We Can Heal our Minds, Hearts, Relationships, and Lives Through Meditation

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Heal and evolve through meditation. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.

In the midst of chaos, we often allow our minds to create projections, plans, excuses, and defenses. Rather than take deep breaths and allow storms to pass, we tend to build imaginary constructs, temporary fantasies, and complex webs of justifications to distract us from our simplest truths. While all of these things are born from obsessing within the mind, we always have opportunities to advance beyond the mind, and into the realms of the eternal Self. This is where we can source the most enduring and durable peacefulness.

While there are many types of healing meditations, they need not be complicated. To meditate, we don’t need to join a club, yoga center or spiritual organization. We do not need intense instructions or a key to the executive bathroom. With one simple, inward turn, we can access the most divine gems and the most expansive senses of ourselves.

“Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.”
— Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati


There are many healing meditation methods, from breath meditation for emotional healing to daily meditation to work through grief. As spiritual Beings in pursuit of deep clarity, we might want to utilize all of the sounds and colors available to us, or we might simply want to chant a sacred syllable. We can connect with all the realms and access downloads of our ancient destinies or we can humbly bow in the direction of our divine gurus and masters. The options for our healing, liberation and expansion are endless.

Healing Meditation Methods

There are many healing meditation methods, some of which have been passed through generations of oracles, healers and enlightened masters. When it comes to meditation, there are no secrets or exclusivity. If you have a sincere desire and the ability to commit to practicing them, these methods will help you establish pathways to healing and lasting peace.

Light & Sound

The universe is comprised of light and sound, both of which can be broken down into vibrations and electromagnetic fields. Sound and light exist and travel as waves, with light moving much faster than sound. Light waves have tiny wavelengths, which is why you might hear something but not see it.


As a living-Being in a three-dimensional reality, you comprise an overall vibration, assembled from collections of vibrations and electromagnetic fields, all derived from lights and sounds. In essence, you are the embodiment of light and sound. When we focus on a color or sound, which are already within us, we can improve our emotional and physical bodies, and we can achieve higher states of consciousness.

By silently focusing on the sound “Om” within your mind, you can improve all aspects of your life. By meditating on the colors white, purple, or pink, you can improve your clarity, sense of Being, and heal yourself. While not all meditations will produce tangible or obvious healings, all healings are born from our alignment with the purest lights and sounds.


When we verbally chant a mantra or spiritual sound, we are inviting our bodies, hearts and minds to align with the vibrations of the tones that are coming out of our voice-boxes and mouths. When we chant “Om,” the sound of the universe, we are asking our physical and spiritual bodies to vibrate at the same levels and resonance as the universe. Chanting longer prayers and sutrasexposes us to a host of improved vibrations, each of which adds a measure of value to our physical forms and light-bodies.

A simple, Sanskrit mantra is: “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu,” which translates roughly to: “May all beings in all the worlds, and in all the realms, be happy and free. May I embody that happiness and freedom, and reflect these things with every fibre of my being, in all that I do.” Chanting this for some time will bring you closer to being the embodiment of its vibration.

Although it’s usually chanted in Sanskrit, here is the English translation of “The Heart Sutra,” impeccably translated by the Buddhist Text Translation Society. This beautiful and healing sutra can induce a deep state of meditation, and it is one of the most profound and vibrationally advanced prayers available to us:

“Translated by Tang Dharma Master of the Tripitaka Hsüan-Tsang on imperial command.

When Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva was practicing the profound prajna paramita, he illuminated the five skandhas and saw that they are all empty, and he crossed beyond all suffering and difficulty. Shariputra, form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form. Form itself is emptiness; emptiness itself is form. So, too, are feeling, cognition, formation, and consciousness. Shariputra, all dharmas are empty of characteristics. They are not produced. Not destroyed, not defiled, not pure, and they neither increase nor diminish.

Therefore, in emptiness there is no form, feeling, cognition, formation, or consciousness; no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or mind; no sights, sounds, smells, tastes, objects of touch, or dharmas; no field of the eyes, up to and including no field of mind-consciousness; and no ignorance or ending of ignorance, up to and including no old age and death or ending of old age and death. There is no suffering, no accumulating, no extinction, no way, and no understanding and no attaining. Because nothing is attained, the Bodhisattva, through reliance on prajna paramita, is unimpeded in his mind. Because there is no impediment, he is not afraid, and he leaves distorted dream-thinking far behind. Ultimately Nirvana!​

All Buddhas of the three periods of time attain Anuttarasamyaksambodhi through reliance on prajna paramita. Therefore, know that prajna paramita is a great spiritual mantra, a great bright mantra, a supreme mantra, an unequalled mantra. It can remove all suffering; it is genuine and not false. That is why the mantra of prajna paramita was spoken. Recite it like this: Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha!”


The Kundalini is the life-force that travels throughout your body, upward through you scalp, and onward to the heavens. This force is never-ending and it is connected to everything. Within your body, the Kundalini is a river that is connected to all Kundalini rivers through spacetime. You can invite the awakening of your Kundalini by breathing through your nose, and activating your diaphragm with each inhale and exhale.

As you breathe inward and outward, thrust the Kundalini upward from your root chakra, then out of your body, and then back into your body, again through your root chakra. This circular meditation has the ability to improve your immune system and heal any part of your body, mind, and heart.

Divine Intervention, Celestial Beings, Cosmic Masters

If you would like to meditate with angels, you can do so by sitting quietly in a comfortable position and gently requesting their presence. If you remain in a peaceful, loving, and open state-of-mind, you can attract assistance from the divine and communicate with celestial light-Beings. If you know that you want to connect with a specific angel or master, you can simply recite their name over and over again.

Depending on your religion or deity, consider repeating one or more of the following invitations:

  • Archangel Michael, I am in communion with you, awaiting your light, love and guidance.
  • I invite the sacred heart of Jesus to open my heart and mind to eternal love and light.
  • Mighty and beautiful Ariel, I am open to your love and light. Please guide me.
  • My Beloved Guru, I pray for your light and love. Inspire me to awaken.
  • Cosmic and Ascended Masters, I welcome you into my heart. Liberate me and infuse my physical and etheric bodies with light and love.

The Other Realms and Worlds

As you project yourself into these other realms, wrap yourself in protective white or pink light. Rest quietly within this light and invite energetic healings from all of the Beings in your projected reality. You might consider silently whispering a simple request within your mind, similar to, “I invite the most beautiful and sacred embodiments of light, in this realm and others, so they may up-level my vibrations and understandings.”

If you wish to traverse the universe and experience the light and vibrations of other realities, all you need to do is speak to the heavenly bodies within your mind’s eye. Ask your guides and angels to open your awareness to all living-Beings throughout all of the universes. Ask the Cosmic Masters and Ascended Light-Beings to help you project into other realms and worlds.

Pranic Healing Meditations (Breath)

Prana means “breath.” Each of us is born from, and sustained, by breath. While pranic healing involves a non-touch style of energetic massage, pranic healing meditation involves focusing on our own breath, infusing it with light and love, and directing it throughout our physical and emotional bodies.

A simple pranic meditation might be to focus on your inhale and exhale. As you inhale, infuse your breath with white light. As it enters your body through your heart or another point, imagine it flowing through your skin, bones, and veins. Use the light to heal every part of you. As you exhale, imagine that any negative energy exits with the breath. Whenever you are stressed or confused, close your eyes and invite your breath to heal you, and improve your vibration. You can use this same technique to heal others.


When we focus our minds on a specific reality, whether it involves a healed physical body, the birth of a healthy child, or a specific lifestyle, the universe conspires to co-create this vision with us. Allow your visions to be detailed. Keep in mind that even the slightest negative intention can negatively impact the foundation of your vision. Focus on the light in all things related to your life path and vision. Holding the vision and then breathing light and loving into it, we are inviting all light-Beings to join us in its co-creation.

Guided Meditations

We can listen to others as they guide us into our most profound Selves. Guided meditations can take the pressure off of our distracted minds, making it easier for us to access the purest nature. Consider the many talented healers who have recorded thousands of guided meditations, or you can choose your favorite from the web and record it yourself. With repetition, your mind will learn to absorb these recorded journeys and their related pathways, and you’ll eventually have no need for them.

“Learn to be calm and you will always be happy.”
— Paramahansa Yogananda

Written Meditations

Even though the mind can be distracting, some people find it helpful to write their meditations. This gives their bodies something to do while their hearts and spirits traverse the various stages of clarity and peacefulness.

If writing brings you peace, use positive and beautiful language to inspire your most illuminated states of mind and heart. The activity called, “Dreamer and the Scribe,” allows you and a partner to connect with your most peaceful and poetic selves. By tapping into the bounty of the heart, this exercise acts as a healing meditation.

After choosing a topic, one person lays horizontally on a couch and verbally describes their dreams related to the topic. The scribe writes what they hear from the dreamer, continually editing and shaping the dreamer’s words into the most poetic form possible.

When the dreamer is done dreaming, and the scribe has completed her writing and shaping, the two switch places. Afterward, they each read their dreams aloud to each other. This experience can be extremely enjoyable and enlightening, especially when the topics chosen are related to love, light, and liberation.

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