How I Used Intuitive Coaches, Tarot Readers, Mystics, and Psychics to Heal My Life

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We all experience dark moments in our lives, when we just can’t see a future for ourselves. Intuitive coaches, tarot readers, mystics and psychics can have a helpful hand at these times. A psychic or intuitive is someone who has the ability to sense things that others may not be able to see. They can help you find meaning in your life, understand difficult situations and even predict the future based on their special gifts.

These intuitives aren’t fortune tellers but rather people who are tuned into their intuitive abilities, sensing things about you that others might not be able to see. These people have an innate ability to read energy and circumstances and offer guidance based on what they sense from you or see in the cards, tarot or other tools they use in their practice.

Why You Might Need an Intuitive Reading

A reading with an intuitive can help you to see your life from a different perspective and gain insight about your life path, relationships, health, and financial situations. You may come to an intuitive for help with any of the following: – Understanding a difficult situation in your life – such as a break-up, death in the family, chronic illness, or the stressful times that come with the death of a job. – Finding your life purpose, your strengths and weaknesses and how those connect to your life path. – Understanding the dynamics of a difficult relationship – such as a parent/child, spousal or friend relationship and how to heal and find peace in it. – To find closure in a traumatic situation you’ve been unable to come to terms with. – To find financial stability and security. – To understand the meaning behind recurring dreams.

How Intuitive Coaches, Tarot Readers and Psychics Can Help

Intuitive coaches, tarot readers and psychics can help with the above issues by providing insights from their intuitive abilities, knowledge and experience in their fields. They can help you understand your strengths and weaknesses and offer strategies to overcome challenges in your life. They can help you find your life path and purpose by listening to you and understanding your situation. They can help you understand the dynamics of relationships, whether platonic or romantic, by putting themselves in your shoes and helping you find solutions. They can help you find closure to traumatic situations by helping you understand the reasons behind them and how they affect you. They can help you understand the meaning behind recurring dreams and help you discover their hidden meaning and what you need to learn from them.

Choosing the Right Intuitive for You

When choosing an intuitive for a reading, there are some things to keep in mind. First, find out if the intuitive is certified or trained. There are many people who call themselves intuitives, but who haven’t been trained and don’t have a real ability to sense things. Make sure the person is ethical and doesn’t guarantee a particular outcome and doesn’t use their gift to manipulate you. You should feel comfortable with the person and their method of reading; find an intuitive who uses a method that resonates with you. Find out if they specialize in one area of life such as relationships, finances, career, health and so on. If you have more than one issue that you want insight on, it’s a good idea to go to different intuitives.

Psychic Readers and Intuitive Coaches

Psychic readers and intuitive coaches are similar in that they are both intuitives; the difference is the way they use their abilities. Psychic readers will use a deck of cards or other tools to assist them in their readings and can communicate with spirits. Intuitive coaches use their intuition and can help you in your current life situation, but don’t communicate with spirits.

Tarot Readers and Mystics

The difference between tarot readers and mystics is the tool used. Tarot readers use tarot cards as their tool, while mystics use a form of meditation.

Types Of Advice From Clairsentients

Clairsentients are people who can sense the energy of people, places and objects. They can often see a person’s aura and the energy fields around them. Clairvoyants can also see other people’s energy fields and auras, and can also see into the past or future. When you consult a clairsentient, you can expect them to use their abilities to help you in one or more of the following ways: – They can help you to understand what is going on in your life right now, and what you need to do next. – They can help you to see where you came from and what your past experiences have taught you. – They can help you to understand people around you, and how their past and present experiences affect their lives and relationships with you. – They can help you to understand your relationship with yourself, with others and with the world around you. – They can help you to see what lies ahead for you in life, and what you can do to create the future you desire.

Tarot And Oracle Cards To Help You Heal, Forgive, And Evolve

Tarot and oracle cards can help you to heal, forgive and evolve. They can help you understand the root cause of a difficult situation or relationship and help you forgive the person or situation. They can also help you to find your life path and purpose, your strengths and weaknesses and how those connect to your life path. They can help you to understand the dynamics of a difficult relationship, such as a parent/child, spousal or friend relationship and how to heal and find peace in it. They can help you to find closure in a traumatic situation you’ve been unable to come to terms with. They can help you to find financial stability and security. They can also help you understand the meaning behind recurring dreams.

Final Thoughts

Just like we take care of our bodies, minds and souls, so too do we need to take care of our spirits from time to time. And when we are not feeling our best, it is important to reach out for help, because every single person has their own challenges to deal with in life. An intuitive reading can help you to find clarity and come to terms with the circumstances in your life. You may seek an intuitive reading for yourself or for someone in your life who may benefit from one. Make sure you choose the right intuitive for you and that you are comfortable with their method of reading.

Meet Paul Wagner

Paul Wagner is an Intuitive Life & Business Coach, clairvoyant reader, and a five-time EMMY Award-winning writer. He created “THE PERSONALITY CARDS,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love, and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered keynotes at Her worldwide events.

Paul tours the world lecturing on spiritual liberation. He lovingly offers intuitive readings, inspirational coaching, and illuminating courses to help others with self-discovery, decision-making, healing, and forgiveness. Book a session with Paul: HERE

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