The Sacred Nature Of Our Emotions: How Ritual And Release Inch Us Toward Awakening

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The Sacred Nature of Our Emotions Through Ritual and Release
Expand your Self by understanding your emotions. A Shutterstock Licensed Image.


Emotions Are Little Bundles Of Energy 


In order to truly appreciate and understand our relationships with emotions, we must first understand electromagnetism. 


As electrically charged particles interact, they create an electromagnetic force. Particles attract to form bundles or matter, thereby emitting energy. These forces are then transported, giving birth to light and other electromagnetic radiation.


Atoms come together because of this magnetic pull, weaving together to form our physical realities. 


To put it simply, we would not and could not exist without electromagnetism


When applied to emotions, we find that our thoughts forge these tiny energy-Beings. We experience an emotion when a charged thought enters our mind. This can be something positive, like feeling happy while thinking about a close friend we saw last week, or more towards the negative end of the spectrum, such as the shame we feel when remembering an embarrassing moment. Ya know, that time you suggested peanut butter during foreplay. 


Positive emotions (i.e. joy, peace, relaxation, etc.) elevate our lives and relationships, and can boost your immune systems. In short, positive emotions can help keep you healthy. 


Negative emotions, on the other hand, will drain you of focus, energy, light, and health. Hate, blame, denial, anxiety, depression, and fear are just a few of the less desirable emotions that you may experience over your lifetime. 


Just remember, everything is temporary, well, except your expansive and unlimited nature!


It doesn’t take much energy to create emotions. With every experience we have, emotions are birthed, absorbed, and used to form responses with the help of our personalities. Ongoing, our emotions are effortlessly filtered through our individual combinations of perceptions, beliefs, and prior knowledge to result in either dissolved, tabled, repressed, or fully expressed emotions. 


Emotional responses are invoked easily as our ideas and thoughts bounce through our minds, hearts, and bodies. These free-flowing processes result in ultra-compacted and powerful (potentially volatile) raw energy. 


The energy of your emotions is so strong that it not only affects your own life but can even affect those around you. If you’re a  super-hero or -villain, your emotions could set a barn on fire.


While each emotion contributes its own energy and frequency patterns, they all come together to form one collective Being. Every emotion you experience has the power to heal, fuel your reality, or create destruction. They emit their own electromagnetic discharges as they continue to move around and live within you. 


The energy emitted can and will impact your overall vibrational frequency. Positive emotions like love and peace have similarly positive vibrations while negative emotions like hate and fear vibrate at a lower frequency.


Over time, this compounding of emotions can shape your personality and reality. 


If you hold on to grudges, suffer from anxiety, or tend to obsess over prior traumas, you can’t release anything. Chances are you’ve already experienced the consequences in the form of fatigue, foggy brain function, or the seemingly ubiquitous bad luck you claim to have. 


If you fill your life with more positive emotions like forgiveness, acceptance, gratitude, and joy, you might find that your experiences are quite the opposite. The stats point to feeling healthier, more active, and luckier – and you’ll probably enjoy a sprinkle (or waterfall) of positive, happy accidents.


Don’t underestimate the power of emotions


If all else fails, BE GRATEFUL! Your gratitude will emit one powerful bundle of energy! 


As we emote and react to external stimuli, we release electromagnetic discharges and chemicals that others can pick up on. I’m sure you’ve experienced this even if you didn’t realize it at the time. 


Think back to a time when you were in a movie theater and felt the buzz of excitement at the film’s climax. Or the hushed, weighty silence of worry and concern that falls when a professional sports player gets hurt mid-play. What about the infectious laughter of a baby? 


Emotions are powerful, and as such, they should be treated with respect. 


Are you forced to endure them, unable to change your trajectory because of past events?



While it can be difficult to control our emotions, especially in cases of high stress or trauma, we can still take steps to improve, if not choose, them. 


“Amma’s happiness is when you
find bliss within yourselves.”

— Amma


How Can I Change My Emotions For The Better? 


The good news is that your nature, soul, and body are all made up of energy – just like our emotions. This means that our vibrations and intentions rule our realities, giving us the power to make improvements based on intentional action


After all, each of us is composed of light and sound. 


Here are just a few of the ways you can move, dissolve, improve, integrate, or awaken electromagnetic discharges and emotions so that they continue to work more in your favor: 


  • Stop judging your emotions. Let yourself feel them, even when it hurts. Try to love your emotions as little friends showing up to teach you something. Your emotions are your roommates! LOVE THEM!
  • Allow yourself to safely express negative emotions in order to minimize their internal effects on you. If the negative feelings persist, even after venting, take up a preferred modality like journaling, completing a healing ritual, or going for a walk. It’s also okay to punch the earth and scream – or throw a pretty lamp against the wall (as long as you don’t hurt anybody, including yourself!)
  • Be your authentic Self—open yourself to a pure encounter with your core self – your nature – your divinely inspired spirit
  • When a feeling is positive, share it with those around you, and let it fill you your heart. This will expand your vibration and provide healing light for your entire Being.
  • Take note of how much energy an emotion takes to sustain when you realize its presence.
  • Choose the higher perspectives in every situation and you’ll find that your emotions will follow your lead. Never dismiss negative emotions without first accepting and understanding them. It’s also important to keep control and not let any emotion influence your present relating and decisions.
  • Meditate, pray, forgive others, forgive yourself, and participate in rituals intended to uplevel your vibrations (Check out these FREE resources that provide an extensive starting point for encouragement and self-improvement!)


Is Negative Energy Something To Fear? 


The short answer is meh, not really. Actually, no. While there are spirits in this world that do need to be exorcised, the likelihood of being hurt by that kind of energy is so unlikely that it’s almost impossible. 


If you feel oppressed by negative energy it’s probably emanating from you, not someone or something else. This realization should be taken with optimism because that means you’re in control. You can take control of your actions and monitor your responses. 


Take active steps to alleviate symptoms of bad energy. A walk in the woods or a park stroll, daily meditation, and incorporating essential oils into your regime are all great ways to reduce stress and raise your vibration. Consider praying for your enemies as well. 


If the negative energy isn’t going to cause you physical harm, should you feel bad for purging it from your space? Absolutely not! 


If a spirit or energy is making you uncomfortable, you are allowed to clear the blockages. 


There are a lot of ways to remove negative energy: burning sage, engaging the spirit with love and positive intentions, praying, and completing cleansing rituals, to name a few. 


I regularly have spirits visit me or wander near to me. I tell them I love them and I ask that they follow their own light or the light that leads to eternity. I encourage them to feel whole and love the divine. 


If you have a friendly or cranky ghost gracing your existence, befriend them and then encourage them to wander elsewhere. You might also check the rituals on my Free Resources page – on to learn more about this. 


Love Yourself Through Meditation 


A common theme you’ll find throughout these articles and across the teachings of most masters & gurus is the importance of meditation and prayer. Oh, and gratitude. Are you grateful today?!


The ability for meditation & prayer to improve our lives is something that has been evaluated for years and continues to impress scientists to this day. Skeptics continue to question the benefits, but studies still show the medical benefits of meditation. I mean, my heavens, when the TM movement headed to Washington DC to meditate for a while, there was an insanely drastic drop in crime. 


Meditation works. It aligns you with your nature, releases toxins, sets you up for a peaceful few hours, and sends positive vibes throughout creation. Meditate and your peace & positivity will land on distant shores and within far-away souls.


One Harvard study found that participants who meditated over time showed an increase in gray matter within the prefrontal cortex, helping with executive decision making. Conversely, areas of the brain corresponding to fear and stress become smaller over time. Improvement was seen in other areas of the brain as well, including cognition, emotional regulation, empathy, learning, and production of regulatory neurotransmitters.


Despite the evidence of success, a lot of people won’t start meditating because they believe they don’t have the time. But you don’t have to dedicate hours at a time when you first start. 


Start by meditating 2 minutes a day. That’s it. When you feel comfortable, start adding more time each day. By easing into it, you’ll create a long-term habit that will provide you clarity of mind. 


You can also use mantras to help detach from your overactive mind and increase focus on the highest of vibrations.  


If the idea of meditation and mantras still sounds too difficult to overcome, try mindfulness. 


Mindfulness, at its most basic of definitions, can be boiled down to paying attention to your ongoing experiences and choosing peacefulness in relation to every thought, action, person, response, and feeling.


You don’t have to be perfect to reach mindfulness. Even if you feel broken or disconnected from your heart, you can create a connection to clarity and stay aware of your effect on others


You might only be able to reach mindfulness for a few moments at a time when you begin, but that’s still progress! 


Healing And Releasing Relationships 


What can you do to improve your relationships with the people in your intimate, immediate, or distant circles? If emotions and energy are contagious, you can bet that improving your energy, mindset, and clarity will immediately improve your relationships with everybody you’re connected with – including yourself. 


Sometimes a relationship can be improved or uplifted by something as simple as opening a conversation. If you’re picking up on negative energy because of a miscommunication, the two (or more) of you can try sharing your feelings with each other – but without any blame. If we share in a way that inspires the other person’s compassion or empathy, we’ve created a pathway to healing. 


Unfortunately, there are also times where the toxic person in your life takes things a step too far. It may hurt to have to release them. You might even feel a deep loss for a while. Truth be told, you will ultimately feel better when you surround yourself with authentic individuals who do not seek to oppress, control, invalidate, or guilt you. When your circle of friends is vibrant and full of light, you will be, too!


If someone does you wrong, forgive them! As a matter of fact, forgive the fuck out of EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE! The emotions that result from forgiveness will yield wisdom. Wisdom informs our actions. 


Forgiveness allows us to release imagery and emotions that otherwise restrict us.


Overall, we are bursts of sound and light – all energy – all infused with the divine’s imprint. Everything around us and everything in the universe is made of energy. 


Like attracts like, so if you’re emitting higher vibrations, you’ll attract high vibrations!


Remember to take care of your health on every level – physical, emotional, and spiritual. Try Kundalini Meditation, deep breathing exercises, or essential oils to boost overall health. Did I mention Gratitude and Forgiveness? Oh yeah, I did. Good! Do that!


If you’re interested in more information on prayers, rituals, mantras, or even encouragement, you can check out my free resources page. 


Remember that you are the embodiment of light and love. Live according to your highest potential! 

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