The Most Effective And Advanced Anti-Inflammation Supplements

Do you suffer from aches and pains, feel lethargic and fatigued all the time, or just can’t shake off those nagging colds? If so, your body may be fighting a hidden inflammation. With the rise of diet trends like the Paleo Diet and Keto, anti-inflammation diets have become increasingly mainstream. In fact, almost everyone knows that an inflammatory response is bad for you. What most people don’t know is that chronic low-grade inflammation can cause damage over a long period of time — leading to chronic diseases such as heart disease,
diabetes, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s. In this article, we are going to look at what exactly inflammation is, why it happens in our bodies when it shouldn’t, its effects on our health, and some anti-inflammation supplements and regimens that may be able to help you.

What Is Inflammation?

When our body’s immune system detects pathogens, it produces chemicals to defend us. These chemicals cause blood vessels to dilate and nearby tissue to swell, which is called inflammation. Inflammation can be thought of as our body’s natural response to fight infection or injuries. White blood cells rush to the site of infection or injury to neutralize the infection or heal the wound. They also release chemicals that cause blood vessels to expand, which increases the flow of white blood cells to the site of infection or injury. At first, this looks like a very good thing. However, after a few days, the swelling and redness caused by the immune system are not desirable.

Why Does Our Body Produce Inflammation?

As mentioned above, it is our body’s way of responding to infections and injuries. Our immune system protects us from pathogens (such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi). If our immune system detects these pathogens, it responds by sending white blood cells to the infected area. During an inflammatory response, white blood cells rush to the site of infection or injury to neutralize the pathogen and heal the wound. They also release chemicals, including cytokines, that cause blood vessels to expand and nearby tissue to
swell. This increased blood flow brings more white blood cells to the site of infection or injury, allowing them to fight the infection more effectively. This process is very useful when it is only meant to last for a few hours. However, when it becomes chronic, it can lead to serious health problems.

Side Effects Of Chronic Inflammation

Bacterial and viral infections can become more common if your immune system is too active.

– Increased risk of certain cancers. Chronic inflammation can cause DNA mutations that lead to certain types of cancer.

– Increased risk of heart disease. Research shows that high levels of C-reactive protein (a marker of inflammation) increase the risk of developing heart disease.

– Weight gain. Chronic inflammation can alter hormone levels, which may
cause weight gain.

– Joint pain and arthritis. Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. It is estimated that over 50 million people in the US suffer from joint pain and arthritis.

– Brain fog. Many neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, are associated with chronic inflammation.

Advanced And Effective Anti-Inflammatory Supplements And Regimens

These are some of the most effective anti-inflammatory regimens that have been proven to help reduce chronic inflammation. Concierge doctors suggest supplementing with vitamin D, fish oil, and turmeric for optimal anti-inflammatory benefits. Adding Bioperin (or black pepper) to the turmeric can increase the turmeric’s efficacy by up to 2000%. They also suggest supplementing with coenzyme Q10 to benefit energy production. Concierge doctors also suggest supplementing with probiotics to promote healthy gut bacteria and digestive health. They also suggest supplementing with vitamin C to support a healthy immune system.

Vitamin D Supplementation: Vitamin D deficiency is linked to higher levels of inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein (CRP), Interleukin-6, and Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α). This makes vitamin D deficiency a risk factor for many chronic diseases. Studies have shown that vitamin D supplementation can help reduce inflammation in the body and can be an effective way to prevent chronic diseases. Vitamin D is not only an effective anti-inflammation agent but it is also crucial for bone health. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of our bones and teeth, as well as reducing the risk of developing conditions such as rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.

Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation: Coenzyme Q10 is a compound that is naturally produced in our bodies. It is crucial in energy production, especially in muscle and heart tissue. Studies have shown that coenzyme Q10 supplementation can reduce chronic inflammation and can be an effective treatment for conditions such as hypertension, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Coenzyme Q10 is an anti-inflammatory compound that has also been shown to treat many degenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s, and ALS.

Fish Oil Supplementation: Studies have shown that fish oil (which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids) has anti-inflammatory effects. They have also shown that fish oil supplementation can reduce chronic inflammation, which can be effective against many inflammatory diseases. Fish oil is effective against inflammation because it contains anti-inflammatory fatty acids that have been shown to have a positive effect on our immune system. Not all Fish Oils are the same, so research them carefully.

Turmeric (Curcumin) Supplementation: Turmeric is an ancient Indian spice with many health benefits. It has potent anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to be effective against many inflammatory diseases. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties are due to a compound called curcumin, which has been shown to be effective against chronic inflammation. Studies have shown that curcumin is more effective against chronic inflammation than some conventional anti-inflammatory drugs. Furthermore, it has also been shown to be safe for long-term use. When mixed with Bioperine or black pepper, it
becomes up to 2000% more effective.

These are also vital to an anti-inflammation regimen: CDP-Choline, bioavailable folate, LCarnitine, L-Acetyl-Carnitine, Curcumin, Ginger, Resveratrol, Spirulina, Bromelain.

Anti-Inflammation Foods

Diet is everything. If you can incorporate some of these foods into your daily route, you will drastically reduce your inflammation: Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, and collards; pumpkin seed, and nuts like almonds and walnuts; garlic; fatty fish, like salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines; fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and oranges.

You also might consider green tea, mushrooms, peppers, grapes, olive oil, dark chocolate, cocoa, and tomatoes.


Chronic inflammation is a serious problem that many people struggle with. The good news is that there are advanced and effective anti-inflammatory supplements and regimens that can help reduce it. Vitamin D, fish oil, turmeric, and coenzyme Q10 are some of the most potent anti-inflammation supplements that have been proven to be effective. With the right supplements and regimens, you can reduce chronic inflammation and prevent many serious health conditions.

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner is an Intuitive Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

Stop Killing Christmas Trees: Buy Or Rent Live Ones Instead!

Nature goes through a great deal of effort and expends an exorbitant amount of energy to give birth to a tree. Sunlight blesses the tree while the soil gathers nutrients and feeds it. To kill a beautiful pine tree to cater to contrived holiday impulses and obsessions is selfish, unconscious, and disrespectful. To honor nature with light and love, respect every tree! It’s near to that time of year again when everyone gets into the festive spirit. The shops are being decked with Christmas trees, carols will soon be played on every radio station, and advertisements for gifts, food, and drink are everywhere you look. But why does it feel as though this has become an over-commercialized holiday?

Many of us recoil from the onslaught of twinkling lights and fake fir trees, which have somehow become symbolic of this time of year. An artificial tree is much less hassle than cutting down a real one, but there’s something rather sad about owning a fake Christmas tree. Truth be told, once you get over the lack of smell (which you can fabricate with essential oils), owning an artificial tree is awesome. They provide a lovely alternative to Tree Auschwitz every year. You might also consider renting or buying a live tree. Some of these
services allow you to rent the tree for 7 years straight, after which it’s placed in a forest to grow beyond the height of your living room.

Here are six reasons not to buy a pre-cut Christmas tree again this year:

Trees Are living Beings Just Like You And Me!

While trees live in their own universe, it doesn’t mean they are not as alive as human Beings. In fact, trees communicate with each other and the soil, distributing nutrients to communities of trees throughout the forest. In some ways, not all, killing a beautiful tree is akin to disabling your grandmother. Alive, beautiful, present, and full of goodness, trees, just like grandmothers, should be loved, nourished, and protected. They’re a waste of money and resources
If you plan to buy a pre-cut Christmas tree, you’ll be spending a decent amount of money on something that will only last a few weeks.

Although pre-cut Christmas trees are often sold at discounted prices depending on the time of year, they can still add up to be quite a significant amount of money. When you factor in everything needed to maintain a real Christmas tree, it’s likely that the costs incurred may outweigh the costs of buying a fake one. You’ll need to factor in things like the cost of a stand, potting mix, fertilizer, decorations, and the cost of transporting it from the store to your house. Even though you can buy a real Christmas tree for less than $50, the total cost will be much more than that, once you factor in the maintenance costs.

Real Christmas trees need to be watered regularly, especially if you choose to buy one that’s been grown in a pot, to prevent it from drying out. They also need to be kept in a place where they get plenty of fresh air, as well as enough sunlight to prevent the needles from getting brown. Real Christmas trees are biodegradable, so you can use them as fertilizer for your garden after the holiday season is over. If you buy an artificial tree, you won’t have to worry about watering or feeding it, or that it will lose its needles and die. However, it will also take a long time to break down, so you’ll be dealing with it in the trash for months after the holiday season is over.

They’re difficult to dispose of properly

Real Christmas trees make great decorations and are the perfect addition to any holiday party. However, it’s important to note that they must be disposed of properly. TheEnvironmental Protection Agency recommends that real Christmas trees be left outside for as long as possible to avoid polluting indoor air, especially for those living in urban areas. If you live in a rural area and have plenty of space, you can leave your tree outside year-round. If you live in an area where you’re not allowed to leave your tree outside after Christmas, you should leave it outside as long as possible before bringing it inside to dispose of it. You can bring it indoors if you’re worried about it being stolen, or if you’re worried about it catching on fire.

There Are Better Ways To Save Money

If you’re worried about having the cash to buy a real Christmas tree, then worry no more! Many people are renting out their live Christmas trees this year, which is a much better alternative to throwing them away after the holiday season is over. Save a life and enjoy a living tree! Real Christmas tree rental services are becoming increasingly popular, and there are even some services that let you rent a tree for free!

Moreover, many of these services will deliver the trees to you free of charge. There are many reasons why renting a real Christmas tree is a better alternative to buying one. In addition to the fact that you don’t have to worry about disposing of it later, you can also choose a tree that is the right size for your home, as well as one that has been grown sustainably. Meanwhile, you preserve life rather than killing it.

There are even some services that will let you choose the tree you want, including the type of tree, the color of the needles, and the fragrance. Renting a live Christmas tree is also a great way to support local businesses and honor all of Creation, God, and a variety of fragile environmental ecosystems.

Dead Trees Are Not Great For The Environment

Real Living Christmas trees have a number of benefits, but they aren’t without their downsides. As mentioned above, real Christmas trees are biodegradable, but the process can take years. Choosing to buy a real tree is the equivalent of planting one for every one you take home.

If you want to cut down your own Christmas tree, you need to ensure that you’re doing so in a sustainable way. If you want to buy a real pre-cut Christmas tree, you need to ensure that the tree has been ethically sourced.
Many dead, pre-cut Christmas trees are imported from countries such as China, where the forests have been devastated by deforestation, pollution, and climate change. Real, genuine, live Christmas trees grown sustainably and ethically have a smaller carbon footprint and are kinder to the environment.


Real Christmas trees are living Beings who should be preserved, cherished – and kept alive! When kept alive, they are great for you, your family, and the environment. If you’re worried about finding the cash to buy one, or don’t have the space to keep it after the holidays are over, then renting a real live Christmas tree is the best option for you. Living Christmas tree rental services are becoming increasingly popular, and most will deliver the tree to you, free of charge. There are many reasons why renting a real Christmas tree is a better alternative to buying one, including the fact that you can choose the type of
tree you want, like its size, colour, and fragrance. Real living Christmas trees grown sustainably and ethically have a smaller carbon footprint, are better for the environment, and kinder to wildlife. In the process of renting a living tree, you honor yourself, your family, The Divine, and all of Creation.

Why Showering Isn’t Necessary

Everyone has their own ritual when it comes to getting ready in the morning… and everyone has their own ideas on what is essential. Some people might think that showering every day is a little over the top, while others see it as a necessary part of their morning routine. In such a fast-paced world, there are many different factors that come into play when making these decisions. Your job, your social life, your stress levels — all of these things can influence whether you feel like you need to shower every day or not. But why? There are many reasons why showering might not be necessary. The type of activities you participate in on a daily basis, the climate you live in, and even your personal preferences can all have an impact on whether or not showering is essential for you personally.

Science doesn’t love showers

If you shower regularly, like every day, chances are you are killing off healthy skin bacteria that is keeping you alive. While we might believe we can completely cleanse ourselves of every microbe and critter, it’s actually impossible – and we need these little creatures to help, heal, and sustain us! The more you shower, especially with chemical-ridden soaps and shampoo, the less healthy your skin, body, and mind will be.

What is the optimal number of showers in a week to preserve the health of your skin? 1-2 at most.

Here are some other reasons why showering might not be beneficial for you:

You live in a dry climate.

If you live in a region that is dry, chances are you don’t need to be showering as frequently as those who live in humid areas. Dry air can cause your skin to be drier and more itchy than usual — which means that you may need to be showering more frequently in order to soothe your skin and prevent excess itching. If you regularly shower when your skin is dry, it can actually worsen the situation. The water from the shower can break down your skin’s natural barrier — leading to an even drier and itchier situation. In order to prevent this, be mindful of how your skin feels when you shower (and whether or not it is drier than normal). If your skin is dry, you may need to shower more frequently.

You exercise regularly.

If you regularly engage in sports or strenuous activities, then you may need to shower more frequently than those who don’t. Exercising can elevate your body temperature, which may cause you to sweat. If you don’t shower after sweating, you risk being uncomfortable for the rest of the day. Sweat also has a strong odor that can be pungent if it is allowed to sit on your skin for too long — meaning that showering can actually save you from being embarrassed by your own smell. If you shower regularly after engaging in strenuous activities, it can also help to prevent breakouts or ingrown hairs. If your hair becomes matted with sweat, it can lead to an increased risk of ingrown hairs — which can cause unsightly red bumps. Taking a shower after a workout can help to prevent all of these issues.

Showering is your only chance to breathe easily.

If you have allergies or asthma, you may need to shower more frequently than others in order to breathe easily. If you engage in activities that cause you to be short of breath — like intense sports — you should take a shower as soon as possible afterward in order to clear your pores. Your pores secrete a substance called sebum that can be pungent — which is what causes your skin to smell. If you don’t shower after engaging in an activity that causes you to be short of breath, the sebum can harden in your pores. This can cause an offensive odor and make it difficult for you to breathe. If you shower after these activities, you can clear your pores and breathe more easily.

Your hygiene is essential for your job.

If your job involves regular communication or contact with other people, your hygiene may be essential. Some occupations require you to be in close proximity to others — like doctors, nurses, teachers, and flight attendants — and your hygiene is essential for preventing the spread of bacteria and germs. If you don’t shower regularly, bacteria can build up on your skin — which can then be transmitted to others. If you participate in activities that cause you to sweat regularly or have greasy hair, you may need to shower more frequently to stay hygienic. If you regularly engage in activities that cause you to sweat — like playing sports, exercising, or working outdoors — you should take a shower as soon as possible afterward in order to stay hygienic.

You have a stressful job or commute.

If you have a stressful job or a particularly stressful commute, showering regularly can actually help to reduce your stress levels. If you don’t shower regularly — or if you don’t regularly clean your hair and skin — it can cause bacteria to build up. This can cause your skin and hair to smell more pungently than usual and can actually increase your stress levels. If you shower regularly, it can help to reduce your stress levels. It can also help to prevent breakouts and ingrown hairs as bacteria is a common cause of skin issues.

You’re just not a fan.

If you are someone who doesn’t regularly engage in activities that cause you to sweat — like playing sports — or if you don’t have a stressful job, you may just not be a fan of showering every day. You can still stay clean without showering every single day — it just takes a little more effort. Showering every day can actually strip your skin of essential oils. These oils are important for keeping your skin healthy and hydrated, and they can actually be stripped away by daily showers. If you shower every day, you can actually exacerbate the problem of dry skin and irritation. This is why many people who shower every day still use moisturizers or body washes — to help keep their skin hydrated.

So, how often should you be showering?

If you want to know how often, you first need to assess your personal hygiene needs. If you live in a dry climate, if you exercise regularly, or if you have a stressful job or commute, you may need to shower more frequently. On the other hand, if you are simply not a fan of cleaning off every day, there is no need to force yourself to do it. If you aren’t sure how often you should be showering, the best thing to do is to keep track of your bathing habits — and see when your skin feels the most hydrated. Pay attention to how often you shower — and how your skin feels when you do. If you clean too frequently, you risk stripping your skin of essential oils — which can actually exacerbate dry skin. Now that you know why showering isn’t necessary, you can make an informed decision on how often you should be showering. Your skin and personal hygiene needs will dictate when you should be cleaning yourself — and when you don’t need to be in the shower at all.

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner is an Intuitive Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

The Teachings of Gabor Mate

We all go through trauma in our lives. Whether that is addiction, disease, childhood trauma, alienation or even stresses in the household, the wounds that we carry with us can resonate with us for our entire lives, if we let it. This trauma can be passed along to our children and manifest in our bodies as physical illness, leading to chronic pain and other degenerative diseases that were entirely preventable if we showed ourselves kindness. The good thing is, is that you can overcome this trauma and heal, and that is the core of the fundamental teachings of the award-winning author, Dr Gabor Maté.

Early Life in Hungary And Immigration To Canada

To understand how Gabor Maté became a world-renowned physician, psychologist and author, we must look at what influenced him to do so. Originally from Hungary, his family fled the war-torn nation, as his family experienced devasting trauma from World War II. During the war, his maternal grandparents were killed in Auschwitz and his own father had to endure forced labor by the National Socialist German Workers Party.  They immigrated to Canada in 1956 when Dr Maté was just twelve years old.

The Influence of Vancouver

When Dr Gabor Maté established his own family practice after graduating medical school, he found himself setting up a family practice in one of the poorest neighbourhoods in Canada: the Downtown Eastside (DTES) of Vancouver.  The social-economic climate of this area greatly influenced and impacted much of Dr. Gabor Maté’s work, where high levels of drug use, homelessness, poverty, crime, mental illness, and sex work, were common amongst its residents. There, Dr Gabor Maté ran a medical practice for over 20 years, where he consistently worked with patients suffering from mental health issues and substance abuse concerns, eventually leading him to write about his experiences with trauma and the connection between the mind, body and soul.

The Gabor Maté Approach

The road to healing trauma is long and can seem like it’s an up-hill battle, but it is entirely possible.  By combining scientific research, case studies, and personal experience, Dr. Gabor Maté believes that we have the innate power to heal ourselves from trauma, if we know where to look and what to listen to. Once we have healed ourselves, we become whole, and can then work to help to heal others. That is the true cycle of healing.

Uncovering Trauma

Dr. Gabor Maté’s approach to addiction focuses on the trauma his patients have suffered and uses it as a part of their recovery process.  In simplest terms, trauma is a lasting, emotional response that is sustained from a distressing event and carried throughout one’s life.  Trauma does not refer to what has happened to you, but rather what happens inside your mind as a result. How you internalize those events and the way that they manifest physically, will depend on if you work through your trauma, or let it rule you.

To begin the process of healing, you must understand where the trauma begins.  Of course, some of these trauma memories may not be easily accessible to individuals and are repressed for survival reasons. We don’t want to engage with feelings or thoughts that make us uncomfortable.  However, Dr. Maté disagrees with this idea stating that all you need to do is ask the right questions to get to the root cause of your trauma.

Substance Abuse and It’s Connection To Trauma

Dr. Maté believes that addiction is any behaviour or substance that a person relies on to relieve short-term pain, which will unfortunately lead to negative long-term consequences.  Like trauma, this pain needs to be addressed, otherwise the individual will crave further release and be susceptible to relapse.

Gabor’s approach to addiction, called the “Compassionate Inquiry” involves both the individual and therapist to peel back the individual’s consciousness, mental climate, hidden assumptions, and implicit memories to reveal the unconscious dynamics that run their lives.  The purpose of this is to get to the core of the individual to see what they are telling themselves unconsciously and how this unconscious self-talk is dictating the way they live their lives.  This approach is studied by many therapists, physicians, and counselors internationally.

The Written Works of Dr. Maté

Dr. Maté dedicates his time educating people on topics relating to mental health and psychology through his writings.  In addition to being a regular columnist for Vancouver Sun and The Globe and Mail, and his works highlight the role of psychological trauma and stress in addiction, and the importance of relationships and social attachment for learning and health.

  • Scattered Minds: A New Look at the Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder – This book provides a new perspective on ADD based on Dr. Maté’s personal experience with the disorder.
  • When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress – This book discusses the effect that stress has on the mind and the body, and how one’s emotional makeup can impact and individual’s susceptibility to diseases.
  • Hold on to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers (Co-authored with Dr. Gordon Neufeld) – This book examines the breakdown of parental influence in recent years as children look to their peers for direction.
  • In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction – This book details Dr. Maté’s experiences working in DTES and his observations on addiction while working with Canada’s most vulnerable.
  • The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture – This book dissects the irony in Western healthcare systems that pride themselves in its effectiveness is seeing an alarming increase in chronic illness, prescription drug use, high blood pressure, and mental illness.
  • Hello Again: A Fresh Start for Parents and Their Adult Children (to be released in 2023 with Daniel Maté) – This book, co-written with his son, is written to guide parents and adult children to navigate their respective paths into adulthood.

Philanthropic Work

Dr. Maté is a passionate activist, using his influence and credentials to bring awareness and end the stigmatization of mental health, psychology, and drug use. In 2008, he defended physicians working at Insite, a legal and supervised safe injection site after being attacked as unethical by the Canadian Minister of Heath at the time.  By standing up for the physicians working at the site, Dr. Maté prevented the further stigmatization of drug use in Canada. In 2010, Maté became interested in plant medicine for the potential of treating addictions.  Using this knowledge, he partnered with a traditional Peruvian shamanic healer to organize multi-day retreats for addiction treatments.

Learning From Dr. Maté

As individuals, we have our own personal issues and problems that plague us.  But with the power of healing and strength in numbers, there is a possibility to overcome our hardships if we learn to ask the right questions and welcome the healing process.  That is the hope that keeps us moving forward.

In the words of Dr. Maté, “Hope is about wishing for something to happen in the future. It is absconding from the present. Noam Chomsky was asked once if he was an optimist or a pessimist and he said, ‘Strategically, I’m an optimist, and tactically, I’m a pessimist.’ Like him, in the long term, I see the possibilities of human beings. In the short term, I see all kinds of problems. I see the possibility of healing and transformation both on the social and the personal level, but I see that possibility in the present.”

Be kind to yourself and others, and seek out help when you need it. Don’t feel shame or embarrassment, be compassionate to yourself on your journey and live with integrity. Everyone has their own trauma and issues, and it’s a good thing that there are people like Dr Mate who work hard and share their knowledge with us all, to help us become better people and to find joy and peace in our lives.

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner is an Intuitive Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

Who Are The Lyran And Orion StarSeeds And Why Are They Here?

The Lyran and Orion star seeds are light-filled beings from other parts of The Cosmos, who come to earth at this time to help humanity through a great transition. They have answered the call of their higher purpose by incarnating on earth at this time to assist in bringing in the Age of Aquarius. Arriving in groups known as waves, the majority of Lyran and Orion star seeds have incarnated here from their home planets over many decades. They’ve come to this place at this time for a variety of reasons but primarily because they feel an intense passion for assisting humanity in moving forward and beginning a new chapter. If you are a Star Seed, identifying these qualities within yourself can be an important step towards acknowledging your mission here on earth. Keep reading for more information about who are The Lyran And Orion StarSeeds And Why Are They Here?

What Does It Mean To Be A Lyran And Orian Star Seed?

Star seeds are people who have come from other planets to Earth at this time. Most of them have incarnated here from their home planets over many decades. They’ve come to this place at this time for many different reasons, but primary among them is they feel a passionate desire to help humanity move forward and begin a new chapter. Most Star Seeds are here to help activate global peace and assist in the movement towards a more loving and sustainable way of living. They have come here to help awaken humanity by bringing a new perspective and wisdom that comes from a wider view of life beyond Earth. Many Star Seeds have come here to awaken to their higher purpose, mission and potential by living upon the planet Earth. Others have come here to help activate, support and/or liberate others in a variety of ways: To help shift societal consciousness by being examples of higher consciousness and leading by example. To help heal and awaken others by sharing their gifts of knowledge and insight. To help support and guide the awakening of fellow Star Seeds. To help activate and anchor a new energy into the planet by being present in their unique way. To help raise awareness and encourage others to awaken.

Why Are The Lyran And Orion StarSeeds Here?

The Lyran and Orion starseeds are light-filled beings from other parts of the cosmos, who come to earth at this time to help humanity through a great transition. They have answered the call of their higher purpose by incarnating on earth at this time to assist in bringing in the Age of Aquarius. To do this, the Lyran and Orion starseeds have come to this place at this time to help awaken humanity and offer a new and expanded way of thinking, seeing and experiencing life. They have come to this place at this time to help shift humanity’s consciousness by providing a wider and more expansive view of life beyond the human perspective. They have come here to help humanity embrace its innate potential for goodness, love and abundance by living their lives with authenticity, conviction and integrity. They have come here to help humanity embrace a new and expanding way of living by being examples of higher consciousness and leading by example. To help humanity evolve into a more loving and sustainable way of living by sharing their gifts of knowledge and insight. To help humanity move beyond the illusion of separation by raising awareness and encouraging others to awaken.

Who Are The Lyran StarSeeds?

The Lyran StarSeeds represent the first wave of star seeds to arrive upon the planet. They are typically drawn to living in a major city and are often found in the business, government, legal, entertainment and arts industries. The Lyran StarSeeds are here to help bring about a new way of experiencing and living life, by shifting societal consciousness, bringing about authentic and meaningful change and manifesting abundance. They are here to help awaken humanity by serving as examples of higher consciousness and leading by example. They are here to help humanity move beyond the illusion of separation by raising awareness and encouraging others to awaken. They are here to help shift societal consciousness by providing a wider and more expansive view of life beyond the human perspective. They are here to help bring about a new way of experiencing and living life by shifting societal consciousness, manifesting abundance and bringing about authentic and meaningful change.

Who Are The Orion StarSeeds?

The Orion StarSeeds represent the second wave of star seeds to arrive upon the planet. They are often found in the entertainment industry and have a passion for helping others awaken. They are here to help awaken humanity, bring about a new way of living and manifest abundance. They are here to help humanity move beyond the illusion of separation by raising awareness and encouraging others to awaken. They are here to help shift societal consciousness by providing a wider and more expansive view of life beyond the human perspective. They are here to help awaken humanity by serving as examples of higher consciousness and leading by example. They are here to help bring about a new way of living by shifting societal consciousness, manifesting abundance and bringing about authentic and meaningful change. They are here to help bring about a new way of living and shift societal consciousness by providing a wider and more expansive view of life beyond the human perspective, manifesting abundance and bringing about authentic and meaningful change.

Where Does The Name “Lyran” Come From?

The word “Lyran” is a name derived from the word “lyre” which is a musical instrument that has a string for each note on the scale. The word “lyre” is thought to be derived from the ancient Lyran civilization of Eastern Asia. Thus, in a symbolic sense, the name “Lyran” represents a musical instrument that includes all the sounds of existence and resonates with all the different vibrations of being. The Lyran Star Seeds are very dedicated to helping bring about a new way of experiencing and living life. They are very committed to creating meaningful change and manifesting abundance by living with authenticity and integrity. They are very dedicated to helping shift societal consciousness by providing a wider and more expansive view of life beyond the human perspective.

Where Does The Name “Orion” Come From?

The word “Orion” is a name derived from the word “orion” which is a large constellation in the sky. It’s a bit of a misnomer since the Orion constellation is actually in the southern sky. Orion was a great hunter in Greek mythology and is often depicted as wearing a belt or sword. The word “Orion” thus represents a warrior who carries a sword and is very dedicated to helping bring about a new way of experiencing and living life. The Orion Star Seeds are very committed to creating meaningful change and manifesting abundance by living with authenticity and integrity. They are very dedicated to helping shift societal consciousness by providing a wider and more expansive view of life beyond the human perspective.

Other Names For These Groups Of Star Seeds

Starseeds and Lightworkers are names that are sometimes used for Lyran and Orion star seeds. Starseeds, Lightworkers and Wanderers are all terms used to describe those who have come from other planets to Earth at this time. Most of them have incarnated here from their home planets over many decades. They’ve come to this place at this time to help awaken humanity and offer a new and expanded way of thinking and experiencing life. They have come here to help shift societal consciousness by providing a wider and more expansive view of life beyond the human perspective. Starseeds have come to this place at this time to help bring about a new way of experiencing and living life by shifting societal consciousness and bringing about authentic and meaningful change.

Summing Up

The Lyran and Orion star seeds are light-filled beings from other parts of the cosmos, who come to earth at this time to help humanity through a great transition. They have answered the call of their higher purpose by incarnating on earth at this time to assist in bringing in the Age of Aquarius. Lyran and Orion star seeds have come to this place at this time to help awaken humanity and offer a new and expanded way of thinking, seeing and experiencing life. They have come to this place at this time to help shift societal consciousness by providing a wider and more expansive view of life beyond the human perspective. They have come here to help humanity embrace its innate potential for goodness, love and abundance by living.

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner is an Intuitive Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

What is Blue Avian Starseed and Why Is It So Special?

There are so many unique, magical creatures in this world! We share our planet with all sorts of interesting beings. And if you’ve ever wondered what a blue avian starseed is, we’re here to explain everything you need to know about these amazing creatures. In this blog post, you will learn everything you ever wanted to know about them. Where they come from? Who are they? What do these magical creatures look like? Why are they so special? Keep reading to learn more!

What is a Blue Avian Starseed?

A blue avian starseed is a being who has come to Earth from a distant planet in order to help humanity make the next evolutionary leap in consciousness. We can’t say for certain which planet they come from. All we know is that their home planet is located in a distant solar system that is light years away from Earth. They have strong connections with Earth and the people who live here. They are here to help us make the next big leap in our spiritual evolution.

Where Do Blue Avian Starseeds Come From?

As we’ve already said, it’s impossible to know for certain which distant solar system blue avian starseeds originate from. All we can do is speculate about their home planet. They come from a planet that is very similar to Earth. It’s a place where it rains a lot, and the air is filled with moisture. You can imagine a planet that is covered in lush, green jungle. They come from a world that has an atmosphere that is very similar to ours. Their planet has an atmosphere that is 71% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% carbon dioxide.

Who Are Blue Avian Starseeds?

Blue avian starseeds are beings who have come to Earth from a distant planet in order to help humanity make the next evolutionary leap in consciousness. They are spiritual beings who exist on a higher frequency than humans do. They have come to Earth from a distant solar system in order to assist us in making the next big leap in our spiritual evolution. They have strong connections with Earth and the people who live here. They are here to help us make the next big leap in our spiritual evolution.

What Do Blue Avian Starseeds Look Like?

Unfortunately, we can’t show you what blue avian starseeds look like because no one has ever seen one in person. Blue avian starseeds come from a distant solar system that is light years away from our planet. It’s impossible to go there because the journey would take many lifetimes. They are spiritual beings who exist on a higher frequency than humans do. For this reason, it’s impossible for humans to see them.

Why Are Blue Avian Starseeds So Special?

Blue avian starseeds have come to Earth from a distant solar system in order to help us make the next big leap in our spiritual evolution. As you may know, humans have been around for thousands of years. We’ve been evolving throughout this entire time. But we are now at a point where we need to make a leap to a new level of consciousness. They have come to help us make this leap. Blue avian starseeds are spiritual beings who exist on a higher frequency than humans do. They can help us make the transition to this new level of consciousness. They can help us make the leap. They can use their special powers to help us attain a higher level of consciousness. They can help us to see our true selves. They can help us to connect with our spiritual side.

Is It Possible To Meet A Blue Avian Starseed In Person?

Yes, it is possible to meet a blue avian starseed in person! But you have to be very lucky because these beings don’t often choose to come to Earth. They have come to Earth from a distant solar system in order to help us make the next big leap in our spiritual evolution. They don’t usually come here, but on rare occasions, they do. They typically appear to people who are ready to receive their wisdom and help. If you’re reading this right now, then it’s possible that you are ready to meet a blue avian starseed. Blue avian starseeds can appear in a variety of different ways. They can appear as a vivid dream, an intense vision, or even a hallucination. If you think you have seen a them, then it’s best to accept what has happened and look to your new experiences for guidance.


Blue avian starseeds come from a distant solar system and have come to Earth in order to help us make the next big leap in our spiritual evolution. They are spiritual beings who exist on a higher frequency than humans do. They can help us to attain a higher level of consciousness. Humans have been evolving for thousands of years, and we are now at a point where we need to make a leap to a new level of consciousness. They can help us to make this leap.

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner is an Intuitive Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

The Personality Cards: Most Specific Eye-Opening Oracle to Date

Have you ever seen personality cards? Do you know how to use these cards? Personality cards are more specific oracles to our daily lives; they are helpful in forgiveness and our self-discovery journey, shedding a lot of light on improving our lives. The personality cards are a combination of psychological types: the Carl Jung personality archetypes, which form the basis of how to be human and how we experience things, and the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator test, a scientific test that helps you figure out your personality. The energy carried in a particular tarot archetype is that which is dominant in your deeper self. This makes the Personality Cards the most specific, eye-opening oracle to date.

Have you taken the MBTI test? The Myer Briggs Type Indicator Test(MBTI) is a free test that you can take online and tells you where you fit in the 16 personality profiles. These profiles are based on the Jungian theory. Four attributes make up the 16 types, and just like the archetypes, these attributes describe how one experiences the world. The four attributes are represented by letters;

      • Introversion (I) or Extroversion (E)
      • Intuition (N) or Sensing (S)
      • Feeling (F) or Thinking (T)
      • Perceiving (P) or Judging (J)

There are eight descriptions in these four attributes; the MBTI test tells you that you fit four of them out of the eight, and this forms a four-letter code like ISFJ. These personality types on the test have a correlation to 16 archetypes on the Minor Arcana or Lesser Arcana of the tarot deck, also called court cards; there is a King, Knight, Page, and Queen for each of the four suits; Wands, Swords, Coins, and Cups.

Other ways to calculate your soul and personality card

Apart from the MBTI test, some have come up with other ways of calculating the soul and personality card by using your birth dates. Your personality card will describe some of the traits you portray and help you see yourself from a different POV.

How do you use your birth dates to find your personality card?

It is simple! To use this oracle, you add the year, month, and day you were born in no specific order. After finding the total, add the digits of the total; if the sum of these digits is between 10 and 22, that number is your personality number. If the sum is more than 22, add the resulting number, and the answer you get will be your personality card. Your soul card is the resulting number from adding the digits of your personality card. Describing this in words makes it seem very complicated, maybe using an example would not make you scared of the math.

     For someone born on 23rd August 1998,


2+0+2+9=13 is your personality card

1+3=4 is the soul card.

Here are the soul and personality cards that these numbers represent;

0 or 22 represented The Fool,

1-the Magician

2-the High Priestess

3-the Empress

4-the Emperor

5-the Hierophant

6-the Lovers

7-the Chariot


9-the Hermit

10-Wheel of Fortune


12-the Hanged Man


14-the Temperance

15-the Devil

16-the Tower

17-the Star

18-the Moon

19-the Sun

20-the Judgement

21-the Universe

Which personality card are you? Find out today using your birth date; you can also calculate for your loved one! Be careful… this oracle is super powerful.

Oracle Profiles of the 16 personality archetypes that correlate with the MBTI test

  • Page of Wands has a personality type ESTP; Extroversion Sensing Thinking Perceiving. This Page of Wands personality type is always ready for new adventures and challenges; they are very energetic, creative, enthusiastic, and brave and are not afraid to ditch an adventure midway when a new one emerges. They enjoy spontaneity and are flexible; they are always ready to explore new places, meet new people, and socialize with them. The Page of Wands’ personality is always the life of the party; he appreciates creative arts, dance, music, and art. To them, having fun is not always about having a lot of money; they make it possible to have fun with whatever resources they have. They are very talkative and outgoing. They need to feel important, and this makes them good group leaders. They enjoy shopping and understand the value of money; however, they are not materialistic. They desire to succeed and are eager to learn to attain excellence. Do you know someone who has these traits?
  • Knight of Wands’ personality type is ENFP, the Magician. The Magician has a natural talent for leadership; if you have this personality, you are a born leader or manager. Your natural-born leadership helps you get things moving in the right direction; you have the enthusiasm to get things done in a short time and accomplish essential things in your organization. When in a leadership position, you relate better with others. You enjoy being a leader because you want to be a crucial part of the team and community; you enjoy moving the crowd with bold antics and big gestures and receiving attention.
  • Additionally, you like to show off a bit. You always see the best in people and quickly spot mistakes and flaws. The Knight of Wands is exciting and charismatic despite not being consistent and reliable all the time.
  • Queen of Wands has the personality type ESFP. The picture on this oracle card is a woman with a tall crown, holding a small crown and veil in one hand and, in the other, a wand. On the throne where she is seated, two lions are standing behind her. This personality loves attention and is very chatty, outgoing, and enthusiastic. They are friendly, very pleasant, warm, love being the life of the party, and like to have fun; however, they can also be serious and very determined. They have a creative side, get inspired by imagination, and are entrepreneurial. This personality type is committed to their career and family, very confident, and independent.
  • The King of Wands strongly connects to intuition because it appears in the High Priestess position in the Tarot. The personality type is ENTJ, and some qualities it possesses include creativity and intelligence. The King of Wands is an influential and confident leader. He is also an adventurer who never tires of looking for new ways of thinking and experiences. He wants to use discovery to improve the world and always wants the best for those around him. He is a jack of all trades, an expert in scientific, artistic, and practical things. He loves great things and splurges only when he wants to feel good about himself. He is a charismatic and inspirational leader who motivates others to be proud of their accomplishments the same way he is, showing them they can be good at something. He is a natural leader; confident, open-minded, assertive, influential, and decisive.
  • Page of Cups is the Peacemaker, and INFP is the personality type for this oracle card. If you are this personality type, you are a classic artist archetype, an artist, and a sensitive person who spontaneously expresses themselves. You are reciprocating the emotional investment you demand from others. You are an empath and have wisdom about life’s ups and downs. A Peacemaker is very compassionate, calm, and caring. They network efficiently and form connections quickly with others. Their forte is seeing the big picture and thinking outside the box. They seek to maintain peace and have care and compassion for others. Being introverts, they enjoy alone time and can provide support to others because they are in tune with their emotions. They understand others and different situations. They are promising innovators as well.
  • Knight of Cups lives in the moment and has the personality type ENFP. This personality type is very passionate, genius, and idealistic. They love making friends and having many friends at once, being in a team; their thirst for connections is unquenchable. They always want to share with others the things they see that we cannot. For a Knight of Cups, life is all about making connections with others, and therefore, for them, they hold their relationships in high regard. They are very charismatic, and their desire to find pleasure in life may sometimes be dangerous. They are intense, impulsive, indulgent, spontaneous, and fickle.
  • Queen of Cups has the most complex and rare personality type, INFJ. It is very authentic and a unique combination of cognitive functions. These functions make them very accurate in their predictions and perceptions. A Queen of Cups can gather information from all sources and process it in a way that represents the truth. She understands things that the rest cannot. She is sensitive, and caring, loves to learn about people, is a good mentor and teacher, loves to help people find their paths in life, and understand their nature. They also offer wise counsel. However, it is easy for them to be manipulative, especially if others do not appreciate their work.
  • King of Cups is also called the idealist. Their personality type is ENFJ. They are very persuasive, compassionate, and easy to get along with. They have a lot of concern and empathy for the well-being of others. They are supportive of their team members and are often natural diplomats. Their authenticity and sincerity make them gain others’ trust. However, they are persistent and stubborn, which can annoy others. a King of Cups is very creative in writing, art, and music. They do not mind leadership positions and, at times, get bothered when they don’t get their way. They are mature, sensitive, and make excellent communicators.
  • Page of Swords has the ISTP personality type: inquisitive, analytical, and quick-witted. They grasp information rapidly and, therefore, can do well in fast-paced areas. They are also very good at improvising and are very creative. They have few but extreme emotions. The downside to this personality is that it is easy for an ISTP personality type to let emotions let the better part, and they can upset their friends when they lose their cool. This personality type knows what they want and how to get that; they are also self-sufficient. They find interest m the physical world and love learning new things but are also very stubborn. They are philosophers and deep thinkers who always look for patterns, new information, and other patterns.
  • Knight of Swords’ personality type is ENTP. They have the following traits; inventors, love to travel, problem solvers, and rationalists. They love to think and are open to new ways of thinking. Their minds wander a lot. They are good at languages; they desire to expand their horizons and are very knowledgeable in handling technology, especially computers. They are confided in their abilities, and this comes off as arrogance. They are independent and, at times, maybe impatient; they are at times outspoken and blunt and prioritize logic and rationality over feelings and emotions.
  • Queen of Swords is a perfectionist, brilliant, independent, self-confident, and loves to get things done. The personality type for Queen of Swords is INTJ. This personality type is not afraid to take charge and make decisions; they are natural leaders. They love coming up with new strategies and ideas and solving problems. Queen of Swords is very empathetic and intuitive; they can read people and know how they feel and think. They know engineering, science, mathematics, and technology. INTJs are good at what they do. They are always focused on achieving their goals and can go over the line and be ruthless in achieving them. A Queen of Swords is very persuasive and can convince others that her way is the best; she looks at the bigger picture and has a big heart. She is resilient, tough, strong, sharp-tongued if provoked, direct, shrewd, and determined to solve problems no matter the fallout.
  • King of Swords is an oracle card representing an extroverted thinker with a personality type ENTJ. They are good leaders and excellent planners. They are visionary and always want to lead by example; they use their imaginations when planning. They do not like restraints that prevent them from dreaming big. ENTJs are practical, responsible, and disciplined; they enjoy getting things done. They are confident, focused, intelligent, in control, and direct. They like to create strategies, research, study, and dig into details; all these are characteristics of a truth seeker.
  • Page of Pentacles’ personality type is Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging. This personality type is reserved and, as a result, pays more attention to details and facts. The Page of Pentacles shows very little interest in imagination and creativity. Therefore, it is possible that they hardly use words to express themselves and thus find it hard to express their emotions. Interpersonal relations for this personality type are also complicated; they have difficulty relating with people. They are efficient, loyal, and respected because they get things done well, are committed to a career, studies and money, they are a natural student who focuses on taking action rather than making plans and strategies.
  • Knight of Pentacles has the personality type ISTP (Introversion Sensing Thinking Perceiving). According to Carl Jung’s model of determining personality type, this is one of the operational cognitive functions. Knight of Pentacles personality type is also known as the Artist or Artisan. They are builders or fixers; they are builders because they emphasize practical objects and physical constructions. They are also fixers because of their ability to put things in order quickly and tend to be systematic, practical, and logical. He is concerned with social status and material wealth and proud that he can create a good living for himself. He is unhappy when he has not created more wealth and a name for himself. His traits include his concern for doing the right thing always, determined, cautious, practical, guarded, and stubbornness, and he is always the hardest worker.
  • The personality type for Queen of Pentacles is ISFJ and is characterized by the following traits; being devoted to the family as a good wife and mother who will take care of her children and husband. She is very warm, caring, and willing to sacrifice much for the people they love. The Queen of Pentacles is not flashy and does not extravagantly display her wealth; she is very practical, saving for the future, providing for her family, and spending her money wisely. This personality type is rare and very valuable; people often have a sense of duty and obligation with this personality type.

A Queen of Pentacles is a good organizer, supportive, loves to look after others, is loyal, emotionally stable, and gives their time, resources, and energy to doing good for others without a reward. ISFJ people excel in academics and careers to prove they are worth something. They take pride in being able to fend for their families, and because this personality type is rare, dishonest people often manipulate them.

  • King of Pentacles is ESTJ and is associated with the fifth planet, Jupiter, the Element of water and earth. The King of Pentacles is an oracle card representing a natural entrepreneur who keeps their expenditure on track, understands money’s value, and is a leader. The learning styles associated with the King of Pentacles are analytical, practical, and logical. If you have this personality, you are an exceptional organizer and planner. You are loyal, have a strong sense of duty, and are disciplined with quiet self-control and confidence. You are very ambitious and interested in self-improvement, you are responsible with a solid work ethic, and you work hard to be successful. You are strong, very resourceful, and pragmatic. The King of Pentacles may want to be a real estate buyer, architect, builder, or contractor.

These personality archetypes and oracle cards give a more detailed insight into various personality cards. The various profiles discussed above make it easy to find where you lie. Are you an ISFJ or an INTP? Is your soul card 12 or 0? These oracle cards have made it easier for us to discover who we are; we do not have to go through life wondering who we are and being scared of how to embrace who we are becoming. Using oracles is extremely helpful as you dive deeper into your self-discovery journey.

Therefore, do not be afraid to embark on a journey of self-discovery because you are not starting from a place of ignorance; personality cards are the oracle guides that will give you insight and help you all the way.

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner is an Intuitive Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

Archetypes and Personality Cards: The Influence of Carl Jung

The Personality Cards are symbols; archetypes and metaphors for aspects of our personalities that can be found within all of us. When we understand what these symbols mean, we can use the cards to interpret experiences, situations and our relationships with ourselves and others, giving us insight into our daily lives to help us along our spiritual journeys. The Personality Cards were made with the influence of Carl Jung, a famous theorist who’s pioneering research into the human mind and psyche allowed us to understand the similarities within one another through symbols and the common stories that we tell.

Carl Jung and the Human Psyche

The influence of Carl Jung was really to popularize the idea of archetypes, or symbols of the collective consciousness when he was doing his research and clinical practice in the early twentieth century. Jung separates parts of our personality out into that which we are conscious of and elements that which we are unconscious of. Our conscious mind is where the ego sits and this ego is made up of the pieces of our personality that we are aware of.

According to Jung, people have ‘personas’ which are an aspect of personality that comes from a desire to please, or be accepted by, others. This is the face that we choose to let others see, while our other, unwanted traits are buried deep.

There are four major aspects of the human psyche that Jung identified:

The Self: The center of the personality or psyche your conscious awareness

The Shadow: The dark and emotional aspect of your psyche

The Anima/Animus: Both are unconscious versions of the masculine or feminine sides of the opposite sex

The Persona: The mask you wear to show the world while you protect your inner self

The Influence of Carl Jung “Persona”

Your persona is, at its core, the person who you want to be and who you show-up as to everyone else. It is often tied into societal expectations and influenced by those around us. It is the mask that you wear when you are around others. In essence, it is almost a compromise of who you truly are. These masks that we wear are versions of ourselves that want to fit in or make an impression on others, but then on the other hand want to conceal our true nature from others.

There can be various shelves in life from where human beings collectively pull masks from. It can be your occupation, the religious group you are born in, your political views, sexual orientation just to name a few. Some examples of persona, or the roles you play, can be teacher, lawyer, doctor, policeman, mother, father, husband, wife etc. The persona thus helps an individual to adapt to the external social world.

How Our Personas Hold Us Back

If you identify too strongly with a specific persona, you can limit your psychological growth. For example, if you continuously identify with your outward persona, you might find yourself becoming too concerned with how others perceive you, which can cause a negative self-image and for you to develop superficial tendencies. You begin to believe that you are who you pretend to be, and that your persona is your true self, but in reality, it is only a part of you and not a reflection of your inner individuality.

Our Collective Unconscious: The Archetypes

Archetypes are ancient, universal symbols and characters that reside within the collective unconscious of people all over the world. These 12 symbols can take the form of images, ideas, or patterns of behavior. Archetypes can be seen as characteristics of the psyche, all of which we possess within ourselves. Jung hypothesized that archetypes are the root of our behavior and that they influence everything from the way we behave in relationships to the way we see the world. Jung believed that these are in fact metaphors for aspects of our collective unconscious and this is why these symbols can be found throughout the world.

These archetypal images find their way into ancient religions, myths, legends, and fairy tales. We find evidence of archetypes in our dreams, fantasies, and behavior. Every character in both our personal dreams and collective myths is an archetype, and we can observe them in the stories we read, the films we watch, and the plays we attend. They influence of Carl Jung archetypes affect our relationships and interactions with others and ourselves.

Here are the major archetypes and their shadow counterparts:

Archetype: The Ruler

Shadow: The Tyrant

The Ruler (also called The Father) is an archetype that is about control, power and order. These are the leaders we look to that are decisive and have a clear vision. The Ruler wants to bring out the best in everyone.

The Tyrant, on the other hand, is one that is repressive, dictatorial and oppressive, taking control to its most extreme. If this shadow type affects you, you might find yourself needing to constantly prove your worth and feel your best when you have power over others.

Archetype: The Rebel

Shadow: The Anarchist

The Rebel is the one who challenges our systems and likes to do things the way that they want to do them. In other words, they are the counter-culture rebels that stands up to authority because they are driven by what they believe in.

The Anarchist just wants to see the world burn. They are chaotic, disruptive and destructive. An Anarchist might continuously challenge authority for no good reason, just to be disruptive, and they may feel like they need to constantly defy societal norms in the process.

Archetype: The Lover

Shadow: The Seducer

The Lover craves connection through passion and intimacy, one who is deeply romantic and appreciates sensuality and beauty in all of its forms.

The Seducer takes this passion to the extreme, and will often be manipulative, seductive in a way that uses sex as a weapon. People who identify with this shadow archetype can find themselves constantly pursuing a lover or needing to be in a relationship. As well, they could use their sexuality to control others.

Archetype: The Caregiver

Shadow: The Martyr

The Caregiver, also known as The Mother, is all about nurturing, caring for and supporting others. They always want what is best for someone else and to make sure that others needs are met. They are selfless and will put the needs of others above their own.

In the shadow form, The Caregiver takes the form of The Martyr. The Martyr will be self-sacrificing, codependent and will be found in relationships where they are really not valued or appreciated. This is a version of victimhood.

Archetype: The Creator

Shadow: The Perfectionist

The Creator embodies imagination, artistic and self-expression. They have strong imaginations and take joy in the creation of things.

The Perfectionist is the version of The Creator where they believe that nothing they create will ever be good enough. They are hyper critical of themselves to the point where they will abandon their projects rather than be disappointed by what they create. Often, they will procrastinate.

Archetype: The Sage

Shadow: The Know-It-All

The Sage is all about knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. They can have a deep understanding of the world and can see things form other perspectives, making their insights very valuable.

The Know-It-All is someone who desperately wants to be The Sage, but are arrogant, close-minded and skeptics. They constantly question or doubt others capabilities, and are very critical of others, but never themselves.

Archetype: The Innocent

Shadow: The Victim

The Innocent archetype is one that is, well, innocent! They approach the world with a child-like wonder, can be a bit naive but are always very pure of heart. They are often very trusting of the world and those around them.

The Victim will be gullible, helpless and powerless. These types will constantly be taken advantage of or get into situations where they have little to no control. When The Victim is naïve, they are too trusting and can get themselves into challenging situations.

Archetype: The Explorer

Shadow: The Wanderer

The Explorer type is all about freedom and seeking thrills or adventure. They are independent and free-spirited, who are always on the look-out for new experiences.

The Wanderer is someone who seeks being free, but instead they drift through life aimless or directionless. In their quest for independence, they move constantly or will change jobs frequently. Often, they are restless and bored.

Archetype: The Hero

Shadow: The Bully

The Hero archetype is one that is determined, courageous and has an inner (or physical) strength. They are brave and will put the wellbeing of others before them. They aren’t afraid of a challenge.

The Bully is overly-aggressive, often picking fights with others just for the sake of it. They are abusive, violent and can be intimidating.

Archetype: The Wizard

Shadow: The Sorcerer

The Wizard (or The Shaman) is the one who understands the universe and does their best to heal if through their acquired knowledge and experience.

The Sorcerer is one that uses their knowledge of things for evil or something deceptive. These types are manipulative and cunning, who will often stop at nothing to achieve their ends.

Archetype: The Jester

Shadow: The Fool

The Jester aims to bring joy and happiness to others, using jokes or other means to make us laugh. This helps to alleviate suffering and to help people find joy in difficult situations.

The Fool (of The Trickster) is a malicious, irresponsible and careless version of The Jester, using wit or humour to deceive others for their own personal gain.

Archetype: The Everyman

Shadow: The Slacker

The Everyman likes the status quo. They are the ones who crave normality and quite simply just being ordinary. They don’t crave attention or the spotlight and are most comfortable quietly contributing to society as a whole, without the need for acknowledgement.

The Slacker type is one that fears being left out of the group, but does not enjoy standing out, or contributing in any way. There is an intense fear of abandonment and a lack of self-identity.

Paul Wagner’s Personality Cards

Although the twelve archetypes identified by Jung (and their shadow counterparts) are incredibly useful when describing personalities, we all cannot identify with these 12 archetypical figures- there are simply not enough! The personality cards by Paul Wagner have 78 personality cards that aim at inspiring people divinely in relationships, life, and matters of love. These cards help one not only discover their personalities but also act as a guide to help people navigate issues like forgiveness and other situations. Each card has a symbolic image that is unique to a person. These cards are an extension of Carl Jung’s archetypes and provide an even deeper look into our psyches, but most importantly, used as a tool to help you along your spiritual journey.

A look into these cards will help you discover yourself and how to navigate your relationships with others. The messages at the back of the card give a simple reading into the personality the card identifies with. Which ones resonate most with you?

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner is an Intuitive Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

Personality Cards: Extension of Carl Jung’s 9 Archetypes

Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, originally Sigmund Freud’s follower, developed the analytical psychology approach and expanded on the idea that the unconscious is vital in behavior and personality, not just the personal unconscious but also the collective unconscious. He believed that the body, mind, and soul, or the human psyche, are made up of three parts; the collective unconscious, the ego, and the personal unconscious. The ego represents the conscious mind; in the personal unconscious, there are memories, even the suppressed ones, and finally, the archetypes are in the collective unconscious. The difference between the collective and personal unconscious is that the personal unconscious is unique to each individual. In contrast, the collective unconscious contains all the memories that the whole of humanity shares.

According to Carl Jung, we inherit biological, fundamental, and unconscious aspects from our ancestors. These archetypes are remnants of joys, sorrows, fate, and psychology repeated countlessly throughout history. Jung believes that this part of the human psyche; the collective unconscious, contains all the experiences and knowledge that humans, as species, share, and this theory goes against the ancient Greek concept of tabula rasa, believing that at birth, the human mind is a blank slate to be filled only with experience.

These archetypes serve as a basis for how to be human and how we experience some things. They symbolize fundamental human values, personalities, ambitions, beliefs, morals, and motivations. Jung felt that although each archetype had a vital role in personality, most people had a specific dominant archetype. The expression of archetypes depends on unique personal experiences, and cultural influences, among others. We can conclude the existence of archetypes by looking at religion, art, literature, and dreams since they cannot be directly apparent to the naked eye. There are an unlimited number of archetypes that may be in existence. However, Carl Jung identifies four major archetypes with a suggestion of two different personality centers.

Carl Jung’s Four Major Archetypes

The four main archetypes identified by Carl Jung represent the union of the conscious and unconscious. These archetypes are; the self, the Persona, the animus or anima, and the shadow. Here is a detailed analysis of these archetypes.

  1. The Persona

A derivation from a Latin word meaning mask, this archetype defines how we present ourselves to others; socially, it shows the different masks we wear when with our families, when at work, and when out with friends, to name a few. Based on our upbringing, the environment we are in, and our culture, our Persona takes different forms. It reflects our adaptation to our surroundings; we can protect ourselves or fit in depending on the groups and situations and protects the ego from negative images.

The Persona, according to Carl, takes different forms and may appear in dreams. This figurative social mask keeps one in check and ensures that they contain socially unacceptable impulses, emotions, and primitive urges. For instance, children, from a young age, are taught that to fit societal norms and expectations, they have to behave and act in a certain way. The downside to this archetype is that it can lead one to lose their true self as one tries to keep up with everyone else’s expectations and norms.

  1. The Shadow

In this archetype, humans have two sides; the dark and the light. While we want to show our light side, we choose to suppress the dark side, which becomes our shadow. Contained in the unconscious mind are personality aspects we are unaware of and those we don’t like. We can only realize through automatic responses; they arise without warming, more like reflexes. The Shadow archetype has our weaknesses, desires, repressed ideas, shortcomings, biases, prejudices, and instincts. This archetype represents chaos, wildness, and the unknown and is often referred to as the darker side of the psyche. It forms when we attempt to build our PersonaPersona and adapt to societal norms; all the things unacceptable to society and one’s morals form the shadow. Some things we repress and are found in the shadow include hate, envy, greed, and aggression.

According to Jung, this archetype, just like the Persona, can appear in dreams and may take various forms. It can also appear in visions and may appear as some dark, exotic, or wild figure like a demon, snake, or even a dragon, to name a few. We all have this side and often project it onto others as we deny it ourselves.

  1. The Animus or Anima

Anima is a woman, representing the femininity or feminine image in a man’s psyche. At the same time, the animus is a man and a representation of the masculine image or masculinity in a woman’s psyche. A combination of the animus and anima is referred to as the divine couple or syzygy and represents wholeness, unification, and completion.

How we perceive the world results from what we experience, our way of life, and how we are brought up. According to Jung, these three teach us what an ideal person should be like. He also believed that gender identities and the development of sex roles resulted from social influence and physiological changes. The encouragement in many cultures to adopt the traditional gender roles among men and women and exercise rigidity to anything contrary has undermined psychological development.

The personal unconscious has experiences with brothers, husbands, and boyfriends that contribute to a man’s image. In contrast, the collective unconscious contains information and notions on how men are supposed to behave, and the same applies to women. This archetype represents not what we present to others but who we are and acts as a principal source of communication with the personal and collective unconscious.

  1. The Self

This archetype is a result of merging the unconscious and conscious states with the ego. Here, you cannot find two similar personalities, everyone is unique, and their unique experiences in life help shape their individuality. This archetype is often referred to as mandala, square, or circle.

Other archetypes

The Jungian archetypes are not only limited to the four that have been mentioned above. There is no fixed number of archetypes in existence. These archetypes can combine, overlap, and intermingle to form more archetypes. According to Jung, the four main archetypes can combine to give rise to the following 12 archetypical images or figures.

      • Explorer
      • Rebel
      • Hero
      • Wizard
      • Lover
      • Caregiver
      • Sage
      • Innocent
      • Jester
      • Creator/artist
      • Everyman
      • Ruler

These 12 archetypical figures can be divided into four depending on their orientation and what they seek to realize. The ego type wants to impact the world and leave a mark; the freedom type desires paradise; the social type seeks to connect with other people; the order type yearns to provide or create structure in the world.

Paul Wagner’s Personality Cards: An Extension of Carl Jung

Each person is unique; there is no replica of you anywhere else in the world, even with the belief that you have almost seven replicas. That being said, we all cannot identify with these 12 archetypical figures. The personality cards by Paul Wagner have 78 personality cards that aim at inspiring people divinely in relationships, life, and matters of love. These cards help one not only discover their personalities but also act as a guide to help people navigate issues like forgiveness and other situations. Each card has a symbolic image that is unique to a person. These cards are an extension of Carl Jung’s archetypes; they include;

  • The Heart collector, the Family Fable, the Softie, the Transparent, the Innocent Rascal, the Disconnected, the Feral Storm, the Squeeze, the Contradictor, the Mystic, the Disruptor, the Conscious Twist, the Interrupter, the Whimsical, the Small stepper, the Cowboy, the Bull Rider, the Naïve, the Electricity, the Calculated, the Seeking Solace, the Skater, the Copycat, the Comedian, the Cuddler, the Serpentine, the Two Minds, the Indifferent, the Mosaic, the Regurgitator, the Fearless, The Partial Truth, the Coiled, the Frail, the Observer, the Lover, the Little Devil, the Bumble Bee.
  • The Empty Space, the Forgetful, the Feeler, the Rekindled, the Once-enchanted, the Harness, the Grouch, the Networker, the Awakened, the Disconnected, the Unattached, the Do-gooder, the Righteous Beast, the Yearning, the Wanderer, the King, the Jester, the Influencer, the Incredulous, the Noble, the Hermit, the Money, the Verge, the Repeater, the Socializer, the Outrageous, the Shifter, the Untouchable, the Floating, the Judge, the Healer, the Dogmatist, the Hedonist, the Menace, the Yesterday, the Asserter, the Respite, the Silent, the Facilitator, the Enticer, the Covert.

A look into these cards will help you discover yourself and how to navigate your relationships with others. The messages at the back of the card give a simple reading into the personality the card identifies with. Which ones resonate most with you?

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner is an Intuitive Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE