Personality Card Deluxe Set


Congratulations on choosing the Personality Card Deluxe Set!  You’re on the path to profound self-discovery and enriched relationships. 

This exclusive bundle includes everything you need to dive deep into the realms of life, love, and relationships.

In this deluxe bundle, you’ll receive:

Two decks of Personality Cards for insightful readings, along with two e-books. Dive deep into your personality, gain clarity on your life’s journey,  foster meaningful connections, and find clarity for your spiritual journey. Get ready to embark on an empowering journey of self-awareness and love.


THE PERSONALITY CARDS (2 decks) Inspiration for Life, Love & Relationships

The Spiritual Seeker’s Handbook (ebook)

The Field Guide to Human Personalities: Explore Yourself & Humanity! (ebook)

The Field Guide to Human Personalities: Explore Yourself & Humanity! (soft-covered book)

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