Paul being hugged by Amma, The Hugging Saint (

Are You Ready to Embrace Your Full Potential?

If these questions resonate with you, know that transformation is possible:

  • Are you judged or oppressed by others in some way?
  • Are core memories and traumas holding you back?
  • Do you feel stuck or yearning for more purpose and fulfillment?
  • Are guilt, shame, or anger clouding your vision and draining your energy?
  • Do you seek a deeper understanding of your destiny & true Self?
  • Are you ready to love and heal yourself, embracing you inner beauty and joy?
  • Do you want to explore your depths and uncover unlimited potential?
The Journey of Awakening

You are a magnificent being, deserving of love, happiness, and abundance. Awakening involves:

  • Self-reflection: Releasing old thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
  • Forgiveness: Releasing resentment and anger towards yourself and others.
  • Letting go: Discarding old patterns, limiting beliefs, and unnecessary attachments.
  • Self-love and acceptance: Embracing yourself fully (flaws & all) with great celebration.
  • Spiritual connection: Cultivating a deep connection to your inner master & The Divine.
You Are Not Alone

I am here to offer guidance, encouragement, and a genuine ear. Together, we can explore your challenges, uncover your strengths, and empower you to create a life that truly reflects your inner beauty and potential.

Take the First Step

Embark on a journey of transformation and healing. Connect with Me

You are loved, worthy, and capable of creating miracles. Let's do this together!

My lifelong exploration of spiritual practices, from Native American ceremonies and Pagan rituals to Hindu pujas and Buddhist rites, has empowered me to release my past and step into my full potential.

This journey, enriched by encounters with enlightened masters and immersion in the ancient teachings, has ignited a deep passion within me: to guide others towards their own awakening.

As an intuitive life and business coach, spiritual guide, mentor, and tech & marketing CEO (with over 40 awards including EMMYs), I combine ancient wisdom with modern expertise to offer a unique blend of services. My goal? To help you release old patterns and emotions, embrace your authentic Self, and create a life that radiates joy, divinity and purpose.

I genuinely believe in following the teachings of enlightened masters and gurus, focusing on inward expansion. This journey has allowed me to release my past, extinguish old identities, and move beyond personal limitations. Through my experiences, I’ve learned the importance of gratitude, clarity, peace, and wholeness, and I am passionate about helping others achieve the same.

What I Offer:

~ Intuitive Life & Business Coaching: Gain clarity, set empowering goals, and overcome obstacles with personalized guidance.
~ Spiritual Guidance: Deepen your connection to the divine and unlock your spiritual potential.
~ Business Mentoring: Navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship with a seasoned CEO.
~ Psychic Medium Readings: Receive insights and messages from the spiritual realm.
~ Personality Cards & The Shankara Oracle: Powerful tools for self-discovery and personal growth.

My Approach:

With empathy, intuition, and a touch of playfulness, I create a safe and supportive space for you to explore your deepest desires and challenges. Together, we’ll uncover your unique gifts, release limiting beliefs, and create a roadmap for your personal and professional success.

Are You Ready?

If you’re ready to step into your power, embrace your truth, and create a life that lights you up, I invite you to explore my offerings and Join My Community. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

Discover the possibilities:

~ Coaching
~ Courses
~ The Shankara Oracle
~ Intuitive & Psychic Readings (Medium)
~ Comprehensive Mystical Life Reading

I look forward to connecting with you and supporting your journey of growth and awakening.

With love and light,

Paul (Krishna Kalesh)

The most important lesson: “To grow, we must forgive everything, set clear boundaries, release all expectations, shame & guilt, and stay focused on the prize: Our Awakening.” – Paul Wagner

Your Loving, Intuitive, Encouraging Guide

A Little More About Paul

As A Deeply Intuitive Empath & Coach, I Love To Serve Others.

Paul has visited enlightened masters at ashrams and temples throughout India, China, Europe, and the US. He is a disciple of Amma (Mātā Amritānandamayī Devī, “Hugging Saint”) and has delivered inspiring, playful keynotes to open Her retreats. Paul’s courses are built upon these divine teachings and are life-changing.

“Paul, you must learn how to lead with love.”
— Amma

Paul Wagner is a 5-time EMMY® Award-Winning writer, spiritual guide, and educator who’s helped and educated thousands around the world.

“If we can forgive everything, release guilt & shame, and seek positivity, we can AWAKEN & SET OURSELVES FREE.” — Paul Wagner

Paul's remarkable courses are
fun, eye-opening & transformative.

These Courses Are Life-Changing!


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