was built-upon by Greeks, Persians (Iran), Mesopotamians (Iraq), Arabs, Chinese and Indians, and then advanced by Europeans, including, Fibonacci, Fermat, Descartes, and Pascal.

Derived from the Greek word, “máthema,” math (or maths), has helped humanity explore and understand numbers, shapes, space, structure, change, patterns, and flow. It’s helped us to solve problems since the invention of the wheel and has become the foundation of our future. Business, medicine, engineering, artificial intelligence, and space travel have become forever dependent on mathematics.

In 9th century Middle East, Hasan Ibn al-Haytham gave birth to integrals, which describe displacement, area, and volume, the basis for one of the two branches of calculus. India’s prolific mathematician-astronomer, Madhava, advanced trigonometric approximations to include infinity. It’s said that the work of these two brilliant mathematicians was the basis for Isaac Newton’s and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s work 250 years later. The intense conflict between Newton and Leibniz is another story, coined, “The Calculus Controversy.”

How did Newton and Leibniz abscond with Madhava’s work? It is widely believed that Jesuit missionary priests lived in India during the 14th century, during which, they collected and absorbed the scientific knowledge from the country’s brilliant minds. Either during their residence in India or upon return to Europe, the priests were known to have given their meticulous notes to the scientist communities in their home countries.

Another theory is that In 1580, a man named Matteo Ricci removed highly coveted Calculus textbooks from a king’s library and took them to Europe. From there, Leibniz, Newton, and others worked to translate the books and reinvent calculus in their names. Many also believe that Newton stole his laws of gravity from a Vedic sage named Surya Sidhanta.

Who Discovered Calculus, Where’s The Beef?

When it comes to calculus and other areas of invention and science, there are two schools of thought. Some believe that technology, innovation, and creation advances cumulatively, incrementally, and linearly, whereby one advancement is imagined and then tested, and then subsequent advances are built-upon the prior intelligence and tests.

Others believe that invention is not necessarily linear. Given all of the civilizations that have come and gone over time, it’s quite possible that we’ve forgotten some of our most brilliant innovators, and many of our most remarkable secrets have been lost.

Consider this impressive list of lost tech:

It’s in this vein of thought that it’s probable that we’ve reinvented a long list of our most treasured technological advances and inventions throughout the past 5,000 to 10,000 years. It’s quite possible that we’ve mastered space travel and blown ourselves to bits, several times over.

Fear-Based Science

Not all invention makes its way into continual, progressive expansion, simply because of how nuanced, outrageous, or profound it might be.

This idea was presented in a paper entitled, “Nonlinear Innovation,” by Michal Shur-Ofry. Michal states, “Whereas most works and inventions are indeed linear and cumulative, there is an additional type of innovation which occurs both in the cultural and scientific spheres: innovation that is not concerned with linear and incremental improvements, but with dissent and discontinuity; innovation that breaks up with convention, identifies misconceptions or disputes existing paradigms. Such innovation “steps-off” the shoulders of giants rather than stands on their shoulders. I term it nonlinear innovation.”

Michal used the example of Dan Shechtman, who, in 1982, discovered a quasi-periodic crystal, something that, according to traditional, linear science, simply could not

Because he was so fearful of reactions from the often cruel, scientific establishment, it took Dan over 2 years to polish and publish his fascinating results. Because he had observed that certain aluminum-manganese alloys can produce unique patterns, which confirmed the existence of quasicrystal structures, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2011. It takes a great deal of courage to step-off the shoulders of heroes and giants.

Quotes about Invention, Calculus, and Mathematics

Invention, mathematics, and philosophy have long been tied together.

  • “This book is for all of us who looked up at the sky in wonder, and then cried when we learned how much calculus separated us from the stars” ― K. Ancrum, The Weight of the Stars
  • “What music is to the heart, mathematics is to the mind.” ― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words
  • “Be that as it may, Leibnitz was never able to explain the principles of his calculus clearly, and this shows that there was something in it that was beyond him, something that was as it were imposed upon him without his being conscious of it; had he taken this into account, he most certainly would not have engaged in any dispute over ‘priority’ with Newton. Besides, these sorts of disputes are always completely vain, for ideas, insofar as they are true, are not the property of anyone, despite what modern ‘individualism’ might have to say; it is only error that can properly be attributed to human individuals.” ― René Guénon, The Metaphysical Principles of the Infinitesimal Calculus
  • “What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.” — Woody Allen
  • “I abandoned the assigned problems in standard calculus textbooks and followed my curiosity. Wherever I happened to be–a Vegas casino, Disneyland, surfing in Hawaii, or sweating on the elliptical in Boesel’s Green Microgym — I asked myself, “Where is the calculus in this experience?” ― Jennifer Ouellette, “The Calculus Diaries: How Math Can Help You Lose Weight, Win in Vegas, and Survive a Zombie Apocalypse”

History Is Often Rewritten

In every powerful regime, there are devious people doing the work of the dark. In order to preserve legacy, power, and tradition, they will rewrite parts of history to serve a select few.

In all things related to science and invention, we must consider that some of our scientific giants were thieves, and others were denied their rightful glory.

The Cycles of History and Discovery

William Strauss and Neil Howe published two books that speak to the organic tides of change, “Generations,” and “The Fourth Turning.” Within these pages is a powerful set of theories that describe history in four periods, each lasting 20 years:

  • First Turning (High)
  • Second Turning (Awakening)
  • Third Turning (Unraveling)
  • Fourth Turning (Crisis)

The most potent of these are Awakening and Crisis. During Awakening, we experience the summer of creativity, exploration, and alignment. This is when culture is imagined and celebrated. During Crisis, we experience the winter and the solitude associated with our choices. This is when public life goes through a metamorphosis. The Unraveling and High provide transitional paradigms to bring us from one era to the next.

“When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men. They shall then know truth and, more than that, they shall realize that, from the beginning, truth has been in the world unrecognized, save by a small but gradually increasing number appointed by the Lords of the Dawn…”
— Manly P. Hall

It might be said that, during periods of awakenings, we reinvent technologies and paradigms to increase our longevity. In the process, we grow pride and attachment to our creations, which leads the way to our Unraveling. This is when our ideas are challenged and our opposition gains steam. In the ensuing Crisis, we raze the past and prepare for a new beginning. With humility and grace, the period of High invites us into our next cycle of invention.

According to this theory, during any awakening, and at any time in history, inventors and scientists open their minds and hearts to the eternal muse. Because spacetime is a timeless continuum, when ideas come through, they can involve any level of advancement. It might be 1650, but upon engaging his muse, the scientist might be given ideas from 2025.

It’s in this light that innovation, invention, and mathematics could not be categorized as cumulative or linear. They could only be described as having dynamic potential in every direction. The same can be said for each of us.

Healing Yourself With Binaural Beats: Facts & Fiction

Binaural Beats

Binaural Beats Brain: A Shutterstock Licensed Image

When the final trickle of sadness evaporated, I became a fan of binaural beats therapy. In just 15 minutes, the unscientific new-age-ness of it all had evaporated and was immediately replaced by a measurable, grounded, and healing experience. I was more relaxed and I felt as though my brain and heart went through a (healing) car wash.

Recently on the fringe of alternative medicine, binaural beats returned to the scene with the backing of double-blind scientific trials, and a long list of brilliant supporters, including scientists, doctors, healers, and patients. What was originally thought to be a fluke in early ear and brain quasi-experiments, has become a powerful, if not profound, treatment for depression and anxiety, and potentially, a variety of physical conditions.

The binaural beats modality is the latest to emerge in “frequency medicine,” a broad category of healing techniques that tune to our body’s rhythms, patterns, sounds, and vibrations in order to gently guide, nurture, and improve them.

Binaural beats are essentially brain entrainment and live under the umbrella of Sound Wave Therapy, which some practitioners and therapists are using for everything from healing seasonal sadness disorder and improving sleep deprivation, to increasing IQ and even helping erectile dysfunction.

Do Binaural Beats Work? You betcha.


Binaural Beats: What is it?

The word binaural comes from the Latin, “with both ears.” The broad definition of binaural beats therapy is: when a person is presented with audio stimulus, there is a change in their brain activity.

More specifically, binaural beats are an auditory experience whereby the receiver listens in a dichotic manner (a unique frequency in each ear), where each frequency is lower than 1500 Hz, and the difference between the two frequencies is lower than 40 Hz.

Because of this dissonance, the listener perceives a cadence or beat that is absent from the audio being played. This can produce a meditative experience whereby the mind, heart, and body become more relaxed. The belief is that if our bodies and hearts are relaxed, they stand a better chance of healing. In most cases, the audio or music file being played in a binaural beats session is melodic, peaceful, and enjoyable.

Some scientists have called binaural beats “tech meds” or “digital drugs,” and they might be right. Patients and devotees of binaural beats say the experience is akin to meditating for 30 minutes, smoking marijuana, or ingesting a small amount of CBD oil.

In all, binaural beats certainly aren’t dangerous and seem to have the potential to help millions of people.

Binaural Beats: How Does it Work?

Brain entrainment occurs when audio or light stimuli are used to coax our minds and hearts into new states of relating to our bodies and spirits. In other areas of science, entrainment occurs when a fluid attaches to and drags other fluids or solids along with it. It can be said that entrainment is where one element inspires other elements to attach to or follow it.

In Jungian psychology, this can be represented by “matching and leading,” whereby the therapist validates and mirrors specific phrases and behaviors in the patient, and then over time, makes healthy adjustments to these phrases and behaviors, thereby matching the patients and leading them to more conscious states of being.

In binaural beats therapy sessions, patients sit comfortably or lay on their backs. The practitioner places headphones on the patient and then plays a series of audio files. Some binaural beats music is melodic and hummable, and some is more akin to ambient, new-age electronic music.

During the session, a FitBit or similar device is used to measure heart rate and brain activity. In most scenarios, the results are clear and decisive: binaural beats therapy is a powerful modality for relaxation and healing.

Binaural Beats Effects & Benefits

  • Here are the benefits that are most often reported:
  • Sleep Improvement
  • Relaxation
  • Meditation
  • Focus
  • Mental Clarity
  • Immune System Boost
  • Decreased anxiety
  • Decreased depression
  • Heightened feeling of peace
  • Increased life enjoyment
  • Binaural Beat Science

While many claim to experience changes in physical conditions, scientific studies are still a little vague on this point. Additionally, science has recently found that binaural beats might not produce any effect on the personality, which this reader finds hard to believe.

One scientist reports that, because the thalamus is not affected during most binaural beat therapy sessions, any improvement in physical, emotional, or mental conditions could be limited, and difficult to prove.

Not all the science points to binaural beats being the new cure-all, but most of the tests show measurable improvements in emotion and mind states.

Some of the more clever healers and practitioners out there are trying to find their own groove and unique value proposition in the market. As such, there is now a variety of repackaged and rebranded binaural beat therapies. While each one seems to march to its own drum, when compared to the basic tenets of binaural beat therapy, their offers are essentially the same.


The military has increased its investment in experimental technologies, especially tech-focused on relaxation and mind/body control. This has tremendous and widespread implications because when the military invests, the business world tends to follow. We’ll see a variety of devices that produce effects similar to binaural beats in the coming months. Body and mind-enhancing tech is finally here to stay.

As binaural beats therapy evolves and as more research is funded, nuances in treatments, technologies, and methodologies will emerge. At present, the results and trends are promising.

Binaural Beat Technologies

If you’re hankering for a hunk of binaural beats tech, there is an emerging pile of technologies that will satiate both ear drums, and more. Here is a list of the headphones with the effective frequency responses for the therapeutic implementation of binaural beats.

  • Bose QuietComfort 35
  • Audio-Technica ATH-M50x
  • Sennheiser HD 202 II
  • CozyPhones Sleep Headphones
  • Shure SE215-K Sound Isolating Earphones

If you’re into binaural beats science, you might try the Muse and Muse2, which, according to their website, sells “immersive meditation devices that provide real-time feedback on mental activity, heart rate, breathing, and body movements. I love the Muse and Muse2. I have both of them and have found them to be extremely effective for mental, emotional, and physical health improvements.

If you’re interested in the future of humans and consciousness-tech, including binaural beats technologies, check out the Transformative Technologies Conference. It’s an unusually comprehensive event featuring brilliant scientists and those interested in advancing human consciousness.

Binaural Beats In Summary

The Dalai Lama once said, “It takes a long time for me to settle into a deep meditation. If you can invent a device that will help me get into a deep meditative space, I will use it.”

While much of the transformative technologies space is still in early experimentation, the trends in research and the recent release of a long list of products point to a massive paradigm shift. Not only are the emerging technologies aimed at pacifying and healing pained and anxious spirits, they are also hoping to heal the body.
In a matter of five years, this category of technology went from “fru-fru-woo-woo” to powerfully and thoughtfully embedded in scientific research and trials. The next five years will astound us.

Many scientists (artificial intelligence, hardware/software, data science, etc.) who are in the conscious-tech space believe heart rate and brain waves are the key doorways that will lead us to meditative states and improved physical conditions.

While vibrational, energy, and sound healers have believed in (and proven) the power of induced relaxation for centuries, so far, scientific research is still playing catch-up. The belief is simple: When our spirits are peaceful and aligned, our bodies will follow.

The Art Of Superfoods: How to Eat Them Correctly


Superfoods are yummy! A Shutterstock Licensed Image

While we have hundreds of options for every meal, we tend to eat the same foods over and over again. We are creatures of comfort and habit, after all. Even when our palettes are feeling adventurous, we tend to select foods that have similar attributes.

And while we might rarely stray far from our norms, we are all highly susceptible to marketing ploys, especially for products that promise health benefits. This is especially true of superfoods.

What are superfoods? Superfoods are the nutrient- and antioxidant-rich meals and snacks that seem to promise miraculous benefits. While the marketing of superfoods is a fascinating game of “who is more successful at promoting limited, scientific trials,” superfoods indeed show promise. Not only do they often taste delicious, but they also burn cleaner, and feel better in our bodies, especially when compared to the usual All-American fare of grease, flesh, and fries.

While a handful of superfoods have only gained notoriety in recent years, some of them have been popular for centuries. The best ones promise to improve your heart, liver, kidneys, brain, and more. Some say they can alleviate depression and facilitate the release of stored and stuck emotions. Superfoods That Cleanse Cleansing 101 with Kate Leinweber

Regardless of the hype and limited scientific studies, superfoods are packed with nutrients that many popular foods lack. If you believe that nutrients like vitamins and antioxidants are healthful, look no further than superfoods.

Common Questions About Superfoods

We all have questions about our superfoods. How much superfood is too much? What if a superfood contradicts our health by benefiting one organ while harming another? You might be wondering if green superfoods are better than non-green superfoods (they’re not). You might be looking for the best brain superfoods or the ones that provide the most energy. You might be recovering from an illness or exhaustion, and want to find the superfoods that can expedite your recovery.

Some foods pretend to be super when they’re not. When building your power-diet, look beyond hipster trends and marketing. When shopping for the healthiest foods, consider only the ingredients and health benefits. When constructing a nutritious diet, nurture all of your significant organs with vitamins and nutrients that can help them thrive.

While a few of these foods taste like bitter medicine, most of them are absolutely delicious. Here is my superfoods list:

Fruits, Nuts & Seeds

Blueberries: These lovely little berries contain compounds called anthocyanins, which can prevent cancer, heart disease, and dementia. They’ll also give your immune system a big boost.

Acai Berries: Pronounced “ah-sigh-EE,” these tiny red berries have more antioxidants than other berries. Their biggest claim to fame is that they stop cell damage that leads to the most harmful and deadliest diseases.

Goji Berries: Grown by monks for thousands of years, these tart little berries contain vitamins C, B2, and A, along with with iron, and a host of antioxidants. Many say that Goji Berries boost immunity, fight heart disease, improve brain function and digestion, and prevent cancer.

Aronia Berries: Also known as Chokeberries, these berries are high in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Some scientists say that Aronia can also help prevent cervical, skin, breast, and colon cancers, along with liver and heart disease.

Ginseng Berries: In addition to improving mental and sexual function, Ginseng Berries are said to decrease cholesterol, fight cancer, and lower gut inflammation.

Strawberries: These berries are full of vitamin C, manganese, folate (B9), folic acid, fiber, potassium, and antioxidants. Strawberries also might reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol, help manage blood sugar, and improve your brain function as you age.

Tomatoes: Not only are Tomatoes one of the most popular superfoods; they are cancer-fighting warriors. They contain lycopene (the antioxidant phytochemical that also helps prevent heart disease), along with vitamins A, C, and E — all enemies of free radicals, the pesky critters in bed with cancer.

Blackberries: Blackberries are chock-full of polyphenols, chemicals that reduce the inflammation that leads to heart disease and cancer. They also help breakdown sugar, which will lower your chances of Type 2 Diabetes.

Watermelon: This delicious fruit is full of vitamins, potassium, and lycopene, an antioxidant. It may help curb your risk of cancer and diabetes, and brings benefit to your heart. Watermelon also helps protect your joints, and it has amino acids that can improve your workouts.

Apples: This crunchy fruit is rich in phytonutrients, antioxidants, flavonoids, and fiber. They may reduce the risk of cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.


Pomegranates: This delight, also known as “Punica Granatum,” is a shrub that produces luscious, tiny, tangy, red fruit. It’s chock-full of fiber, protein, and potassium, and has high levels of vitamins C, K, B9 (folate), and more. Pomegranates have extremely potent antioxidants (punicalagin) that can out-power red wine and green tea by about 300%. By reducing chronic inflammation, they can reduce the risk of heart disease, arthritis, fungal and bacterial infections, cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and obesity. Some studies show that Pomegranates can improve memory and sexual function. Awesome!

Avocados: While many believe that Avocados are vegetables, Avocados are delicious, high-calorie fruits. They’re filled with lutein, beta-carotene, and healthy fats and acids, and are infused with vitamins C, E, K, B-6, riboflavin, niacin, folate, magnesium, and potassium.

Flaxseeds: These tiny seeds are a nutritious source of healthy fat, antioxidants, fiber, protein, and essential fatty acids like Omega-3s. Many scientific trials seem to point to the idea that Flaxseeds can help lower the risk of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

Chia Seeds: Important long ago to the Aztecs and Mayans, Chia Seeds are cousins of mint. Loaded with antioxidants and fiber, they’re a great source of protein, calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, B1, B2, B3 (niacin), and potassium.

Pistachios: These ancient, edible nuts are rich in phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, choline, and betaine. Pistachios are jam-packed with B-vitamins and vitamins A, C, E, and K. These little green and brown morsels are also helpful in reducing inflammation, boosting immunity, aiding digestion, reducing Macular Disease (AMD), and improving health. They also have aphrodisiac properties.

Almonds: A great source of vitamin E, Almonds help reduce inflammation, which can lead to diseases like cancer, and they can protect against cognitive decline. Almonds can also help prevent heart disease, increase insulin sensitivity, and help to protect your gut.

Can Sweets and Beverages Be Superfoods?

Dark Chocolate: With a higher content of flavonoids and polyphenols (antioxidants), Dark Chocolate is a powerhouse against disease-causing free-radicals. This delicious treat can improve heart health, cognitive function, and vision.

Green Tea: If you want to keep your heart healthy and decrease your risk of cancer, Green Tea can be a powerful ally. This healthy beverage can also improve brain function, reduce stress, soothe arthritis, clear acne, and help fight against urinary tract infections.

Kombucha: Fermented beverages and foods like Kombucha can improve intestinal health, boost the immune system, and reduce the risk of allergies and chronic diseases. The same is true for all fermented and probiotic-heavy foods. If Kombucha’s alcohol content is not your thing, you’ll receive similar benefits from sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, miso, and yogurt.

Seaweed, Algae, and Grass

Seaweed: Nori, Kelp, Wakame, Kombu, Dulse, Blue-green algae (Spirulina and Chlorella) are excellent sources of protein, carbs, fiber, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and vitamins C, B, A, and E. Rich in iodine, these water-weeds are helpful to people with hypothyroidism. Seaweed can also help with weight loss, heart health, and the gut.

Wheatgrass & Barley Grass & Blue-green Algae (BGA): These bitter but nutritious cereal grasses are cousins to our favorite leafy vegetables, but these rich green foods pack a 10x more powerful punch of beneficial phytonutrients. While they might be a bit hard to swallow and enjoy, your body will appreciate their luscious benefits.

Moringa: Also known as “Moringa Oleifera,” Moringa is a plant known as the miracle tree and horseradish tree. It’s a potent antifungal, antiviral, antidepressant, and anti-inflammatory. Low in fat, Moringa is chock-full of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B-6, and much more. Moringa works quickly in the body, which might result in the almost immediate passing of gas.

Vegetables and Fungi

Kale: This dark, leafy green vegetable has more iron than beef, and it’s packed with nutrients, including lots of vitamin C, and 700% of your recommended vitamin K. Kale’s antioxidant quercetin will also boost your immune system.

Romaine Lettuce: Romaine Lettuce is a remarkable superfood. It is said that this crunchy vegetable can prevent vision problems, help protect the eyes from a variety of disorders, and deter muscular degeneration. An excellent source of vitamin K, Romaine Lettuce, will help to protect your bones and prevent aging diseases like osteoporosis – all because it’s jam-packed with vitamins A and C, potassium, and many B vitamins. It’s also one of those veggies that’s capable of fighting cancer cells.

Beets: Beets are a profound source of phytonutrients (betalains), and more specifically, betanin and violaxanthin. These nutritive elements provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification support for the body. To get the biggest health-bang from your beets, steam them with their skin, instead of boiling them, for no longer than 15 minutes. Beets can also reduce tumor cell growth by inhibiting the normal growth of pro-inflammatory enzymes.

Mushrooms: Shiitake, Button, Creminis, Reishi, Wood Ear, and Lion’s Mane mushrooms are soft, delicious, and nutritious. Rich in vitamins B, D, and K, many mushrooms have cancer-fighting and anti-inflammatory powers, help lower cholesterol, and are natural immunity-boosters. Reishi mushrooms, in particular, fight disease, lower inflammation, suppress allergic responses, reduce tumor growth, and more. Lion’s Mane mushrooms protect against ulcers, heart disease, cancer, inflammation, dementia, depression, and anxiety. Wood Ear is a popular mushroom found in Chinese cuisine and medicine. It can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cancer, coronary heart disease, and arthritis. Mushrooms are wonderfully healing and nutritious!

Peppers: From sweet green or red bell to smoking-hot habañero and Scotch bonnet, these delicious, crunchy “berries” contain helpful compounds called capsaicinoids (like capsaicin), which provide extraordinary anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-cancer, and heart-healthy benefits.

Protein, Legumes, & Carbs

Eggs: A popular breakfast food, your body will benefit from eggs any time of day. Eggs are loaded with proteins, minerals, healthy fats, and a variety of trace nutrients. A large egg contains 5g of fat, 6g of protein, and our essential amino acids. Eggs are also jam-packed with iron, phosphorus, selenium, and vitamins A, B12, B2, and B5 (among others).

Beans & Lentils: From kidney, black, navy, pinto, and chickpeas (Garbanzo) to soybeans, dried peas, and lentils, these low-fat, anti-aging foods are low in calories and sodium, high in fiber, and excellent sources of protein. They’re also chock-full of complex carbohydrates and essential fatty acids, like omega-6s. Beans and Lentils also help regular sugar levels and are therefore helpful to anti-diabetes diets.

Wild Salmon: Since many media outlets are reporting that farmed salmon might lead to a host of health issues, your best choice is Wild Salmon. With antioxidants and anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, Wild Salmon is an excellent addition to your regular diet. It also has immune-supportive selenium, energy-producing phosphorus, and muscle-building protein. Wild Salmon also has heart-healthy niacin, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, potassium, and vitamin D, which is terrific for bones.

Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes, especially the purple ones, are rich in fiber, vitamins B and C, minerals including iron, calcium, and selenium, and antioxidants like beta-carotene, which protect the body against ‘free radicals’ and reduce the risk of cancer. With all its fiber, Sweet potato can be helpful to digestion and improve blood sugar levels.

Oils & Spices

Garlic: For centuries, Garlic has been used to prevent diseases and improve the immune system. With increased consumption of Garlic, some population studies are showing reduced risks of cancers, including cancers of the stomach, colon, esophagus, pancreas, and breasts. Garlic is also known to be an effective treatment against high blood pressure and can help reduce the effects of diabetes. Some studies point to the idea that Garlic (with all its antioxidants) can help prevent conditions like Alzheimer’s, dementia, the common cold, and other infections. In general, Garlic can defend against harmful organisms, bacteria, and parasites.

Olive Oil: Not only is Olive Oil a delicious additive in salads and other dishes, but it’s also jam-packed with antioxidants like vitamin E and has anti-inflammatory properties. With healthier monounsaturated fats, choosing olive oil over butter on occasion can lower the risk of heart disease.

Ginger: Ginger contains gingerol, a powerful medicinal from China that can be helpful against inflammation, heart disease, motion sickness, nausea, muscle pain, cholesterol, cancer, Osteoarthritis, and menstrual pain. It can help to fight infections and improve brain functions.

Curcumin: Curcumin is found in Turmeric, Turmeric’s primary medicinal element. Curcumin is known to be an antioxidant, helpful to inflammation, and reducing the effects of diabetes. If possible, consume your Curcumin with black pepper, which will keep the Curcumin in your body for more extended periods. Mixed with piperine, Curcumin will be more effective. Curcumin is an excellent source of magnesium and iron, and it will boost your body’s antioxidant enzymes. It can lower the risk of brain and heart diseases, and help with depression and some chronic diseases. Although some studies are not all that flattering of Curcumin, the majority of them show that Curcumin can produce healthful benefits.

Summary of Superfoods

While there are many short-term benefits of using this list as your sole diet, there are also dangers. When we hammer our bodies with specific foods over long periods, there’s a chance we can develop allergies. This is not true in every case, just something to consider. After all, millions of people regularly eat bowls of rice and experience zero negative side-effects.

If you’re into superfoods for weight loss, you might consider removing the carbs and fat from the above list, like avocados and nuts. You might also consider upping your protein intake, eating smaller and more frequent meals, or committing to 60 days of intermittent fasting. If weight loss is your game, exercise is paramount.

We don’t need red wine or trendy alcoholic beverages to keep our bodies clear of toxins. Given the miracles of scientific extraction, we don’t need any intoxicants at all. We need delicious, organic foods, positivity, prayer, simple rituals, and love. In all things, remember to love yourself – that’s where our journeys toward health begin.

The Humble Life Of Yoga Master, B.K.S Iyengar

 iyengar yoga

Iyengar Yoga – A Shutterstock Licensed Image

As trendy as yoga has become, when it’s properly practiced it can help earnest people release physical and emotional toxins, and reach deeper levels of clarity and self-realization. Improperly practiced or bastardized, yoga becomes nothing more than an ego-serving, adrenaline-inducing exercise.

While there are many social-experimenters in the US and UK offering varieties of classes involving Party-in-Your-Pants Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar, and his Iyengar Yoga are the real deal, both grounded in spiritual truths and ancient texts. While some of Iyengar’s followers and teachers may come from a more egoistic state than their master, Iyengar’s teachings have endured the tests of time and dilution. They remain profound and penetrating.

“My Body Is My Temple And Asanas Are My Prayers”
— B.K.S. Iyengar

Bellur Krishnamachar Sundararaja Iyengar’s career spanned eight decades, during which he developed and taught a unique version of Hatha Yoga. Hatha was founded in the early 10th century by Matsyendra, the yogi-saint known to be an incarnation of Avalokiteśvara, who has been honored in both Buddhist and Hindu traditions.


Iyengar’s style focused on correcting alignment through the precise performance of yoga postures (asanas). This “new yoga” was the first popularized form that utilized benches, blocks, belts, sandbags, blankets, and other tools within the practice. This was not only revolutionary, but it also opened the doors for people with physical limitations to correctly perform the asanas without hurting themselves.

Yoga And Sex

Hatha Yoga was originally an extension of Tantra, the celebratory practice of physical and spiritual fusion of masculine and feminine aspects. With specific poses aimed at raising the kundalini or “life force,” Tantric aspirants were enveloped in blissful unions with the eternal consciousness of the cosmos. Tantra, as it’s practiced today, can be exciting, transformative, and yet challenging to master. It can also become addictive and inspire ongoing sexual promiscuity, which can detract from living a balanced, love-based life.

Have no doubt, yoga awakens our most coveted aspects, including our sexual prowess. This is why some yoga masters become sexual predators or at least sexual experimenters. The lure of multiple partners can be enticing and overwhelming, and eventually intoxicating.

But if we consider that most yoga asanas were designed to awaken the flames within us, how can we find faults in our desires, addictions, and yoga teachers? Sexual expression and healing have always been intertwined with the tenets of yoga. Eventually, it comes down to taking responsibility for our projections, and enjoying the outcomes, whether they result in disaster or bliss. Remember, there is no “other.”

“Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.”
— B.K.S. Iyengar

Trendy Yoga

While it used to be an honor to be invited to study yoga, today, anybody can wander into a gym and sign-up for classic forms of yoga. Gym and yoga studio members can also engage with the more hipster versions of this ancient rite, including “Rage Yoga,” Metal Yoga,” and “Sailor’s Mouth Yoga,” the latest forms designed to massacre the ancient texts with ego and attitude. There’s even a USA Yoga Championship and The International Federation of Sports Yoga. Hooray!

While these concepts are exciting and potentially fruitful for their followers, they have nothing to do with the original yogic disciplines. Yoga is not a sport or a hobby. It’s a spiritual path that can lead to awakening. And while you might feel joyful, accomplished, and self-validated when competing, copping attitudes, or slamming shots of Jäger after downward-facing-dog, these activities tend to be more self-aggrandizing than transformative.

The Basics of Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar Yoga requires discipline as it strives to unify the body, breath, mind, and soul. What also makes Iyengar Yoga unique is that it focuses on learning and experiencing rather than pushing through a list of poses in one sitting. It’s all about quality instead of quantity. While this style of yoga veers from the traditional flow of Hatha Yoga, it’s equally calm, gentle, and mindful. While the practice of Iyengar Yoga does not require its students to adopt any set of beliefs, it follows this teaching to its core:

“Let us bow before the noblest of sages Patanjali, who gave yoga for serenity and sanctity of mind,

grammar for clarity and purity of speech, and medicine for perfection of health.”

BKS Iyengar authored many books on yoga, including “Light on Yoga,” which sold over 3 million copies, and became an international best-seller, translated into 17 languages. He also authored 13 additional books, including “The Tree of Yoga,” “Light on Pranayama,” “Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali,” and “Light on Life.” Although he was a profound teacher and master, he never required his students to follow his personal, religious traditions. In fact, he would encourage them to remain devout to their birth religions and cultures, the sign of a true spiritual master.

The BKS and Ramamani Iyengar Family

Married to BKS in 1943, Iyengar’s wife was a humble, loving woman named Ramamani, for whom he later opened The Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Pune, India. During their loving marriage, Ramamani gave birth to five daughters and one son. Their children Geeta and Prashant continued the Iyengar Yoga legacy by becoming internationally-known teachers and authors.

Throughout her life, Geeta (1944-2018) focused on yoga for women and published “Yoga: A Gem for Women.” Prashant authored several books on yoga and served as director of the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Institute for many years. It is said that Iyengar’s and Ramamani’s other children Vanita, Sunita, Suchita, and Savita, led more secular lives. Yet, the lineage continues: Abhijata Sridhar Iyengar, their granddaughter, continues to each at the family’s institute in Pune, and in other countries.


While many yoga masters fall under the tutelage of a guru very early in their lives, Iyengar did not hear the calling until his brother-in-law invited him to a class when he was 15. Not only was his brother-in-law a respected teacher of yoga, but Tirumalai Krishnamacharya is also often referred to as “The Father of Modern Yoga.”

“There is a universal reality in ourselves that aligns us

with a universal reality that is everywhere.”
— B.K.S. Iyengar

BKS Iyengar’s Early Education

BKS Iyengar lived a fascinating life. Born in a poor village in Karnataka, India, he was the 11th child of 13. After contracting influenza during the pandemic that ravaged his hometown, the young BKS was never the same. Before reaching adulthood, he was stricken with malaria, typhoid fever, poor nutrition, and bouts of tuberculosis.

By the time he was 15, he was ready for a change. Beckoned by his famous brother-in-law, the yogi Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, Iyengar moved to Mysore, India, and spent two years devoutly practicing yoga asanas. In 1937, when Iyengar was 18 years old, Sri Krishnamacharya ordained the young man as a yoga instructor and sent him to Pune to spread the gospel of asanas.

During the time of his study with Sri Krishnamacharya, the young Iyengar struggled. Since he neither showed spiritual promise or was a favored student, Iyengar was often assigned to the drudgery of household chores. Because of this, his relationship with Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya was often strained.

It wasn’t until Sri Krishnamacharya’s prize students moved away when Iyengar’s master training began.

While some students were given lighter exercises and less stringent schedules, Iyengar was taught a series of difficult postures, often being instructed to fast until he mastered specific asanas.

After teaching yoga for many years, Iyengar felt called to teach in other parts of the world. He spent time in Switzerland and Europe teaching violinist Yehudi Menuhin. Back at home, Iyengar taught celebrities Jiddu Krishnamurti and Jayaprakassh Narayan. He also taught the Queen of Belgium how to do a headstand, and writer Aldous Huxley and actress Annette Bening to perform his unique asanas. Iyengar continued to teach and lecture through to his death on August 20, 2014. He was 95 years old.

“Be inspired but not proud.”
— B.K.S Iyengar

B.K.S. Iyengar Quotes

“It is through your body that you realize you are a spark of divinity.”

“Breath is the king of mind.”

“Yoga is like music. The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind, and the harmony of the soul creates the symphony of life.”

“Yoga does not just change the way we see things; it transforms the person who sees.”

“There is no difference in souls, only the ideas about ourselves that we wear.”

B.K.S. Iyengar’s Legacy

As an Indian national hero, Iyengar’s government awarded him several prizes, including “The Padma Shri” in 1991, “The Padma Bhushan” in 2002, and “The Padma Vibhushan” in 2014. These accolades were heard around the world. In 2004, Time Magazine named Iyengar as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. In 2005, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors declared October 3 as “B.K.S. Iyengar Day.” In 2011, Beijing’s China Post honored this prolific writer and teacher with a commemorative stamp.

More recently, the Oxford Dictionary recently defined the noun “Iyengar” as “a type of Hatha Yoga focusing on correct alignment of the body.” On December 14, 2015, Google honored what would have been Iyengar’s 97th birthday with a Google Doodle, a digital animation that was shown on browsers in India, North America, Europe, Russia, and Indonesia.

A true master of yoga, BKS Iyengar continues to inspire millions of people to improve their postures, health, happiness, and souls through his uniquely profound Iyengar Yoga.

Enliven Your Mind And Immune System With Eleuthero And Caprylic Acid


Eleuthero – A Shutterstock Licensed Image

I first became excited about Eleuthero root and Caprylic acid when doing bookstore and comedy tours. I had been pushing myself so hard, I became mentally foggy in the early afternoon. My energy had also decreased, and I was showing signs of fatigue, and a bit of despair. It turns out that the stress of touring was taking its toll. That’s when a friend suggested that I look into Eleuthero (Ciwujia, Eleutherococcus senticosus, Acanthopanax senticosus), a small shrub native to Northeastern Asia. Some call it Devil’s Bush, but its most popular name is Siberian Ginseng.

This 2000-year-old Chinese remedy is not related to American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) or the more famous Panax Ginseng. Eleuthero is unique. It’s an adaptogen that can help your body and mind handle stress. It has a long list of potential health benefits.

Here are the most popular Eleuthero benefits:

  1. Increased blood flow to the brain. Improves memory, concentration, clarity, and flow of ideas.
  2. Reduced fatigue and boosted energy
  3. Improved metabolism
  4. Improved cardiovascular health by helping with blood flow and blood pressure.
  5. Regulated blood sugar
  6. Improved mood and attitude
  7. Enhanced exercise
  8. Reduced instances of osteoporosis with increased muscle and bone strength
  9. Manages menopause by binding to estrogen receptor sites
  10. Reduced respiratory tract infections
  11. Improved lymphatic function, which results in reducing edema (swelling)
  12. Prevents and repairs nerve damage

While all of these things are positive, there are potential side effects when consuming Eleuthero, including confusion, insomnia, headaches, feelings of agitation, raised blood pressure, hormonal changes, nerve pain, and rash.

If you’re taking medications, there might be more extreme side effects, so please be careful. Always consult a physician when adding new herbs and supplements to your regiment.

What is Caprylic Acid (and what are its cousins)?

Also known as MCT Oil, Caprylic Acid is fatty acid distilled (fractionated) from coconut oil. MCTs comprise unique types of fat that most of us can easily and quickly convert to energy. While there are many brands, there are only four types of these medium-chain fatty acids (triglycerides).

Here’s how these four big-boys measure up:

  • Caproic Acid or Hexanoic Acid (C6): oily, unpleasant odor, water-soluble, boosts production of blood ketone (compounds produced during fasting that provide accessible energy for the brain and muscles)
  • Caprylic Acid or Octanoic Acid (C8): helps with weight loss, increases energy, boosts ketone production, fights cancer, antimicrobial
  • Capric Acid or Decanoic Acid (C10): similar to C8, but a little more potent, and might take longer for the body to convert the acid into ketones
  • Lauric Acid or Dodecanoic Acid (C12): a major part of coconut oil, antimicrobial, bigger molecules means it takes a long time to process, which is not helpful to brain function, energy levels, or other systems in the body

While coconut oil contains 65% MCTs, feel free to increase your intake of this luscious oil. Raw coconut oil is also helpful when trying to eradicate yeast. It also kills harmful bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants in your body.

Since many relevant tests now point to Caprylic Acid (C8) and Capric Acid (C10) as the most concentrated MCTs (10X that of coconut oil) and have emerged as the purest and beneficial MCT oils, they’ve become quite the rage.

Benefits of Caprylic Acid (C8) and Capric Acid (C10)

Since C8 and C10 are flavorless, you can add them to coffee, smoothies, and more, without having to endure any cumbersome aftertaste. Just be careful not to take too much. If you’re more sensitive than most, more than a teaspoon might result in an upset stomach or diarrhea.

Here are the most popular benefits of these helpful oils:

  1. Improves metabolism
  2. Increases physical and mental energy
  3. Provides an easy way to lose a little weight
  4. Increased feelings of tummy fullness
  5. Reduces appetite
  6. Less likely to be stored as fat
  7. Enhances exercise performance
  8. Beneficial for tooth infections, active bladder, and respiratory health

Over 30 years, scientists have studied various types of Ginseng, including Eleuthero, and their impact on competitive athletic performance.

The subject of a large-scale study with over 5,000 participants, Eleuthero emerged as a powerful ally in several categories:

  • Lung capacity was improved
  • Depth of breathing grew
  • Reduced restlessness
  • Increased stamina
  • Athletes saw a significant improvement in the length of time it took them to recover from a grueling workout or competition
  • Participants showed decreased chances of tissue hypoperfusion, hypoxia, hemorrhagic shock, or pulmonary embolism

Similarly, some of the studies that show the effectiveness of Caprylic Acid were equally positive:

  • Helpful in eradicating candida (fungal) infections
  • Superior and less expensive than the drug Diflucan
  • Effective anti-cancer, anti-aging, anti-Alzheimer’s disease, anti-Autism, anti-infection
  • Effective in general circulatory improvement


While all of these results are encouraging, many people in the scientific community have not been friendly toward proponents of Eleuthero and Caprylic Acid. While several studies conclusively point to specific values of these brain and energy boosters, many other studies are inconclusive.

When seeking improvements in peacefulness, along with boosts in brain and immune system functions, it might be helpful to add Holy Basil, Gotu Kola, and Ashwagandha to your daily regiment. These herbs will give your body, mind, and heart a little relaxation amid all the passion, power, and excitement.

To improve your brain function and the immune system, you might also consider the following ideas:

  • Buy, cook and eat healthy, organic, whole foods
  • Reduce meat consumption
  • Increase your awareness of herbs and healing tonics
  • Exercise regularly
  • Selflessly serve other human beings
  • Meditate
  • Kundalini yoga
  • Prana (Pranic) breathing
  • Prayer
  • Monthly, quarterly, and yearly rituals of rebirth and renewal

In all things, assume that you and the Divine are working in unison to improve conditions and realities for yourself, and for all living beings, in all the realms, throughout all instances and trajectories of spacetime.

Herbs and Tinctures That Heal Inflammation

Heal Inflammation

Tummy Herbs Heal Inflammation: A Shutterstock Licensed Image

Inflammation can begin as a benign condition and slowly turn into a nightmare. It might start with stiffness and strains in the muscles and bones and later develop into pain and agony. It might only occur on occasion, or it can be constant and dreadful. Some describe inflammation as nagging and uncomfortable, while others say they experience steady stabs and pinches throughout their waking day. It all depends on the intensity and severity of the inflammation.

Inflammation can emerge and cause damage to our bodies and lives, even when it’s not overt. It might appear as fatigue, chest pain, stomach pain, mouth sores, disorientation, fever, rash, or joint pain. Down the line, if inflammation isn’t healed, it can feed or cause a variety of diseases, including arthritis, some cancers, atherosclerosis, periodontitis, and hay fever.

You might have one of these chronic conditions, which often include inflammation: asthma, ulcers, tuberculosis, Crohn’s Disease, hepatitis, bronchitis, infected skin and nails, sore throats, mouth sores, scratches and cuts, intense exercise, sinusitis, and physical trauma.

All the science now points to naturopathic and herbal treatments for inflammation and arthritis. In this article, you’ll find helpful lists of the most successful treatments to ease your pain around inflammation, joints, and their related conditions.


“Inflammation is the cornerstone of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis – all of the neurodegenerative diseases are really predicated on inflammation.”
— David Perlmutter

Western Medicine Helpful To Relieving Inflammation And Arthritis

For 200 years, western medical practices have often worked against the body, sometimes having little effect, or creating more problems than they’ve healed. Luckily, times have changed, and western medicine is much more inclusive of the ancient traditions found in tribal, herbal, and naturopathic remedies and treatments.

While these western medical treatments might not be helpful for you; specifically, they have helped millions of people around the world reduce the effects of inflammation and arthritis:


  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help ease the pain associated with inflammation and provide arthritis relief. NSAIDs like naproxen, ibuprofen, and aspirin might be helpful in the short-term, but they can cause dangerous changes in the immune system and contribute to the growth of stomach ulcers. They might also cause kidney damage, increased risk of strokes and heart attacks, and turn low-level asthma into life-threatening conditions.
  • Corticosteroids (Glucocorticoids and Mineralocorticoids) promise to prevent several aspects of inflammation and replace depleted hormones. These medications can also cause long-term problems, including high blood pressure, deficient potassium levels, and more.
  • Hyaluronic acid creams and injections can help reduce the symptoms of inflammation and arthritis, mainly when applied to the knees.

Because every person’s condition and its related origin is unique, you might not find the “Best Anti-Inflammatory” or the ultimate tincture for arthritis pain relief. But if you’re willing to do a little research, you’ll most certainly find that the most potent anti-inflammatories come from herbs and natural remedies.

Science is now learning that the most successful and potent treatments for inflammation and arthritis come directly from the earth, raw and untainted.

Review the following lists and consider taking the herbs that feel best to you.

“Reduce inflammation to treat the root of many issues. If your gut isn’t working right it can cause so many other issues.”
― Jay Woodman

Natural Anti-Inflammatory Herbs And Remedies For Arthritis

Some natural remedies for inflammation have become very popular in the United States and Europe. Many of them were originally found in Ayurvedic medicine.

When taken thoughtfully, these herbs can produce wonderful results when applied to the healing of inflammation.

  • Boswellia (Salai guggul, Frankincense)
  • Bromelain
  • Hyssop
  • White Willow Bark (contains salicin, a chemical similar to aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid)
  • Devil’s Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens, Wood Spider, Grapple Plant)
  • Ginkgo (Maidenhair tree)
  • Nettle (Stinging Nettle, Urtica dioica)
  • Myrrh
  • Resveratrol
  • Maritime Pine Bark
  • Chili Peppers (Capsaicin)
  • Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa)
  • Turmeric (Curcumin)
  • Green Tea (an excellent anti-inflammatory tea)
  • Cardamom, Cumin, Clove
  • Rosemary
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger
  • Thyme
  • Cannabis (this is not for everyone, and it’s not for every condition)
  • Honeysuckle

Additional Ayurvedic Anti-Inflammatory Herbs

Ayurvedic Medicine is over 6000 years old and has been traced to ancient masters like Babaji. Ayurveda seeks to help the body, mind, and heart find peace and balance. I have had tremendous results when using Ayurvedic medicine and methodologies.

Here are a few powerful, healing herbs that are often promoted by Ayurvedic practitioners.

  • Amalaki
  • Triphala
  • Mulethi (Licorice Root)
  • Manjistha
  • Arjuna
  • Gotu Kola
  • Shatavari

Chinese Anti-Inflammatory Herbs and Arthritis Remedies

Chinese medicine has one of the most complex and intricate systems of healing the mind, heart, and body. Focused on reducing heat in the body and creating flow, Chinese herbs for inflammation and related treatments date back at least 2500 years, with many of its original teachings still in practice today.

Chinese medicine addresses the ebbs and flows of our energies, consciousness, and physical forms. When taking Chinese herbs, be cautious and sensible. Some herbs, when taken too aggressively, can cause more harm than good.

Here are a few of the most successful and scientifically proven Chinese herbs that help to heal inflammation:

  • Huáng Qín (黃芩 Scutellaria baicalensis)
  • Huáng Lián (黃連 Coptis chinensis, Coptis root)
  • Jīn Yín Hūa (金銀花 Flos Lonicerae)
  • Léi Gōng Téng (雷公藤 Tripterygium wilfordii, *Thunder God Vine)
  • Lián Qiào (連翹 Forsythia suspensa)
  • Dà Qīn Yè (大青葉 Isatidis Folium )
  • Yú Xīng Cǎo (魚腥草 Houttuynia cordata)
  • Bǎn Lán Gēn (板藍根 Radix Isatidis)
  • Zǐ Huā Dì Dīn (紫花地丁 Viola yedoensis )
  • Bái Tóu Wēn (白頭翁 Pulsatilla Radix)
  • Chuān Xīn Lián (穿心蓮 Andrographis paniculata)

“Joint pain, bloating and foggy thoughts are not imagined symptoms, They’re the result of improper diet. Make eliminations. Start with wheat, then dairy, then sugar. These are the most inflammatory foods.”
― Nancy S. Mure


Home Remedies For Arthritis

Finding the source of our discomfort can be difficult. As you search for the tools and treatments that serve you best, consider adding these ideas to your regiment. All of these are recommended by Chinese, Ayurvedic, and western doctors throughout the world:

  • Use hot and cold compresses
  • Swim and Exercise
  • Lose weight
  • Do Panchakarma (Ayurvedic cleansing program)
  • Do Yoga, Tai Chi or Qigong
  • Try Chondroitin and Glucosamine
  • Nerve stimulation
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage
  • Meditation
  • Add more omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D to your diet
  • Add the following foods to your diet: olive oil, tomatoes, nuts, spinach, kale, wild salmon, blueberries, oranges, and beets.
  • Avoid fast foods and processed meats, including red meat, fried chicken, French fries, flour, soda, sugar, dairy, raw fish, and unnatural fats like margarine.


Finding the sources of your inflammation can be a daunting task. All of the suggestions in this article might also feel a little overwhelming. One tip might be to start slowly and select your favorite ideas from the above lists.

You might begin by adding a few healthier foods to your diet. Soon after, you might add one or two medicinal herbs. If you want a deep-dive into healing your inflammation, make notes on how each set of herbs and foods makes you feel. Consider implementing a 90-day program where you try three small subsets of herbs, each for 30 days.

The simplest things you can do to improve your health and inflammation are to regularly exercise, visit with your doctor twice a year, and continually improve-upon your diet. You might consider rotating groups of foods in your daily meals so that you can give your body exposure to a wide variety of nutrients.

In all things, keep calm, pray, and remain positive. Miracles await!