How to Make the World A Lovelier Place

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How to Make the World Lovelier

You are the embodiment of love and light.

Your heart is far bigger and far more expressive than you might realize.

You have stardust in your bones. You’re on a rock that’s spinning thousands of miles an hour, and somehow you have a refrigerator, phone, and loved ones.

If you’re looking to make the world lovelier, that’s just amazing. Let’s explore how!


It might be challenging to stay positive when bombarded by news, gossip, and social media. It’s time to take a deep breath! Exhale the negativity. Infuse your mindset with warm and positive light. Want to make the world lovelier? YOU GOT THIS!

To fully embrace your depth of light and love, decide to help the world become a lovelier place to live, both for yourself and those around you!

Are you having difficulty digging yourself out of a rut and don’t know where to begin?

Looking to shed layers of ego and self-abuse so you can feel and affirm your value and divine gifts?

This list will help you nurture and server the world. Every time you roll out of bed, commit to at least one of these things – and you’ll become an even brighter beacon of light.

2. Share Your Positivity to Others

Positivity is contagious! If you encounter other people today, whether they are friends, family, or strangers, you can be sure that they need a positivity boost.

Intentionally share your positive energy and outlook with them by helping them see things in a better light.

Happily share your warm, loving presence.

Whether it’s a hug, a phrase, or just a sweet smile, we always have the ability to add goodness and make the world lovelier with incredible power. 

3. Learn To Listen With Empathy

Are some of the people around you in the middle of a chaotic or challenging situation? Is someone you know hurt, confused, or frustrated? If you love them, do you feel you can help them by lending an ear?

If you can, lend these loved-ones a few minutes out of your day. Listen to them with your heart and help them approach their feelings from a new perspective.

Your loving attention can be life-changing for them. When you help and pray for others, the Universe does the same for us.

For an extra spiritual boon, try to inspire them to pray, meditate, or forgive someone near and dear to them. 

4. Nurture Yourself So You Can Be A Vibrant Light

When we heal ourselves, we send healing vibrations out to the entire Cosmos. Even a subtle shift in our mind and heart can inspire other Living Beings throughout All The Worlds to do the same.

When you deepen or self-acknowledge, you open doors for every soul to transform and transcend their challenges and ego into bright bursts of light.

If you’re finding it challenging to share your goodness with others, you might need a positivity boost, spiritual ceremony, or healing ritual. You might just need to journal and cry. 

Evaluating and attending your own needs first means that you want to practice what you preach. Start your day with prayer and meditation so that you can align your spirit with love and expand yourself.

For many, routines and rituals are wonderful ways to re-establish our balance and peacefulness. If you love rituals, check out my Free Resources pages. You’ll find ancient ceremonies, lovely prayers, and encouragement that you might find helpful during times of change and transition. You might also consider using my Personality Cards – they’re wonderful for all sorts of spiritual work and rituals – they’re far more powerful and precise and self-advancing than tarot. 

Spiritual renewal will come from identifying the negative forces and experiences in our lives and ourselves, then setting goals and courses for change that will help us rebirth. 

After you heal yourself, and own and embody your love and light, you will become effulgent in the light. Doing so, you’ll regularly offer your love and gifts to others without even thinking about it. 

5. Practice Forgiveness

For many people, forgiveness is a mystery. In many religions, it’s become a cliche catch-phrase that most people don’t truly understand.

You can forget someone, but truly forgiving someone requires some effort. To start, open your heart and owning every lesson that you needed to learn from that person or event. Once you own all of your part in these experiences and relationships, you can begin to grow. With a little growth, you can more easily release what you feel is an infringement on you and your life.

Forgiveness is acknowledging that you are a Divine Being and that no one is responsible for your happiness. You are the only one in every intersection. There is no OTHER.

When we fuel our negativity and hold grudges, we are delaying our personal growth and spiritual expansion. When we identify as a victim, we are telling God, “hey, you fucked up.” God did not fuck up. You had an experience and you are denying the deeper lessons and holding onto the past.

The past does not exist. It’s a canceled check. It’s gone.

You cannot resurrect the past.

Since everything has changed, why have you not changed?

The most advanced path to world peace and love is learning forgiveness and practicing it in our daily lives. Forgiveness is the key to making the world a lovelier place for ourselves and humanity.

The Steps To Forgiveness

One: Acknowledge the real-world cost of the experience and your pain.

Two: Own your challenges and shortcomings.

Three: Acknowledge what you need to learn.

Four: Accept those who harmed us as perfect.

Five: Accept that our experiences as perfect.

Six: Ask God/Universe/Divine-Mother to awaken us to our own power to become whole.

Seven: Allow yourself to feel into the pain until it’s unbearable. Notice the pain the body and related pains in your heart, nerves, and mind.

Eight: Accept this pain, own it, love it, and honor it. Speak it’s name. Shout to heavens and celebrate its existence. This is your doorway to transcendence.

Nine: Now – release it all – again and again and again – release ALL OF IT.

Ten: If you have not struck a chord aligned with forgiveness, begin this process again – and repeat it until you arrive at forgiveness.

Take the time to sit with yourself and go through this process being fully vulnerable and open.  

If you’re struggling to find yourself, release your pain, and establish a deep personal peacefulness, I have many tools to share! Check out my wonderful Personality Cards, which can help you assess your life, relationships, career, and more – and help you better respond to your desires, emotions, and core Self!

6. Offer Healing And Selfless Gifts

Is there someone specific in your life right now who is experiencing spiritual and emotional turmoil? As a loving friend, I bet they would love your support. A great way to help others is to surprise them with healing gifts!

Are they in need of spiritual renewal and self-discovery? There are tons of gift choices, big and small, which can help them on this journey. You might consider gifting them crystals, chakra energy jewelry, self-care gift baskets, or even self-development courses. And there’s always my beautiful Personality Cards!

If they’re more receptive to self-help books, gift them a set of self-renewal and spirituality books like The Power Of Now or A Course In Miracles. You can find some lovely spiritually healing books by Amma at

If they’re looking to get more in touch with their mystical self, you can offer them courses in intuition, rituals, and tarot readings

You can also gift someone a massage or you can be their masseuse!

7. Do Favors & Perform Small Acts of Kindness

While the former recommendations require forethought, more extended periods of effort, and sometimes money, there are many quick, easy, and free ways to improve the world. There are millions of opportunities every day to do the little things that make a huge difference, even if you never leave the house!

Acts of kindness, and every other altruistic and self-developing practice, require a layer of sacrifice. All kinds of belief systems, religions, and lifestyles rely on selfless service as a way to clear the heart, align one’s spirit with love & light, and truly help others.

What can you do today to share your time and energy in service to others?

Is it someone’s birthday that you haven’t spoken to in a while? Send them an email or text message, and consider striking up a conversation to learn about how they’re doing.

Is there someone that seems lonely, bored, or in need of friendship? Set up a meet over coffee, food, or some other mutual activity that they can look forward to and enjoy.

Do you notice someone that usually gets left out or ignored? Go out of your way to throw them a party on a special day, invite them to events, and engage them in conversation regularly.

Buy a drink or pay for the groceries for the person behind you.

Endeavor to pick up something when dropped by another.

Tell a stranger that God loves them.

When you like someone’s outfit or hair, share the compliment aloud. 

At the very least, show a smile! Smiling is proven to be contagious and uplifting for our moods, even if it’s intentional or forced! Smiling is the most significant small act of kindness you can offer. It can truly make the world a lovelier place to be.

8. Share Some Love When Traveling

When we travel, even if only to a restaurant, store, or to grab a quick bite, there are multitudes of things we can do to improve the conditions and feelings of others. Try a few of these on for size:

Give a humungous tip to someone who appears a little sad or broken – or who is working hard.

Carry small gifts in your car to share with others, a box of Kleenex packets, crayons, and chocolates. When you see someone like a fast-food check-out person who looks a little grumpy, give them a gift!

Carry used clothes, bottles of water, and single dollar bills in your car just in case you see a homeless person who needs some love.

When staying in a hotel, remember to leave at least a $5 tip for each night you stayed in the hotel – and add a loving note to brighten someone’s day! You might even clean the room a little bit by prepping your sheets and towels in easily portable piles. You might also pour all of the trash buckets into one bucket and place it near the door.

Buy a stranger a meal by giving the server some cash. This way they cannot find you to return the favor – which makes it part of the fun.

Help others at airports, especially in security lines! Take your time, make sure those around you know what they’re doing. Ask if you can help them. When you move through the machines, tell the security personnel that you appreciate them.

Clean up public bathrooms to make it more palatable for others. I always wipe off toilet seats and pick up the trash on the floor so that others might feel less uncomfortable when entering.

If you’re feeling naughty, write a little graffiti on the bathroom wall, like, I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! AND SO DOES GOD! You can also remove the paintings in hotel rooms and write loving messages on the back. Yes, these things are naughty, but they’re loving and fun!

Make eye contact with everyone you meet, especially those who are clearly working their butts off.

You can check out my article on loving travel tips, too!

Truly, you are the embodiment of God’s love. The more you acknowledge this and fully own it, the more love and light you can spread to the world.


Want to make the world lovelier? REMEMBER!

You are a beautiful Living Being filled with light and love, born from stardust. You are unlimited potential in every direction. With a focus on discipline, virtue, and your own goodness, you can become as expanded and liberated as you desire. Pray for others and the Universe prays for us. 

I love to serve others and make the world lovelier. Learn about my services and let me know if I can help you. It’s always an honor to serve kind, honorable, and loving people like you.

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