Paul being hugged by Amma, The Hugging Saint (

Are you preoccupied with your past? Do you feel frustrated with your circumstances?

Is guilt, shame, regret, or anger a burden for you?

Do you feel stuck in some way?

You can choose to love and heal yourself.

You can choose to dive more deeply within yourself.

How truly beautiful you are, my friend!

You are loved for all time!

Our Divine Universe & All Deities Love ALL OF YOU!

You can remember your blissful nature - RIGHT NOW.

I have traveled the world meeting enlightened masters, learning ancient ceremonies and performing life-changing rituals. I love Hindu pujas and mantras, Native American ceremonies, sweat lodges & vision quests, Buddhist sutras, mantras & rites, and other transformative modalities.

I genuinely believe in following the teachings of enlightened masters and gurus, and focusing attention on inward expansion. Doing so, I released my past, extinguished old identities, and finally moved beyond (got over) myself. After many successes & failures in life, relationships, and business, I learned how to be consistently grateful, clear, peaceful, and whole. I love to help others do the same.

The most important lesson to be learned: “To grow, we must forgive everything, set clear boundaries, release all expectations, shame & guilt, and stay focused on the prize: Our Awakening.” – Paul Wagner

As an intuitive teacher and empath, I feels into your emotions and experiences. In sessions together, I feel what you and those around you feel. This helps me illuminate your joys, gifts, and blocks, and the pathways to your happiness.

I have served, guided, and coached thousands of seekers, healers, teachers, executives, and couples as their Intuitive Life & Business Coach, spiritual advisor, and business mentor. I am often playful, insightful, and a little spicy. My guru Amma gave me the name Kalesh, and I chose a new name for myself – Krishna Kalesh – to embrace and embody Krishna’s life to whatever degree I am capable.

If you’re ready to release your past, embrace your present & future, and improve your life, check out my wonderful and earnest COACHING and SHANKARA, and INTUITIVE READINGS. Thank you for visiting!

Your Loving, Intuitive, Encouraging Guide

A Little More About Paul

As A Deeply Intuitive Empath & Coach, I Love To Serve Others.

Paul has visited enlightened masters at ashrams and temples throughout India, China, Europe, and the US. He is a disciple of Amma (Mātā Amritānandamayī Devī, “Hugging Saint”) and has delivered inspiring, playful keynotes to open Her retreats. Paul’s courses are built upon these divine teachings and are life-changing.

“Paul, you must learn how to lead with love.”
— Amma

Paul Wagner is a 5-time EMMY® Award-Winning writer, spiritual guide, and educator who’s helped and educated thousands around the world.

“If we can forgive everything, release guilt & shame, and seek positivity, we can AWAKEN & SET OURSELVES FREE.” — Paul Wagner

Paul's remarkable courses are
fun, eye-opening & transformative.

These Courses Are Life-Changing!


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