The Nature Of Spirits: What Are They And How Do They Function?

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Spirits are everywhere in the world around us



Maybe you’ve been visited by a spirit from another realm. It might be that you feel there is an entity attaching to you somehow. Or maybe you’re just curious as to the nature of spirits: what they do, why they appear, where do they reside, and how can they be in both the spirit world and this physical reality?

The veils between here and there are thin. While our lives might appear to be one solid experience with clearly defined forms and boundaries, the truth is far more complex and bizarre.

As we relate with people in our daily lives, we must remember that they comprise a tiny subset of a much larger group of relationships with whom we relate on a regular basis.

When we awake in the morning, we might feel as though we are alone. We might even love our solitude. The reality is that we are never 100% alone. There are always spirits wandering about. They might not be sitting on our beds as we sip our morning java, but you can be certain that some are hovering or meandering somewhere near your home.

Spirits are everywhere. They come and go within this realm and on this planet, and throughout many others. Spacetime is not limited in any way. And neither are spirits.

Spirits Pop In And Out

Like you and me, each spirit has its own electromagnetic signature and vibration. This means it will magnetize aspects of itself – to itself – just like you and I would attract situations, relationships, and learning in our physical lives here on planet earth.

Whether they know it or not, spirits can dematerialize and reappear at will. They might not even know when they are appearing and disappearing. Their electromagnetic signatures have a life of their own.

Most spirits aren’t fully conscious of their skills or the nature of their form. Most often, they behave like children playing Hide-n-Go-Seek or lost puppies who lost track of how to get home.

We are each a collection of particles continuously moving from one reality to another. It’s the same with spirits and it’s the same with every physical object in our lives – the chair, the computer, the couch. Everything is moving within itself and outside itself without any limiting boundaries. The only limiting boundaries are form, assumption, intention, and vibration – all of which are changeable.

And now the super complex part….

What Is Infused In A Spirit’s Vibration?

While you, me, and any spirit might appear to be a very specific thing, there’s a lot going on under the hood. It might look like an old fucked-up truck, but it may have been built in a way to make you think it’s got no teeth. It might appear to be a GMC Pacer or Toyota Prius in the picture, but once you get a look at the engine,  you’ll know the nature of the beast.

Each of us has lived thousands of lives. We live, we get excited, we do stuff, then we die. At the moment of our death, we imagine where we are headed, and since we don’t usually clean our palettes at death, we don’t die very well. We leave our bodies, feel confused, get a sense that we have some unfinished business and juicy desires, choose another mom or dad, then, within 6 months of Earth-time, we end up birthing into a similar form doing similar things.


No thanks.

The idea here would be to meditate, pray, have boundaries, learn lessons, and inch toward the simultaneous death of our egos and bodies. Since our egos carry the agendas, if we diminish them over time (reducing our vasanas,  desires, etc), we can die and exit our bodies and truly complete.

If we don’t achieve enlightenment in this lifetime, through a great deal of effort, we can certainly achieve a higher level of consciousness. That said, if we’re not careful while we are dying and exiting this body, we could easily trick ourselves (or be tricked) into doing all the same crap all over again.

Yeah, let’s not do that.

When we are born, built into our fabrics, deeply infused into our natures, is the unfinished business of prior lives. Ahh! There’s the rub! Yes. We are not necessarily what we appear to be. This is why when you date someone and it feels all warm-fuzzy and then all of a sudden, it’s holy-moly, this person is NUTZO, it’s because they are working through their stuff – just like you – which is why you attracted them in the first place.

There you are all pretty and wonderful, but you know that something else is going on. You have anger, struggles, concerns, confusion, and more. You might be continuously attracting knuckleheads into your life and losing limbs at every turn. You might be happy on one particular day and then feeling like death on another.

This is all because we have unresolved desires (vasanas), each of which takes quite a bit of effort to dissolve. Each vasana has been with us for many lifetimes. We might dissolve one and then grow another – until we stop growing desires and refuse them all. That’s called LIBERATION.

We might not even know the half of what we’re carrying in terms of karma and vasanas. Our cute little lives might not be able to handle all of them. We birth, have vasanas, and work through as much as possible. What mostly happens though is that we enter this life excited and we continue to be excited about all of it, including the vasanas. We tend to forget that we were mostly in pain during our life. We forget that the pain can be avoided by releasing the vasanas. Therein lies the challenge: we love the emotional roller coasters of karma. We love to own and achieve, even though neither what we own or what we achieve can be carried forward from life to life. Yup, we’re not that bright.

This is why I highly recommend having spiritual masters and gurus in this life. They can help us expedite the burning of karma and vasanas.  As a devotee of Amma (, The Hugging Saint, I am continuously uplifted. In many ways, I feel Amma has my back. If not Amma, there’s Jesus, Yogananda, Mother Meera, or a host of other loving, enlightened Beings who are either living or recently lived here on Earth.

Keep reading, but enjoy this other article I wrote about what happens when we die. JUICY!

How Do We Burn Through Karma

The more we pray, the more we love, the more we meditate, the more we can release the negative aspects of ourselves, including the twisty, tenacious twirls of karma. We can also do rituals, pujas, and ceremonies that help us forgive ourselves, forgive others, and dissolve the attachments and burdens that inhibit us. It’s all about forgiveness. It’s all about letting go.

Remember, this is all an illusion.

I subscribe to and pay Amma’s temple to do pujas for each aspect of my soul and life. Meanwhile, I do rituals that I’ve learned from Native American and other teachers. These rituals are powerful. They’ll change your life. I also pray, chant mantras, chant sutras, and do lots of giveaways. All of these things help me enrich my soul and connect with higher vibrations.

Why Is This Spirit Following Me?

This is one my favorite questions.

One of the more probable answers is that the spirit is someone you knew from this life or a prior life. This spirit might feel unresolved about prior life interactions with you or they’ve come to tell you they love you. This might even just want to hang out with you. Why? They might be bored or they might need to watch you for a while so they can learn something specific from you.

The spirit might also be someone who wants to know you, but hasn’t met you within a physical life experience yet.

And yes, some spirits just want to cuddle. I know that sounds a bit scary, but it’s really no big deal. It’s like when a puppy nuzzles up to you. Just relax and ask them to follow the light and go elsewhere.

While some people like me tend to sensationalize this idea of detached spirits and all the dangers – that’s so rare, it’s not even worth mentioning. They are as open boundaries and a nudge to leave as all the positive and peaceful spirits. They just might need a little more love for a moment. You can also just chant your mantra or a sutra and hold the intention that they find the light.

From a spiritual-lesson perspective, here’s another answer: If you attracted it, it’s you! You are the Universe. You are everything! No matter what is in front of you or within you, you must deal with it as if it were an aspect of YOU. Because it is. You are what you seek. You are what you see. You are what you attract. You are what you project. You are what you experience. Own it all, forgive it all, and release it all. In truth, it’s all nothing.

When we have negative energies and spirits attaching to us, it’s a really GOOD SIGN. It’s a wake-up call. Just like in real life when a crazy person tries to hurt you in some way, it’s God saying, “Hey, you might want to look at this part of yourself.”

I see spirits all time time. Some of them scare the heck out of me. Others are so sweet that I can barely handle it. Here’s the thing – all of these spirits are the same. They are a little lost and they need love. For each spirit who engages me, I might scream at first LOL, but then I immediately tell them I love them. I say things like:

“You are so beautiful and so loved. I am with you and I want you to be happy. God loves you. The light is waiting for you. Follow the light, follow your heart, and seek your highest Self. You are love, my dear. Go toward love and become it! Follow that light and you’ll feel better. I LOVE YOU!”


If you attracted them, they are either interested in your Lightbody or they recognize their shadows as being the same ones within you. It doesn’t really matter why or how they appeared. What matters is that you love them and you want them to be happy. Doing so, you might also see and feel things within yourself that require forgiving.

Look at every aspect of yourself and your life and forgive it all. Go piece by piece, person by person, circumstance by circumstance, and forgive everything about everything, forever backward and forward.


Dissolving it all, we can Be Here Now.

Loving it all, We Can Be Without Fear.


Fear is good because it reminds us of the unprotected parts of our lives. We can then improve those parts. Soon, most fears can become little friends who continue to remind us to protect ourselves.

Fear can also be a nasty sore. The idea here would be to look honestly at your fears and look for ways to either uplevel them into love or dissolve them into history.

The Past Does Not Exist. It Is A Canceled Check. Let It Go.


After doing rituals and forgiving, it’s important that we get back to the present moment. That’s because we only have the present moment. Everything else is a result of our minds and spirits seeking attachments and control.

All we can do is love.

If we know how to love, we can serve others.

If we have fear, we can meditate on love.

If we have spirits attaching to us, we can meditate on love, and we can pray for those spirits. When we pray for others, the Universe prays for us. We can also pray for ourselves. My gosh, pray for yourself as often as possible! PRAYER WORKS!

If something is bothering you or if someone is attacking you, you can set boundaries. You are powerful. We are resourceful. You are a Light-Being wrapped in light and love, born from stardust.

I already know that I love you, even if you have blocks and even if I don’t see you perfectly as you believe yourself to be. I know that I want to love you. I know that love works. It can dissolve all burdens.

Jesus was love. Jesus is love.

Buddha is nothingness wrapped in love.

You are the same. You are all of it.


Remember yourself. Remember how lovely and wonderful you are.

Be love. You got this!

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